extremely loud birds / extrem laute Vögel

in deutsch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Crane swarm above Paderborn

This morning I heard a howling, which was getting louder. Looking out of the window I saw a large flock of birds flying over the house in formation.
I wanted to go straight out to the balcony to take some photos, but unfortunately I was slowed down by the technology.

Before I could go outside, I had to wait until the electric external blind in front of the balcony door had been raised. Unfortunately, the first pictures didn't turn out to be anything, because the swarm flew in an unfavourable angle to the sun. But I was lucky, the birds broke up their formation and circled for a while over a nearby forest. So I was able to take some nice pictures after all.
The photos show that the birds are probably cranes, because unlike geese, the legs protrude far beyond the tail feathers

Click to zoom

Kranichschwarm über Paderborn

Heute Morgen hörte ich ein Kräch­zen, welches immer lauter wurde. Als ich aus dem Fenster schaute, sah ich einen großen Vogelschwarm, welcher in Formation über das Haus flog.
Ich wollte direkt raus auf den Balkon gehen, um ein paar Fotos zu machen, doch leider wurde ich von der Technik ausgebremst. Bevor ich nach draußen konnte, musste ich erst warten, bis der elektrische Raffstore vor der Balkontür hochgefahren war.
Leider sind die ersten Bilder nichts geworden, da der Schwarm in einem ungünstigen Winkel zur Sonne flog. Aber ich hatte Glück, die Vögel lösten ihre Formation auf und kreisten eine Weile über ein nahe gelegenes Waldstück. Also konnte ich doch noch ein paar schöne Fotos machen.
Auf den Fotos ist zu erkennen, dass es sich bei den Vögeln wohl um Kraniche handelt, denn im Gegensatz zu Gänsen ragten die Beine weit über die Schwanzfedern hinaus.

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Very well captured! You’re fast! Thanks for the share!

Tenang aja bang!!!
Saya kasih vote buat abang meski sy juga masih anak bawang😃😃😃

its birds i think can fly fast

Die hab ich heut Morgen glaub ich auch gehört! 😊

Ich wohne in der Nähe eines großen Feuchtbiotops in Norddeutschland. Ist schon toll, wenn die Vögelschwärme in der Abenddämmerung ihre Tänze dort veranstalten.
Und die Gänse und Kraniche ziehen auch immer bei uns durch.

Da wo ich in Deutschland lebe gibt es selten solche Schwärme vor allem keine lauten.
Zum Thema laute Vögel muss ich immer an die vielen Käuzchen denken, die uns im Urlaub auf Rab in kroatien den Schlaf geraubt haben. Wenn sie nicht so putzig wären.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Das ist ein sehr gutes Zeichen dafür, dass unsere "Leidenszeit" nun dem Ende zugeht! Die Kraniche sind immer so ziemlich die Ersten, die meist mit Sonne - oder wenigstens wärmeren Temperaturen - im Gepäck zurückkehren. Auch das lautstarke "Trompeten" ist typisch, man will ja schließlich auch gesehen werden. :-)

This is a very good sign that our time of suffering is coming to an end! The cranes are always pretty much the first to return with the sun - or at least warmer temperatures - in their luggage. Also the loud "trumpet" is typical, one wants to be seen after all. :-)

wahrscheinlich kreisten die Voegel, weil die fotografiert sein wollten. ^^
Sehr schoene Bilder !

Wow - schöne Fotos. Ich lebe auch in Norddeutschland und habe gestern Abend auch Schwärme gehört. Peinliche Anekdote von mir dazu: Ich erzähle es heute morgen meinem Mann - ob er das auch gehört hätte? Ob die Vögel nicht gewusst hätten, wo sie hinwollen - sie seien ja 4x über unser Haus geflogen... Seine trockene Antwort: Es gibt Gott sei Dank nicht nur einen Schwarm sondern viele!!!!!
In letzter Zeit habe ich immer mal wieder solche "Kurzschlüsse" in meinem Kopf. Naja, so wird es nie langweilig... So wie bei dir wohl auch nie Langeweile herrscht, wenn du eine Kamera im Zugriff hast.

Nice post

Thank you - you are new here at steemit?

Yes,i am new.

Hehe, after one year ;-)))))))))) Now you will go on steeming?

nice post, good images


Sehr schöne Aufnahmen! Ich kenne Diese Schwärme noch von früher (ca 20 Jahre her) als Diese über die Dächer von Hagen (NRW) geflogen sind.

Wow, this is cool! Against all odd, you were able to capture the beautiful sight and I'm encourage by your die-hard spirit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Kindly checkout the link below for your constructive criticism and upvote. Thanks in advance


Keep up the good work, loved the post.

nice post...

can you spot the diffrents?

anderer Blickwinkel ;)

juat the ankle

Beautiful creatures! 😍 they are beautiful :)

Das sind wirklich klasse Bildern. Danke fürs teilen :)

I like comen you


Your post so good, I like it @cryptoriddler

Hallo @cryptoriddler 🙂
Ja, wenn man so ausgebremst wird, kann es schon nerven. Aber Du hast ja noch mal Glück gehabt und es hat sich gelohnt. Danke, dass Du diesen herrlichen Anblick des Vogelschwarms, den blauen Himmel nicht zu
vergessen, (war ja eine seltenheit in den letzten Monaten) mit uns teilst. Wir konnten dieses imposante Schauspiel an der Ostsee öfters beobachten.

nice post tnx for shere

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Great post. Nice capture :)

Wow what a picture and the click time is parfect....

please help like like or my steam voute i need friends friends

I think those are pretty good pictures. Love the close ups... :o)

Nice post @cryptoriddler
Visit post @imah-mubarak

so nice weather, nice photo, nice posting!

I saw the same birds yesterday in Belgium !

Wirklich tolle Bilder, schön das du doch noch das Glück hattest sie ordentlich vor die Linse zu bekommen. Hier bekomme ich nur ab und zu mal Möwen zu sehen.

woo nice shoot

Yes, this should be Common Crane migration. Good timing!:)

Nice timing, even if you had to wait for the shutters. Next time try to record the sound too!

How do you make the photo clickable so you can zoom?

Nice shot 👌👌

Good ''noise'' in the morning.. Don't worry you captured it very nicely! Where I live we don't have cranes so it's nice to see your photos and how they look like...

Thanks for sharing nature! Cheers, Luka.

The best capture that i've ever seen great determination so far is the best for the day

Nice picture. Fly bird.

Very nice bird photography. I think you use a high quality of lense fot that pictures.

schönes Foto und Knaller Überschrift ;-)

Sungguh foto yang sangat bagus, burung sedang terbang dengan asik

Indah sekali....😉

Wow. Nice pics. I am lucky to catch two together in my area. Thanks for sharing. Joy

bro can you help me ?

Seems like a bunch of airplanes flying across the sky :) gorgeous!

Nice your post


Nice post

I am writing a Steem blog titled "How to Achieve Flight" and would love to use some of these photos. With your permission I will link to this page in the illustration credits. I would prefer to link to Steem content in the credits rather than potentially sending traffic to other websites. Regardless of your decision, great pics! Keep it up! Steem is the future!

Nice post

well done cryptoriddler!

good catch! The photos are amazing, I love how the birds look at the details.

OK dear I have given u Vote u can check it pls Vote me my dear friend

Its really nice sky birds and also extremely loud birds Wow !!! What a birds photography !!!!!! ,,,,,,,,,,thanks for share with us

have me vote visit my blog do not forget up vote thank you

Hi, I'm a photographer and I understand how difficult it is to shoot birds. Actually luck has accompanied me when I had to do it because the birds move very fast. It is part of its nature

Nice Photography

Nice captures, especially that last one. A flock of loud birds, eh? They do look similar to geese, but the neck looks wrong, too. I don't know about other types of geese, but the ones here travel in a V formation. I've never seen a crane in person, though, so not much help... Nice photos, though!

Birds call loudly when they fly together.Bird flight is one of the most complex forms of locomotion in the animal kingdom. Each facet of this type of motion, including hovering, taking off, and landing, involves many complex movements. As different bird species have adapted to specific environments, prey, predators, and other needs, they have developed varied forms of wings and varied forms of flight. It's a amazing form of birds which created by our creator.

upvoted and followed

great post

I like birds I wish to keep one at my home but I feel sorry I take their freedom

Fabulous photography sir

I am a Steem newbie just joined and happy to be part of the contribution in this great and wonderful world of Steems. I really like your photography in sharing natures sky entertainment in your area with the world. Wonderful classic photos

Schöne Bilder. bitte mehr

helo sir welcom to steemit

please can you help me with only 50$ that's all i need

WoW nice photo.....
And coolest also

spring is coming

Excellent photography.

I like to bird @sisajol

Greetings! You've been upvoted by @romaniaball. It's here to support Romanian users on Steemit and the @steemromania community. If you want to support us, feel free to delegate SP to @romaniaball. Help us build up the Romanian community! Join the SteemRomania Discord server! https://discord.gg/Jrg8w6U Salutari! Ați fost votat de @romaniaball. Este aici pentru a sprijini utilizatorii români pe Steemit și comunitatea @ steemromania. Dacă doriți să ne sprijiniți, nu ezitați să delegeți SP la @romaniaball. Ajutați-ne să construim comunitatea românească! Alăturați-vă serverului de discuri SteemRomania! https://discord.gg/Jrg8w6U

Tolle Bilder, wunderbar eingefangen. Man merkt, dass der Frühling im Anflug ist.
In meiner Gegend sind ein paar Tauben und Raben unterwegs. Wenn ich sie mal vor die Linse n´bekomme poste ich sie gerne hier.

Beautiful imagery.. thanks for this... nature is so beautiful we let it pass by us too often....

Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!
Although you say the technology slowed you down, the greatest technology of all was there, right when you needed it, "the eyes" bring us glory that causes our heart to soar higher than those cranes could ever fly. You are truly privileged to witness such an amazing spectacle and WE are equally privileged that you chose to share your beautiful photographs with us.

It is certainly true that we often take for granted the majesty of nature that is all around us everyday, if we choose to notice it, to appreciate and enjoy it, it can enrich our lives and more importantly allow us to understand just how lucky we are to live on this beautiful blue and green orb.

I am equally privileged that you have become my first ever follower and so I am very happy to say that this is my first EVER comment on the Steemit platform. So thankyou, thankyou THANKYOU!

May your journey be filled with all that you wish for, good luck and best wishes to you, my new "riddly friend" and continue to share the beauty of the world that surrounds us as it IS appreciated

when i see this picture first time i just thinking
i believe i can fly
far far away ;)

Lovely pictures bro, you should go for a career in photography

Beautiful photos, I wish I could fly

Thanks foe Following

Das sind ja wirklich gelungene Fotos, wirklich beeindruckend👍

They remind me of the Concorde, Jet Airliner. I wonder if the aircraft was inspired by their looks.

Very good post, can u like my comm ? please! i will like u too

Nice . You are such a great buddy.

Upvoted. Nice !

nature and its things, good reflection ... if you want to visit my page !!!

wow it is cool , very well captured.

This is a sign that spring is coming!

Excellent photos, really noisy those birds, but they are cute.

always great posts! We just added you to the Steemit Awards 2018 :)

You are so fortunate to have captured such great shots, birds are very fast and not easy to capture, well done.

Greetings! My first international vote is for your post about the cranes, to listen to their croak and take the camera to catch the acrobatics of their flight, show the knowledge you have about these birds... I like the degradation of warm colors in the background of the wind power plant.
My first item is still in the oven.

This bird is auspicious sign at China.


ist es normal das die das machen oder ist jrgendwas passiert??

What kind of cranes are they?

good photo! I wwill follow you!! ^^

Do extremly impressive post to read!

wow very nice bat post@cryptoriddler

Hermosas fotografías , me encantan felicitaciones y gracias por compartir. Éxito.

Nice shots. Nature is great with its wonderful creatures and marvellous scenes. Your article shows how much you love it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

big fan of nature , me too