Our application for the Community Curators Project of Steemit inc. - Unsere Bewerbung für das Community Curators Project von Steemit inc.

in deutsch •  5 years ago  (edited)

I am the founder of a curator account that rewards contributions from the German speaking community. We have a human curator team that rotates every 5 days.

We would like to apply. With higher votes you can bind members to Steem and also win new ones. This should not be temporary but a permanent institution, especially the different country communities are the walls in the social media area of Steem. It is in all our interests to build the walls as strong as possible

The link to our curators account is:

The link to our Discord is:

Steemit inc. should consider delegating the power. This will also strengthen the curator accounts and of course many more new accounts can be claimed. So you can again provide new accounts for free to interested people. The Curatuins Reward is used to delegate the new account.

Only through new members Steem can become an active and powerful social media platform !

  • You ask us

How to apply

If you would like to be considered as a Community Curator please make a post giving details of…

  1. The Community or subject areas you would like to curate
  2. Your experience and background on Steem
  3. Any languages you are fluent in
  4. Why you think you would make a good curator

  • Our answer

1: We look after the German-speaking area of Steem. Topics are rewarded independently. We have curators of flesh and blood and can therefore cover all topics.

2: Our curator account is almost 2 years old. Our curators have a lot of experience and cover the whole spectrum of interests.

3: We exclusively serve the German speaking community around the world. Our curators come from Germany, Greece, Spain and can speak several languages.

4: It's not a me but a us here. We have a curatorial team that rotates.

If desired, only one person receives the key and the account is then followed by our curator account. We will only reward contributions that are published by members who are loyal to Steem. We will mention in the comments that the "power" comes from Steemit inc.

We are pleased that Steemit inc. is willing to work more closely with the country communities. Here it would be desirable to have a direct contact person.

A worldwide association of the community that would also receive active support from Steemit inc. would be the backbone of a unique and strong social media platform.

Let's use this opportunity together !

Ich bin der Gründer eines Kuratorenkontos, das Beiträge aus der deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft belohnt. Wir haben ein menschliches Kuratorenteam, das alle 5 Tage rotiert.

Wir würden uns gerne bewerben. Mit höheren Stimmen können Sie Mitglieder an Steem binden und auch neue Mitglieder gewinnen. Dies sollte nicht vorübergehend sein, sondern eine dauerhafte Einrichtung, insbesondere die verschiedenen Ländergemeinschaften sind die Mauern im Social-Media-Bereich von Steem. Es liegt in unser aller Interesse, die Mauern so stark wie möglich zu bauen.

Der Link zu unserem Kuratorenkonto lautet:

Der Link zu Discord Servert ist:

Steemit inc. sollte erwägen, den Stake zu delegieren. Dies wird auch die Kuratorenkonten stärken, und natürlich können viel mehr neue Konten beantragt werden. So können Sie interessierten Personen wieder kostenlos neue Konten zur Verfügung stellen. Die Belohnung der Kuratoren wird zur Delegierung des neuen Kontos verwendet.

Nur durch neue Mitglieder kann Steem zu einer aktiven und mächtigen Social-Media-Plattform werden !

Sie fragen uns

Wie man sich bewirbt

Wenn Sie als Community Curator in Betracht gezogen werden möchten, schreiben Sie bitte einen Beitrag mit Einzelheiten über...

  1. Die Gemeinschaft oder Themenbereiche, die Sie kuratieren möchten
  2. Ihre Erfahrung und Ihr Hintergrund zu Steem
  3. Alle Sprachen, die Sie fließend beherrschen
  4. Warum Sie glauben, Sie wären ein guter Kurator

*# Unsere Antwort

1: Wir betreuen das deutschsprachige Gebiet von Steem. Die Themen werden unabhängig voneinander belohnt. Wir haben Kuratoren aus Fleisch und Blut und können daher alle Themen abdecken.

2: Unser Kuratoren Team gibt es seit fast 2 Jahren. Unsere Kuratoren haben viel Erfahrung und decken das gesamte Spektrum der Interessen ab.

3: Wir dienen ausschließlich der deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft auf der ganzen Welt. Unsere Kuratoren kommen aus Deutschland, Griechenland und Spanien und können mehrere Sprachen sprechen.

4: Es ist kein ich, sondern ein wir hier. Wir haben ein kuratorisches Team, das rotiert.

Wenn gewünscht, erhält nur eine Person den Schlüssel, und dem Konto folgt dann unser Kuratorenkonto. Wir belohnen nur Beiträge, die von Mitgliedern veröffentlicht werden, die Steem auch treu geblieben sind . Wir werden in den Kommentaren erwähnen, dass der "Stake" von Steemit inc. kommt.

Wir freuen uns, dass Steemit inc. bereit ist, enger mit den Länder Communitys zusammenzuarbeiten. Hier wäre es wünschenswert, eine direkte Kontaktperson zu haben.

Eine weltweite Zusammenarbeit der Communitys , die auch von Steemit inc. aktiv unterstützt würde, wäre das Rückgrat einer einzigartigen und starken Social-Media-Plattform.

Lassen Sie uns diese Gelegenheit gemeinsam nutzen!

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Hello @greece-lover and all members of the curatorial team.
I think it's a very good idea to participate in this project, even if it would only be for the German community here on Steemit.

After all, we've done nearly 2 years of hard work for the community without getting anything in return.
We have taken "all" German steeminas into account, including those who are not or have not been in the discord with us.
I think you can say we are fair in our work for the German community and do a good job.

Except for one case, I personally don't know anybody who didn't want to get any votes from us, the others seemed to be satisfied, and that's the main thing.

So let's hope together that Justin and his team will give us a chance, our delegates would be happy as well, it shows that their commitment and that of the curators has been worth it.

with sunny greetings from Andalusia

Don Thomas (Member of the curating team from @steem-bootcamp)


Steem on und weiter viel Erfolg...

Du hast ein kleines Upvote vom German-Steem-Bootcamp erhalten.

Du findest uns im Discord unter https://discord.gg/HVh2X9B

Aktueller Kurator ist @don-thomas

N E U SAMSTAGS findet jetzt bei uns ab 22 Uhr die Quasselstunde(n) statt wo du nicht nur mit uns reden kannst - es werden auch tolle Preise verlost
Du möchtest keine Upvotes (mehr) von uns erhalten? Eine kurze Mittelung unter diesen Kommentar reicht.
Dem Upvote von uns folgt ein Trail der weitere Upvotes von unseren Unterstützern beinhaltet. Hier kannst du sehen wer diese sind und auch erfahren wie auch du uns und somit die deutschsprachige Community unterstützen kannst.

Hier geht ja die Post ab .. weiter so!

Sehr schön 👍

Our freedom of speech is freedom or death
We got to fight the powers that be
Lemme hear you say
"Fight the power" (lemme hear you say) sing

We are the "German-Steem-Bootcamp" We Are Legion - Expect us !

Dear @steemitblog I support this submission.

Haltet die deutsche Community zusammen, auf beiden Chainz.
Haltet die Chainz zusammen, #deutsch.

Ja das ist doch eine super Gelegenheit. Toller Bericht Greece. Ich hoffe das wir diese Delegation bekommen. Verdient wäre es allemal.

Liebe Grüße Michael

@steem-bootcamp supports active and new members for a long time. Here, the SP would be in good hands.

Good luck!

Hello @greece-lover and all members of the curatorial team.
I think it's a very good idea to participate in this project, even if it would only be for the German community here on Steemit.

After all, we've done more than 1 1/2 years of work for the community without getting anything in return.
We have taken "all" german steeminas into account, including those who are not or have not been in the discord with us.
I think you can say we are fair in our work for the german community and do a good job.
Except for one case, I personally don't know anybody who didn't want to get any votes from us, the others seemed to be satisfied, and that's the main thing.

So let's hope together that Justin and his team will give us a chance, our delegates would be happy as well, it shows that their commitment and that of the curators has been worth it.

with sunny greetings from Andalusia
Don Thomas (Member of the curating team from @steem-bootcamp)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

For distribution of delegations should the delegator also get a closer look into in the applicant's account how high the level of engagement is and was. @steem-bootcamp is leading the way with unprecedented commitment.

super klasse--wünsche auch,dass es erhört wird und wir somit fleißig weitermachen können--toller bericht--

Pisucile sunt pufoase.

A cat has more bones than a human; humans have 206, and the cat - 230.

A cat was mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for 20 years. His name is Stubbs, and he died on July 23, 2017.


Best of luck guys.

A cats field of vision is about 185 degrees.

A cat can die from essential oils

Cats can distinguish different flavors in water.

Tigers have been hunted for their skin, bones, and other body parts, used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Exposing cats and dogs to marijuana can help reduce the suffering from a chronic and painful illness.

The cat's tail is used to maintain balance.

Spaying a female before her first or second heat will greatly reduce the threat of mammary cancer and uterine disease. A cat does not need to have at least 1 litter to be healthy, nor will they "miss" motherhood. A tabby named "Dusty" gave birth to 420 documented kittens in her lifetime, while "Kitty" gave birth to 2 kittens at the age of 30, having given birth to a documented 218 kittens in her lifetime.

Issac Newton decided to invent the cat flap because his own cat, Spithead, kept opening the door and spoiling his light experiments.

Cats sleep 70% of their lives.

In the wild, lions live for an average of 12 years and up to 16 years. They live up to 25 years in captivity.

Du hast ein Upvote von mir bekommen, diese soll die Deutsche Community unterstützen. Wenn du mich unterstützten möchtest, dann sende mir eine Delegation. Egal wie klein die Unterstützung ist, Du hilfst damit der Community. DANKE!

A cat's jaw has only up and down motion; it does not have any lateral, side to side motion, like dogs and humans.

Baking chocolate is the most dangerous chocolate to your cat.

Aptude Luis.

Cats have individual preferences for scratching surfaces and angles. Some are horizontal scratchers while others exercise their claws vertically.

Cats can survive falls from up to 65 feet or more.

Cats have 38 chromosomes in each zygote cell.

Cats respond better to women than to men, probably due to the fact that women's voices have a higher pitch.

The Indiana State Prison allows prisoners to adopt a cat and keep it in their cell. They are meant to improve the mood of the prisoners.

Most cats adore sardines.

The Sphynx was originally known as the Canadian Hairless Cat. The breed originated in Toronto, and was renamed to Sphynx, a nod to the famous limestone sculpture in the Egyptian Desert.

The CIA spent US$20 million in the 60s training cats to spy on the Soviets. The first spy cat was hit by a taxi.

Cat families usually play best in even numbers. Cats and kittens should be acquired in pairs whenever possible.

Lions are the only cats that live in groups, called prides. Every female within the pride is usually related.

All Scottish Folds descended from Susie, a white barn cat discovered in Scotland in the early 1960s. Susie sported the breed's folded ears – the result of a genetic mutation – and passed on the trait through breeding.

A female cat will be pregnant for approximately 9 weeks or between 62 and 65 days from conception to delivery.

Cats eat grass to aid their digestion and to help them get rid of any fur in their stomachs.

Approximately 40,000 people are bitten by cats in the U.S. annually.

The cat's tail is used to maintain balance.

If your cat snores or rolls over on his back to expose his belly, it means he trusts you.

Abraham Lincoln, being the ailurophile that he was, once rescued three stray kittens and ensured that they were fed and found homes.

Cats come back to full alertness from the sleep state faster than any other creature.

A cat can spend five or more hours a day grooming himself.

Most breeds of cat have a noted fondness for settling in high places, or perching. In the wild, a higher place may serve as a concealed site from which to hunt.

For a cat at rest, the average heart rate usually is between 150 and 180 bpm, more than twice that of a human, which averages 70 bpm.

When a domestic cat goes after mice, about 1 pounce in 3 results in a catch.