RE: [] How smart is your writing? Find out your SteemIQ!

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[] How smart is your writing? Find out your SteemIQ!

in development •  9 years ago  (edited)

This is really excellent work. If the demand is there, this algorithm can be augmented to provide ultra serious feedback for content writers. The visionary goal is to achieve an objective rating you can use. It favours longer posts of the complex nature. We reason that complexity and verbosity are key indicators of information-richness and potential value to the community.

@nphacker is one of the more objective thinkers I have met , and it is worth noting that Max Polaczuck is a statistics wizard. He is going to be a key contributor to the accuracy and precision of this metric analyzer algorithm.

I strongly encourage everyone to not abuse this system. There is no fruit for you there. Use it to help yourself to produce useful content. We are approaching a world in which innovation, learning, and knowledge will become at the forefront, so you can use this to tune your contributions.

One future increment of this tool may involve some kind of a leaderboard, and @nphacker is looking at introducing some negative feedback loop logic, so the tool will disfavour and punish abuse tactics. I recommend staying away from grayhat and blackhat manipulation of the tool. We study your posts, and your SteemIQ will reveal your methodology. One might appear at the top of the fraud leaderboard.

My best tip to anyone is, every time you make an assertion, follow it with a 'because'. This key word reveals your reasoning and support. This is more important than your assertion itself. This is how you operate objectively. This is how scientists will notice you--through your 'significant-value' contributions. Without supplying reasoning, you are contributing pseudo-valuable content because a reader cannot tell how you arrived at your assertion. This is why verbosity is a key trait of objective information suppliers.


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Cool product, but I wonder if complexity amd verbosity aren't quite the very best indicators of quality. For my part, I try to make sure that my posts are accessible to a wide audience even when I'm writing about complex topics like my game theory articles. Not to say I'm not interested in your tool, of course.

Complex short posts also = higher IQ, so its not just about length. Size does not matter. It helps though. :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Thanks Adam! For the great tips and inspiring this product from giving feedback and suggestions at all of the angles!

Excellent advice Adam! I've been telling you that you should start posting! :D


Lol, the site dev @ned is dumber than average according to this tool

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

He hasn't posted a lot, and his short posts (for testing reasons and etc.) are punished by the algorithm. Complete sentences and more text content = higher IQ accuracy. Take for example:

question -- do post replies count, or just OP's?

Just OP's