Asucre Aalamaram Pattai ~ Banyan Tree Bark ~ Ficus bengalensis

in diabetes •  6 years ago 

The Banyan Tree or Ficus Bengalensis grows in tropical climates around the world. The banyan tree grows in India, South America, Africa; the Caribbean has many great health benefits and amazing uses. Banyan trees grow in just about any soil… and they say brings good luck.


SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OF BANYAN TREE - In Sanatan Hindu Dharma, the banyan tree is called the tree of immortality because of the long aerial roots that hang down to the soil… thus starting another part of the tree. Banyan trees are thought to have spiritual significance, with the Lord Shiva being the branches, the Lord Vishnu the bark of the tree, and the Lord Brahma the large powerful roots of the tree. In Buddhism - The Lord Buddha sat under the banyan tree meditating to find enlightenment.


  1. DIARRHEA - Taking the small budding leaves and soaking them in water creates a powerful astringent agent that’s very good for healing diarrhea, dysentery, gas and irritation of the GI tract. Taking natural sugar in India which is called “Jaggery” and adding coriander leaves and chewing this helps with diarrhea.

  2. TEETH & GUMS - Taking the aerial roots and chewing on then prevent gum disease, tooth decay, bleeding gums, and it cleans your teeth. It’s natural toothpaste and also helps with bad breath. Using banyan tree aerial roots is a very ancient way of healing most oral problems… because it’s antibacterial and astringent.

  3. IMMUNE BOOSTING AGENT - The bark of the banyan tree is also a good immune boosting agent that helps to prevent disease.

  4. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY - ARTHRITIS - The milky sap of the banyan tree is also good for treating pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with arthritis and joint pain… it’s also good for chronic back pain. Without the side effects of modern steroid drugs. This makes it great for arthritis, joint pain, swelling, and redness.

  5. DEPRESSION - Some also say the fruit of the tree helps to increase serotonin levels in the brain… thus helping with depression.

  6. INFERTILITY- The bark and leaves increase sperm count… and also helps with female fertility.

  7. ANTIOXIDANT - The bark and leaves are also a very strong antioxidant that helps to prevent colds, flues, and other diseases.

  8. VAGINAL INFECTIONS - Making a douche from the bark of the banyan tree works well for healing vaginal infections. One tablespoon of the dried banyan tree leaves crushed into a powder is boiled in one liter of water until it reduces to a half a liter and allowed to cool.

  9. ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTI-FUNGAL - The bark of the banyan tree is also a good antibacterial and anti-fungal agent helping to control bacterial and fungal infections.

  10. LOWERS CHOLESTEROL - The bark of the banyan tree works great for lowering cholesterol LDL or bad cholesterol, while keeping your good cholesterol high.

  11. WARTS - One can also kill warts by applying the milky sap of the banyan tree over a few days.

  12. VOMITING - Taking the aerial roots and making an infusion calms the GI tract.

  13. HEMORRHOIDS - The milky sap of the banyan tree leaves is great for treating bleeding hemorrhoids.

  14. DIABETES - Making an infusion of the roots of the tree is also good for treating high blood sugar.



  1. TO IMPROVE FACIAL GLOW - Take 5-6 fresh leaves of Banyan and grind them with 10-20 gm of red pulse. Apply the paste on face. It cures all types of skin problems. Grind dried yellow leaves of Banyan, jasmine leaves, red sandalwood and cook in water. Apply this paste on face. It cures acne or patches on skin. Take yellow leaves and flowers of Banyan, Liquorice root, lotus flower and saffron. Prepare a paste with water and apply on the face. It brings glow to the skin.

  2. HIGHLY EFFECTIVE FOR EAR PROBLEMS - Take few drops of banyan milk and mix with mustard oil. Put 2-2 drops of this mixture in the ears. It cures the boils and kills the worms.

  3. TREATMENT FOR HAIR PROBLEMS - Take 20-25 gm ash of its leaves and mix 100 ml linseed oil in it. Massage this oil on the head. It cures baldness and grows new hair. Take extract of soft leaves and mix equal amount of mustard oil in it. Cook the oil till it forms medicated oil. Apply this oil on hairs. It cures all types of hair problems. Take equal quantities of Aerial root of Banyan and sesame seeds. Grind two into a fine powder and apply on head. After 30 minutes clean the head and apply coconut and Bhringraj oil on head. It helps increase the hair length.

  4. TREATS NASAL BLEEDING - Give 3 gm powder of its Aerial roots with buttermilk. It is the fast, instant and one of the best cures for nasal bleeding.

  5. GOOD FOR TOOTH PROBLEMS - Take 10 gm bark of Banyan tree, 5 gm catechu (extract of acacia trees) and 2 gm black pepper. Grind them all to form a fine powder. Use this powder to brush the teeth. Apply the Banyan milk on aching tooth. It gives relief. Soak a piece of cotton in the milk and apply on the cavity of aching tooth. It cures Halitosis and also aids in all kinds of tooth infections.

  6. TREATS EXCESSIVE URINATION - Grind the seeds of Banyan into a fine powder. Take 1-2 gm of this powder with cow’s milk twice a day. Continue this dosage.

  7. USEFUL IN TREATING DIABETES - Grind the bark and aerial roots of Banyan. Take 20 gm of its powder and cook them in 1/2 kg of water. Boil till it gets reduced to 1/8th. Cool the solution, strain and give it to the patient morning and evening. Continue this for 1 month. It is beneficial in curing Diabetes.

  8. TREATS DIARRHEA - Take 6 gm buds of Banyan and boil in 100 ml water. Strain the solution and mix sugar candy in it. Give this to the patient followed by buttermilk. It immediately cured Diarrhea. Take 3 gm powder of bark and give it to the patient thrice a day with rice water. It gives immediate relief.

  9. TREATS NAUSEA - Take 20 gm of its green leaves with 7 cloves. Grind them in water and strain the solution. Give this to the patient.

  10. CURE FOR URINARY DISORDERS - Take equal quantities of fine powder of fresh bark and sugar. Give 4 gm of this mixture to the patient with fresh water. Or, give 4 gm powder of aerial roots twice a day with fresh water. It cures urinary disorders and seminal weakness. Mix 10-20 gm powder of ripe fruits with sugar candy and give it with milk. It is nutritive and rich in minerals, thus a good cure for all types of Urinary disorders.

  11. TREATS SWELLING OF EYES - Take 10 ml of Banyan tree milk and 125 mg camphor and 2 teaspoon of honey. Apply this mixture with an eye-liner. It cures corneal opacity.

  12. HELPFUL IN SEVERE ULCERS - Grind the soft leaves and buds with water and strain the solution. Add equal amount of sesame oil in the solution and cook it. Apply this oil 2-3 times a day on the ulcers. It cures the ulcers and swellings very fast.

  13. IMMEDIATE CURE FOR BURNS - Grind its buds or soft leaves with curd and apply on the burnt area. It brings immediate relief.

  14. TREATS ITCHING GRIND - 1/2 kg leaves and soak them in 4 litre water overnight. Next morning boil them till the water gets 1 litre. Add 1/2 litre mustard oil in the water and cook till only the oil is left. Strain the solution and store it. Massage with this oil. It cures both dry and wet types of itching.

  15. HELPFUL IN BLEEDING DIATHESIS - Grind 10-20 gm buds or leaves into a paste. Give this paste to the patient with honey and sugar mixed in it.

So, in this way we came to know how can this huge plant can be so beneficial and good for health. Believe on Nature and see its magic. Take care and live well!

Aalamaram Pattai is easily available at Asucre Pure Herbals in powder, capsule and tablet form.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: All the products are for personal use and not for resale. The product description has not been evaluated by the food & drug administration (FDA). The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. Please consult your physician or healthcare provider before taking any home remedies.

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