The Ultimate Detox Guide- 3 Levels for Everyone's Success

in detox •  8 years ago 

Why Detox?

Unfortunately today, even with a healthy lifestyle, toxins are lurking on almost every corner. Common places they are hiding-- the foods we eat (food colorings, flavorings, preservatives etc.), the products we use on our bodies or clean our house with, the air we breathe, even in our drinking water where metals and traces of prescription medicines lie. Fortunately, through detox, we are able to support the body's systems through diet and natural remedies which increase the elimination of these toxins enabling us to function at our optimum level. This Ultimate Detox Guide has 3 levels designed to meet you where you are today. It is the perfect tool to help you cleanse your body and ultimately increase your vitality!

I want to detox but I am not sure where to start?

Detoxing can be a complicated and sometimes a labor intensive practice. However, with the right tools, you can begin to eliminate toxic chemicals from your body today. Below you will find a guide which has 3 levels of detox for you to choose from based on your resources, time and overall commit.

LEVEL 1 Beginners (1/2 way committed)

Focus- Heavy Metal & Parasite/Harmful Organism

Organs- Large Intestine

Other benefits- Muscles, Tendons, Fibers, Skin

Duration- 10-30 days

Supplies- Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade, Filtered water

Diatomaceous Earth Detox powder

The Practice:

Every morning and evening drink 1 serving of Diatomaceous Earth mixed with 1 cup of water. Start out small, usually with 1/4 teaspoon and build up to as large as 2 tablespoons depending on how your body responds (see notes below).

How it works:

Diatomaceous earth is a natural substance made from crushed up diatom molecules (oceanic algae formed from sedimentary mineral rock). It contains about 85% silica which is an important trace mineral used in the formation of muscles, tendons, fibers, arteries, and almost every organ in the body. The crushed up powder cleans out micro-organisms by slicing through their exoskeleton and absorbing their fluids (don’t worry your organs are safe).


It’s important to remember bio-individuality meaning that every person is different, there is no one size fits all. Detoxing is a way to become more aware and connected to your body- better understanding its messages and what it needs. If your stool becomes too firm, use less diatomaceous earth and drink more water. The opposite isn't likely to occur but it if does discontinue the use.


I drink mine on an empty stomach 1st thing when I wake up and about and hour before bed.

This is the brand I use.

The taste is hardly there, slightly chalky. You can mix it in water, juice or add it to a smoothie.

I mix mine with ACV water and a dash OJ (for taste).

Level 2- Intermediate- (Committed but lack resources/time)

Detoxing can be time-consuming and sometimes expensive. Level 2 is for those who have the discipline and want to do a more intensive cleanse (supporting the digestive system by giving it a break, consuming only liquids). This level also helps to repair it. You may not have the kitchen supplies (juicer) or the time (make your own) so there are some "cheat" ways that will still give you the benefit without all the extra work.

Focus- Healing the Gut, Eliminating Toxins, Increasing Vitamin/Minerals

Organs- Digestive system as a whole (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, kidneys)

Other benefits- Self-discipline, Body/mind to balance, Better understanding of self & habits, Reduce sugar cravings

Duration- 1-5 days

Supplies- Fresh organic fruits & veggies, juicer, bone broth, detox tea, mason jars (optional)

yogi detox tea

Preparation Notes:

To begin, if you do not have a juicer and do not wish to go buy one, you can find a juicing company near you to supply you with juices (as many as 3-6 a day depending on your activity, age, weight & needs). Places like Whole Foods have fresh green juice blends that you can use to substitute. Be mindful of your choices, they are often higher in sugar. Be sure to get the kind with the least amount of sugar which generally have the least amount of fruit and most amount of greens. (DO NOT get juices like Naked and Odwalla).

The Practice:

Making your own juice? Get all of your ingredients and jars ready and begin juicing for the next 2 days. Each day have your juice prepared as well as 2-4 cups bone broth (depending again on activity level, age, needs etc). Start out in the morning with your tea, when you start to feel hungry sip on a juice, later in the day have a cup of bone broth. In the afternoon have another juice and in the evening have another cup of bone broth, finishing with a tea. This is loose and can totally change dependant on your bodies needs. The longer you go on this fast the more you will be able to listen to the body's subtle messages.


Drink as much or as little as you need, again remember bio-individuality. At the same time be mindful of your needs versus your wants.

Making your own broths/juice is best however if you are busy and want an alternative this company has a great grab and go option.

I usually start my morning with an ACV tea (great for the stomach and digestion) and finish with a detox tea or gut health tea (you can buy them from the box or blend your own- using licorice, burdock, yellow dock & dandelion. I bought mine from this woman at the local farmers market while I was in Austin.

You can start off by trying this 1 day and then see how you feel, eventually building up to 3-5 days.

I find it a great practice to keep all other foods you usually reach for out of the house/office.

Make your juices only 2 days in advance and store in an airtight jar to prevent oxidation

Final Notes:

Often it's the mind that is the greatest challenge to overcome. Most of us (unless we are underweight or have a medical health challenge) have excess reserves on our body to do a water fast for 1-3 days and still be okay (although I am not recommending this). The point of this juice detox is to replenish your body with proteins, vitamins, minerals and give your digestive system a break, while still fueling your body at a cellular level.

Level 3- Give it to me! (fully committed possibly dealing with health issues & want to hit the 'restart' button)

This is for those who have the time, the energy and the supplies to do it themselves. After all, when it comes to your body, the most responsible person you can put in charge is you. If you make everything you put into your body then you know exactly what is in it and can better be aware of how your body responds based on the specific ingredients. This level is from 3-30 days depending on your needs & desired outcome.

Focus- Healing the Gut, Eliminating Toxins/Heavy Metals, Increasing Vitamin/Minerals,

Organs- Supporting All Organs

Other benefits- Self-discipline, Body/mind to balance, Understand self, Reduce habits that do not serve, Reduce sugar cravings, Weight management

Duration- 3- 30 days

Supplies- Diatomaceous Earth, ACV, Detox Tea, High-Quality Probiotics, Fresh Organic Fruits/Veggies, Organic Bones (make yourself) or Organic Bone Broth

Preparation Notes:

Bone broth is a timely process, it takes anywhere from 18-36 hours if you chose to do your own make sure you have it ready before you start (you can find great recipes on Pinterest). Be sure you have enough jars for at least 2 days.

The Practice:

If you are doing 3-30 days the outline is as follows--

Every morning begin with ACV tea and end the evening with a cup of detox tea

Take probiotics daily

Days 1-10 Start with diatomaceous earth morning and evening (continue throughout the month)

Days 7-14 fruits and veggies, limit grains (especially gluten-containing), no processed/refined foods, no meat

Day 14 begin juice & bone broth cleanse 3-7 days.

Finish the last week eating as clean and as simple as you can. Start with only eating a few fruits or veggies a day to see how your body reacts (creating fancy and complex meals can be hard for the body to digest and hard to find out what works well for your body.) This is a great way to bring your body back to basics and track to see what your body loves and also what it doesn't. Notice if you have fatigue, bloating, constipation or any other 'symptom' that does not seem balanced and normal. Track these feelings and foods to better understand your own bio-individuality.


Similar as above get your broths & juices ready for the next few days (broths can be made ahead for the week/month and frozen).

Do a home clean out! Get rid of all pantry food or any other items that might tempt you during this process.

Doing a cleanse can often make you feel excluded from community gatherings/events as often it is focused around food. Set a strong intention for WHY you are choosing to do this and what you will gain in the end.

Taking this practice on with someone can often be helpful.

Use Pinterest for simple easy recipe inspiration.


Add manuka honey to your cleanse to help boost your health & heal the gut I bought mine here and felt results within days of using it! It can be great to add to your ACV drink in the morning (be sure not to add the honey in when it's too hot.)

To sum it up:

Detoxing can be an incredible practice for mind, body, and spirit. I often find that when moving to juicing/brothing the first 2-3 days are the hardest. You may experience detox flu-like symptoms during this process, be sure to drink LOTS of water to help mitigate these symptoms.

It's important to have a strong understanding of WHY you are choosing to do cleanse as well as everything you need in place to be sure you set yourself up for success (juices, broths, limited temptations etc). This cleanse/detox is more than just a juice fast. The intention behind this detox is to reduce toxins as well as increase bio-available nutrients to help rehabilitate and boost your bodies systems. Bone broth is an incredibly healing food resource that carries specific amino acids (proline, glycine, glutamine) which help to restore gut health, boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. This detox will cleanse, nourish and revitalize you on a cellular level.

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