RE: PREVIEW. Technical thinking about the future of the space. ... [ Word Count: 2.000 ~ 8 PAGES | Revised: 2018.12.21 ]

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PREVIEW. Technical thinking about the future of the space. ... [ Word Count: 2.000 ~ 8 PAGES | Revised: 2018.12.21 ]

in development •  6 years ago 

Rough logic behind a toy example of an approach to a database in the style of [SUS08,RAD09] if this interfaces with one or more blockchains. Suppose the aim is publishing to a blockchain, producing values, but also building a distributed database framework that allows services joining the system and leaving the system to pass around incomplete operations and complete them as information appears.

Using a lot of web workers (each is its own thread) and publishing just the invariants (values that results where order doesn't matter) to the blockchain as these values become available, via a single threaded package like that, may be the way to most quickly build a demo, which, if necessary, can later be refactored.

Suppose a f.F [x] is one of all possible operations requiring x many variables. Further suppose operations considered are those which can partially complete if not all variables are present, but will not entirely complete. That is, if x-2 variables are given, it will produce an output of the type that, if taken as an input to f, if the missing 2 variables are later supplied, will approximately continue where it left off until it completes. Similar to futures in some languages.

Implement perhaps spawn(x)(cell,services(y, A.Script[x+1] )) would produce x many threads each corresponding to (procedurally) named block that is visible or not. If visible, it also prints to the chain via your preferred package or framework.

Each of the x many threads sends a message with the name (id) of its block to each of y many services.

These are services running on, say, heroku, and they listen for some blockchain event. And then if or when the event occurs, read all cells, whose names they have, in the toy example just the current state of the blocks, plus the value provided by the event occurring, run the script, and write to one of the blocks. The script may involve running another spawn(...)(...) type script that waits and listens for additional blockchain events. (The logic then becomes multicategorical.) Initially the blocks are empty and the operation only partly completes.

But now one block stores the result of a begun but not finished operation. Eventually the cells are filled with results, and this allows some operations that were unfinished to actually be completed, or help other operations complete. The threads do the passing and reading and writing in the background, starting and stopping when sent a message by services that know their id. The other service also reads these cells, and so unfinished operations propagate from service to service until they complete. When completed they get posted. And that may or may not be an event for which some service listens.

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Regarding something else.

For later. Good topic for a post. Haven't made one in a few days.

Logical, function programming is really very elegant. Would be nice to make a concurrent implementation with something like Erlang under the hood. Like reimplement flat concurrent prolog with a few well known features also included. A combination is more than the sum of its parts.

Here's how we can think about Erlang. The following is theoretical discussion. Of primarily academic interest. Let's see if a really concise, natural language explanation is possible.

It simply already does well what we would want at the lowest level. We want the threads and concurrency and message passing to be real and primary.

Once we have basic actor agents, we build operations like the following. Write simple functions. List in named libraries for convenience. A.B here means A selected from B as usual. We can define actor agents like in flat concurrent prolog. Define some initial inputs, if any, Loads, define some Exceptions, heuristics that run on Loads, input messages, and prune the list of Operations, which are run on Loads until a valid output or time out or crash and restart or Operations all fail to produce a valid output in some order. Operations are defined as procedures, function in the base language. There may be Notes, for Petri net type marks or Holland tags, as actors agents can be treated as wholes as messages, and these implement, anyway, Hewitt actor rules, in that notes tell how to treat future messages. Valid outputs of Operations can be stored for a while as valid Inputs to other Destinations, which are stored addresses. Sent out as messages perhaps with some delay. Like: spawn(ForAll(A)(ForAll(B)(neuron(message(<>,<>,r).RandomsLibrary, f_initial=1/2).NeuronsLibrary).Operations).Operations).
Here: neuron would create a new actor agent for the pair indicated. Not necessary that pairs used. Tuples or more complex structure like other nets can be considered, if multiarrows allowed.

Different actor agents have different operations and a neuron in a net can be a procedure that removes a load in A, a message it would operate on later, for example received but in queue, but operating on something else first, and instead sends that to B. Which has a different set of operations. Logic by elimination. This redirect may be with a frequency. Initially set at 1/2. Mundane learning by tweaking a coefficient in case output deviates from a developer supplied or network generated output is an operation among others inside actor agents of the net. Each does logic. And a log of which operations succeeded and which failed on which load reveals that logic. That can be a message sent to actors in the net. Meanwhile they tweak as net runs on messages sent to it as experience and performs reasoning and where reasoning fails changes reasoning, and as some messages document its reasoning failures it can change its reasoning based on its own descriptions of its own reasoning. Because testing different operations and characterizing what branches give a valid output which don't, is elimination logic, means to ordinary formal logic. Experience and logic are mixed. Neural nets can do logical reasoning, which is not always correct, but depends on experience, so nonmonotonic in the sense of McCarthy. Just usual logical, functional programming where well known actors or fcp agents are first class objects and the primary units.

This is how things like flat concurrent prolog operate. Makes for very short code. But challenging to predict what outputs, if any, code will produce. Analysis still required to model make good predictions about whether such a net will solve or not a particular problem. Open problem in science.