Uphill battle for Johnny Depp but I'm siding with him.

in depp •  2 years ago 


I'm a person who is hugely into movies and that generally means that I don't give a shit about the personal lives of celebrities. Most people that I've met on my side of the camera want to create great art, put in their sixteen hour days, and go home and go to sleep for a couple of hours before we repeat.

Despite that, the Johnny Depp thing has grabbed my attention and there's a reason for that that I don't particularly like talking about.

My longest relationship ended with her engaging in some extracurricular fucking while I was looking at engagement rings. When a friend of mine went through a similar break-up several months later and called me for advice, I told her to talk. If a relationship lasts for several years you're bound to have a lot of mutual friends and those people will probably believe the first person to open his or her mouth. I made the mistake of keeping quiet and trying to keep all of the pain and the lurid details to myself. It wasn't until I found out that my ex was moving in with the guy she'd been fornicating with for months before the break-up that I officially cut her out of my life; it was at that point that a lot of people came out of the woodwork to wag their fingers at me for stuff that she claimed that I did that were false or embellished. I didn't want that to happen to my friend. It's a glitch in humanity that we tend to believe what we hear first.

I'm under no delusion that I was a perfect boyfriend in any of my relationships. If my girlfriend wanted to dump me and give reasons, she could have told the truth and produced some viable reasons. She just needed to lie about me because of how she chose to end it. If you're gonna rip a person's heart out and repeatedly stomp on it, you've gotta make that person out to be a monster to prove to yourself and others that you're still a good person.

My ex was never the psycho that Amber Heard is alleged to have been; but, that just makes me sympathize more with Depp. There were times during my breakup when I'd be walking down the street, see a bus coming, and think, "It wouldn't be that big a deal if I tripped into the street and it hit me." Depp was the quiet one during the breakup, as I was. Depp was likely imperfect but not as bad as Heard. The reports of how Depp responded to the fights sound a lot like how I respond to fights with significant others. Still, Amber Heard spoke first. She put her side of the story out there for the whole world while Depp kept quiet and now Depp is fighting the uphill battle.

To a much lesser extent, I made the same mistake. I didn't talk. I didn't share my side of the story when she did.

Again, I don't think that Depp will win the defamation suit due to the massive burden that plaintiffs have in the USA. He's won with me already in that it seems clear that his biggest mistake was taking the high road and trying to keep his private life private.

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