This is why Democrats win elections.

in democrats •  8 months ago 


They have caused the disintegration of the downtowns of the 13 largest cities, the worst crime stats by state, city, county, zip code, and area code, the falsification of murder statistics, Defund the Police, the open border, and massive election cheating while gaslighting and claiming “No cheating”.

On this last point, all these 3rd worlders being incentived to cross the Mexico “border” that does not really meet any real definition of a border are given mobile phones.

What’s on the phone? Bribes, bribes and more bribes, and an app to join the Democratic Party and to register to vote.

All illegal. All people involved should be arrested and on trial. Cheating in the 2024 election.

But Democrats keep getting elected.


Single and divorced women vote for Democrats 2 to 1 while majorities of married men, happily married women, and single men vote Republican.

Why do single and divorced American women open the door to 10 million criminals and indisputably higher crime rates?

Because Democrat-appointed divorce courts and family courts consistently deliver

  1. The world highest and most gender imbalanced ALIMONY.
  2. The world’s most imbalanced gender imbalanced CHILD CUSTODY.
  3. The world’s highest CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS.

In the USA a woman can initiate 70-90% of divorces, get custody 80-95% of the time, get alimony even when she makes more than the former husband, and get the kids all the time and thus make the grieving father pay the most while seeing kids the least.

These gender discrimination policies are why Democrats win: they help American women disproportionately incentivized to attack and fleece American men.

I am not saying this because I have suffered from these policies. I say it based on hundreds of hours of research into how and why Democrats win even though they create no go crime zones at the heart of every city they are in charge of.

If you don’t agree, tell me what D run city you would walk across as a single woman at night.

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