The whole progressive/media complex is comprised of megalomaniacal sociopaths.

in democrats •  3 years ago 


Remember how, for two whole years, the democrats and the media teamed up to ram down our throats the idea of Russian collusion with Trump when there wasn't a lick of truth to it?

When you have no pangs of corrective conscience, no shame, and no capacity for remorse, and when it's primarily about winning by any means possible, you are not just a bad person, you're a sociopath.

When you understand why virtually not one of them dissented from the false narrative then nor will even acknowledge it was all lies now, you realize the whole progressive/media complex is comprised of megalomaniacal sociopaths.

Some, probably like Kimmell, are just interested in their own career success, so they just do as they're told (like many, if not most, democrat voters), but they're still conspiring with madmen.

What's even worse is that many of them believe they are on the side of angels. They wish to believe it is true more than they care whether it is a lie true because the former makes for a better career path, and the latter would mean indicting their partners in crime.

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