Derailed or Nailed It: Just a Little Life Stuff, Volume One

in derailedornailedit •  7 years ago 

HEY. Hi! Hello!

Long time no see, guys!

Listen, yeah, I've been inconsistent and, until I can get to a school computer, I won't have the loading speeds to scroll back multiple days and catch up on everyone's posts, but I so miss Steemit. I miss all of you! Dangit. It's only been six days but, for me, that's insane. So! To make up for it, here's a random post about why I haven't been posting, some personal stuff (and personal stuff I won't share??) and ultimately what you have to look forward to from me in the near-future.

Derailed or Nailed It: Volume One

I actually own this one. Lolz. For reasons I can't divulge, this deals a lot with this post. Ugh, I'm cryptic, aren't I?

Dang. This probably won't be a series, but just in case, I numbered this sucker.

Okay, so, I finished my Write Club story, in case you were wondering. It's for @johnkingwriter's prompt "Intimidation" (that's the short hand version) and it's about paranormal investigators. I think it's scary, it's brutal, and it's had an effect on my mental health. Kinda like what The Screwtape Letters did to C.S. Lewis. By the way, if you haven't read that, do it. It's dope and C.S. Lewis is a genius.

This past weekend, I housesat for a friend from church. All the ladies were going to "Ladies Conference," and stupid me agreed to a no-pay-friendly-house-sitting-thing for someone who's house is fifteen minutes further from my school. On top of that, I'm allergic to their dogs, so gross.

Here's an impromptu poem about the experience:

Mexicans bang the walls through the night,
Duplexes suck, and so do
Over-enthusiastic half-Chihuahuas. Ghosts and
Friends (the show, not the plurality of familiarity).
I hate myself but I
love life. I'm so easy but yet,
God's back.

Yeah, besides all that stuff, she left me a gallon of tea in her fridge, so that was chill.

I officially stated on my Facebook that my Cat Pun album would be out by May. Or during May. Which is hilarious because I'm also going to Germany in May, so it'll have to be early May, and orders might be late for folks unless I release it, well, really early. All the songs are recorded and I met with Keno Nifty multiple times by now, so we'll record soon (hopefully some time this week) and, yeah. I'm doing two versions because A) Censorship and B) I'll go more into that at a later time maybe.

Should I do vinyl for it? Would you buy it? Let me know. I'd have to raise money, but yeah.

I met a comic book guy last weekend. I also saw him again this weekend. Well, I met two, but one was more, what, impressionable? His name is Matt and he does comics as an exercise of sobriety. His main book is called the "Amazing Alleyway Avenger" (AAA) and is pretty amazing. He's all into DIY and wants more people to make stuff, so, like, make stuff. Matt would be proud.

There's a big thing that went down this weekend but I don't feel at liberty to talk about it. Not yet, anyways. Maybe I will someday. But it was life changing and really fixed a lot of things and it may have been a bad idea, but I'm ready to spin it into something amazing. Again, can't mention it now, but it'll come through sometime.

I have poems and stories and songs to share, and you'll get them, but for now, I just wanted to unload. I'm always making "escapes," but sometimes looking life down its mouth is insane and useful. Like me! So thanks for sticking around and reading.

I may quit one of my jobs due to animal abuse.

I'm singing for a wedding in June!

I'm learning German.

And I'm actually fine.

Thanks for listening, and God bless. <3

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I always love reading your stream-of-consciousness posts, @calellailmusik. You have so much going on, and it sounds like you are in a highly creative space. Good luck with your recording! I can’t help advise on the vinyl question, and wouldn’t have a way to play it, but I grew up with vinyl and am thrilled that it’s having a come-back. How cool that you’re learning German and going to Germany!

I can’t wait to read your Write Club story! It sounds sinister and crazy. Believe it or not, mine deals with the paranormal too. This is going to be a fun and frightening session!

Thank you for, like, all of that! Yeah, vinyl is super cool, but it's a little expensive to press. Listening to records is, like, one of my favorite things!

I think this session has a lot of fear, paranormality, and despair (Jordan's words) going on. Woot!

I am afraid to read both of yours!

He said despair, but yeah, this may be as dark (if not darker than) "Et j'adore ca," but not nearly as, um, profane? Sexy? Whatever word you want there :P

Glad to see you are back to posting when you can!

Thanks! Glad to see you're still reading! :P