Follow Me to the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen - Auf zur kleinen Meerjungfrau in Kopenhagen, kommt mit!

in denmark •  7 years ago 

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Hey guys! Copenhagen has so many landmarks in the city, one of it is the little mermaid, which can be admired on the waterfront near the port "Nyhavn". The small bronze figure has become the Danish national symbol. Every day, tourists from all over the world are visiting the little mermaid in Copenhagen!

I think some of you know that "The Little Mermaid" was written by the Danish storyteller "Hans Christina Andersen". The fairy tale is about six daughters of the Oceanking down in the sea. However, one of them is different from her five sisters because she was blessed with a special beauty and also had the most beautiful voice compared to her siblings. Her biggest dream was to leave the sea. At the age of fifteen, her wish was fulfilled, and the stormy sea gave her a young prince into her arms. In the water she saved him, at the same time she felt in love with him and the desire to marry him got bigger. The sea witch is negotiating a deal with her and said that she could could go ashore but she have to give away her beautiful voice in return. The little mermaid said yes to the deal and got two human legs. But if the prince should take another woman, then she will turn into sea foam. The wish came true, but the little mermaid could no longer enthrall her prince with her singing and therefore she danced around him. Unfortunately, the prince decided to marry another woman and the little mermaid became sea foam. No happy ending!

I was on my way from "Nyhavn" to meet the little mermaid statue ...

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Here she is... The little mermaid is 125 cm high, was designed by Edvard Eriksen and she is famous as the smallest landmark in the world!

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Ahhhhh ...the tourists are coming ^^

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Next to the little mermaid I noticed a water plane, I got to know that this kind of waterplanes are taking passengeres from Copenhagen to another danish city that is called "Århus"

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Advertising for waterplanes

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Pretty cool travel idea ^^

Wish you all a nice Thursday - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German

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Hallo Ihr Lieben! Kopenhagen hat so einige Wahrzeichen in der Stadt, eins davon ist die kleine Meerjungfrau, die man an der Uferpromenade in der Nähe des Hafens „Nyhavn“ bestaunen kann. Die kleine Bronzefigur ist zum dänischen Nationalsymbol geworden. Die kleine Meerjungfrau hat tagtäglich Touristen aus aller Welt zu Besuch.

Ich denke einige von euch werden wissen, dass „Die kleine Meerjungfrau“ vom dänischen Märchenerzähler „Hans Christina Andersen“ geschrieben wurde. Im Märchen geht es um sechs Töchter des Meeeskönigs tief unten im Meer. Eine von Ihnen ist jedoch anders als ihre fünf Schwestern, denn sie wurde mit einer besonderen Schönheit gesegnet und hatte im Vergleich zu Ihren Geschwistern auch die schönste Stimme. Ihr grösster Traum war es einmal das Meer zu verlassen. Mit 15 Jahren wurde ihr Wunsch erfüllt, hinzu spülte die stürmische See ihr einen jungen Prinzen in die Arme. Im Wasser rettet sie ihn, gleichzeitig verspürt sie Liebe zu ihm und der Wunsch ihn zu heiraten wird grösser. Die Meereshexe handelt ein Deal mit der kleinen Meerjungfrau aus, und zwar damit sie an Land gehen könne müsste sie ihre schöne Stimme abgeben und im Gegenzug bekommt die kleine Meerjungfrau zwei Beine. Sollte jedoch der Prinz eine andere zur Frau nehmen, dann verwandele sie sich in Meeresschaum. Der Wunsch ging in Erfüllung, jedoch konnte die kleine Meerjungfrau ihren Prinzen nicht mehr mit ihrem Gesang betören und tanzte deswegen um ihn herum. Leider entschied sich der Prinz eine andere Frau zu heiraten und die kleine Meerjungfrau wurde zu Meeresschaum. Kein Happy End!

Ich machte mich nun auf dem Weg von "Nyhavn" zur kleinen Meerjungfrau ...

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Da ist sie ja :) ... Die kleine Meerjungfrau ist 125 cm hoch, wurde von Edvard Eriksen entworfen und ist als kleinstes Wahrzeichen auf der Welt berühmt!

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Ahhhhh ...die Touris kommen ^^

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Gleich neben der Statue entdeckte ich ein Wasserflugzeug. Ich erfuhr, dass diese Wasserflugzeuge ihre Passagiere von Kopenhagen nach Århus in Dänemark transportieren

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Werbung für Wasserflugzeuge

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Eine ziemlich coole Reisemöglichkeit ^^

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Donnerstag - Bis bald und nen dicken Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3

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Copenhagen looks to be a beautiful city!

I agree :) !!

I'm always following you but I wish If I meet you and traveling together

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hy @lenatramper
this is an awesome story of mermaid and her prince. I would love to read the novel. thanks for sharing the beautifully story of Denmark.

hehe thanks, I read it when I was a litte child :)

hahaha. I am late. thanks

Copenhagen isa wonderfull city.alots of landmark stayed this place..this aroplane,ship,alots of man standing sea beach.really you capute very best photography all things. absolutely high thought quality of you..always giving best wonderfull place post in your blog..i hope you enjoy your day this excellent place.just dear friend.. @lenatramper very well done happy nice day..

Thank you very much for your long and kind comment!

Sehr cooler Beitrag! Upvote & Follow!

Danke dir!

Thanks for your share, I like it

I am happy that you like it!

Have a fun day @lenatramper

Thanks :)

Have you a good days always @lenatramper

Thank you very much!

wow .....
nice recreation place,
I like @lenatramper

Thanks :)

All the country's many fairy tales about mermaids, interesting stories, fun trips

Thanks a lot !!

Good post @lenatramper


A beautiful place my friend thanks for sharing

Thanks a lot!!

Both my friends and thank you also for upvote his friend

I will always follow your journey, because I am impressed with your beauty and courage.

Thank you very much dear!

yes dear, hope you are always successful yes.

Delicious @lenatramper can travel around the world

The world is still tooooo big :D

Leider ist die Plastik auf dem Felsen fest verankert. Ansonsten hättest du dort für einen Schnappschuss Platz nehmen können. Man hätte dich durchaus mit dem Fräulein aus Metall verwechseln können. Sozusagen als verbesserte Version 2.0.

hahaah das nächste mal schmeiss ich die Figur einfach um, hoffe nur auf ein Bussgeld und pflanz mich drauf :P und wehe du bist nicht dabei ^^LG Lena

Aaaah sehr gut! Es gibt jetzt einige Interpretationsmöglichkeiten. :) Wundervoll. Ich konnte schmunzeln. Danke @freiheit50!

in Århus war ich schon :D leider noch nicht in Kopenhagen :/ naj vielleicht wirds ja mal was :)

Århus und Kopenhagen beides sehenswert und ziemlich cool :)

Am liebsten gleich ins Flugzeug reinsetzen und abheben

hehe :)

Conguralation post @lenatramper


Wow, nice post and recreational place to sit and enjoy with friends and family. You did a good job sharing this with us@lenatramper.
Steem your way to glory and greatness!

hehe thanks a lot!

Yea, you are welcome.

Hi denmark.


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really Copenhagen Beautiful City One Day Visit the City. This place is So Peaceful and i am really Enjoy it. Thanks For Sharing 😊

Thanks a lot I am happy you could enjoy my post :)

hay... best. i like

Thanks, I am happy you like it!

I always follow your travel @lenatramper. I like your photo shoot. You’re the best traveller.

Great thanks a lot for your kind words!

Beautiful attitude....
thanks for share..

Thank you :)

You look very beautiful, I love you.

Thank you !

the city that good. beautiful scenery. hopefully a good day @lenatramper

Thanks a lot

kopenhagen is a very beautiful city and the atmosphere was very suitable for us traveling @lenatramper .. hopefully this holiday is fun and welcome to the destination

Thanks a lot, yeah Copenhagen is really worth to visit!

Great post as always, I did travel a lot but need to see much more in Europe, thanks for sharing

hehe thats cool! And Europe is also a fine destination :)

a very beautiful place, you have fun friends

Thanks a lot!

very interesting


the mermaid legends are very touching.
there are so many mermaid legends in this world, maybe they used to exist,
By the way, is the plane landing or just sailing like a bot? good job @lenatramper

Who know maybe they still exist :) ...The plane is sailing like a boat , thanks!!

A fun trip friends, thanks for sharing

Thanks a lot, great you like it!

the little mermaid and hans christian andersen, a story that will live forever

thats so true

Beutiful city dear @lenatramper
really amazing

Thanks a lot :)

I never read before that story.Good posting @lenatrampers. you present like windows of the science cultures.

Thanks and glad you like it :)

the information that is very good friends successful continue and photography very beautiful

thanks a lot , I am happy about the comment you wrote :)

do you also like to watch little mermaid movie? fun movies :)

no I just read it :) but maybe I should!


photo selfie very beautiful, who saw would say very nice with the beauty of sea and nice monument, on the beach, thank for sharing @lenatramper, @jhoni like all post lena.😊👍♡

Thanks a lot!! I am happy you like my post!

Amazing @lenatramper

Thanks :)

I love travel.thanks for travel history your post, I all time with u @ja-jobayer

Thank you very much!

nice shots! and that little mermaid looks really beautiful from certain distance. I wonder how it looks up close.

Water planes, hell yeh!

there were too many people around to make a very close pic of her :( thanks for reading !!