Deviant behavior will change everything!

in deviant •  7 years ago 

Deviant principle2.jpg

My name is Todd and I wanted to briefly introduce myself, as well as introduce DeViant Financial. I am from Tucson, Arizona where it is hot every day and people carry around fluids by the gallon. This temperature definitely helps one to learn to take and thrive in the heat of the moment . (pun intended) I have been married for 26 years to a wonderfully supportive wife, two adult children and 2 1/2 grandbabies . I have had two careers one in hospitality management and the other in health care as a nurse. Both of those were rewarding in their own ways. A Nursing career is very rewarding since you are the front line of support for people in their most challenging moments but the liability of being that support started to outweigh the benefits. Hospitality on the other hand has decent financial benefits but it costs you greatly in the hours you have to enjoy that benefit. After working 60 + hours a week for more weeks than I care to remember and after worrying for the thousandth time what regulatory changes were going to make caring for my patients in a safe and caring way nearly impossible. It was time find out what options were available. With Age, hopefully comes wisdom as such I have realized several important points of view that are shaping the options I dedicate my time to exploring.

  1. Time is of utmost importance, we all only have a set number of hours to get done what we are here to do, so I don't plan on wasting it chasing ideas that don't profit me in my other areas of importance.
  2. If the option doesn't contribute in some way to having a positive impact in the life of others it is not an option
  3. Money is important, without hardly anything will get done but people are of greater importance. They should be a company's greatest resource.
    4.Do things in such a way that you leave a legacy for future generations to benefit and be challenged by,
    That search brought me here, well not initially to Steemit, but to the exciting and profitable world of cryptocurrency.

DeViant Financial - Wisdom put into practice. In society the term Deviant generally has negative terms or meaning associated with it. But DeViant Financial hopes to give fresh light to the term and to the associations that people tend to make of it. Deviant at it’s basic meaning is "outside the norm". DeViant Financial thrives on pushing the boundaries and smashing assumptions to make things so far outside the norm that when we look back we can’t even see traces of the norm ever existing. Well at least that is where we want to take this business interest. We will have successes and some failures along the way. But both are just a bi product of the process that is involved in taking something normal and making it DeViant to the point that we are able to label it an overall success. DeViant attributes, products and even the principle itself will have to be measurable and be able to be quantified so that when present to others the effectiveness of The DeViant approach can be seen and appreciated.

DeViant Financial is in the perfect space to find, cultivate, and bring profit to all that are involved with it. That perfect space is Crypto Space. At no other time in history would the world have been ready to accept what benefits DeViant Financial and our belief in the DeViant principle has to offer. It is only now as we stand at the beginnings of what some may deem the rising of the decentralized society. At no other time have human said enough and acted in ways that are going to the world and rewrite the way everything is done from shopping to voting to driving your car (actually the way your car drives your car) and this is global. We've seen regional upheaval but we have never seen upheaval and transformations as we will see in the next decade{doubt it takes half that long}

What is it that DeViant Financial will have to offer? We at DeViant Financial will be dedicated to ensuring that we look at and for products that truly exhibit deviant characteristics. We will review teams and leaders for that essential deviant attitude, we will model DeViant principles in the way that we treat customers, staff, partners and everyone in our lives . It is by doing so that we will find success for the company, the investor and for ourselves.

Lastly, DeViant financial will become a place for people to meet, discuss, and work out ways for this principle to permeate everything worth having. assessment devices, training opportunities and systems will be produced and made available to make this happen.

I hope you will watch for further articles that introduce some of the items that we believe meet this principle and further info on finding, cultivating and profiting in DeViant financial. May all you dealing prosper.

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello and Salutations to your self