Episode 1075

in depopulation •  last year 

Full Metal Ox Day 1010
Renaissance Year Episode 1075


We truly "hope" (an emotion we access sparingly) that we do not have to decode today's title track. "Confessions of New Jack Antivaxxer" was both too long and too obvious, and enhances the target already painted on these channels. The only reason we possibly get away with "free speech" is because our channel is small and has a narrow reach.
"How I Became An Antivaxxer" is another discarded candidate. "Radicalized by Lies" came to mind. I'll keep it in the box for a future rantcast.
If you got it without being taken by the hand, you're one of us. Subscribe now and stay in touch. If you're just figuring it out, subscribe now. There's more illumination to come. If you're still in denial, go get your next booster, you're probably due.
Just checked the world population clock, 8.076 billion on Earth. I'm fact checking it now.
I used to believe these numbers without question. No more.
I can remember telling a friend, 'despite all the wars, genocides and pandemics, the population keeps growing.' Unless they're lying to us. They lie about everything else. Six million here, ten million there, pretty soon you're taking about real numbers. Global pop has more than doubled since I came to life. I still believe that there's a global depopulation agenda, however, I've come up with a few possibilities. 1) The THEY are very bad at massive murder. Genocide, maybe, but population control, not so much. 2) The globopop numbers are lies and they're depopulating even as the algorithms show growth. 3) Humans are very difficult to kill. We discuss in the deep episode.
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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently preparing for the winter bulking season. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.

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