The rights conservatives believe are inalienable and granted to all living humans by our Creator are subjective concepts.

in democrat •  11 months ago 


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well I suppose life is objective but the right to it is the subjective idea that you own your life, that your neighbors don't nor the State nor your employer.

The rights democrats claim as inviolable are simply material things that can be achieved by working and paying for them. Medical care, education, housing, a living wage and so forth.

I contend simply waking up as a cognizant human being gives you the right to NONE of those things. After all, if they can be purchased they're a product and someone had to work to put them on the market and if the State is GIVING them to you someone ELSE is having to pay for them just so you can have them.

On the other hand, finding yourself as a living human being should at least give you the right to work at the occupation of continuing to live without being bound and to seek fulfilment. Life. Liberty. The pursuit of happiness. Our founders recognized this and wrote a document preventing the government from intruding on those rights. Democrats want to tear this document up and violate those rights by offering stuff to potential voters the rest of us must work for. They pretend it's about humanitarianism and in reality it's simply buying votes.

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