Rid Yourself of Diarrhoea Fast

in diarrhoea •  8 years ago 

If you are like most people, the chances are good that you have had a bout or two with diarrhoea. While you may not feel the best when you are having troubles with controlling your bowels, as long as you are not suffering from it all the time, this is an indication that your body is functioning correctly. What you may not know or understand about diarrhoea is that this is one of your body’s natural defence mechanisms. When you get “the runs” your body is actually releasing harmful toxins and bothersome bacteria that are causing issues in your digestive tract. While you may feel uncomfortable during the time you are suffering, you are going to be a lot better off once it passes.

Other Causes of Diarrhoea

If you have frequent bouts of diarrhoea, this might be caused by other reasons such as being lactose intolerant, stress, or side effects from certain medications that you are one. The one thing that is for sure is that you will likely want to find a way to treat diarrhoea as quick as you can to reduce other symptoms like pains, bloating and discomfort that accompanies diarrhoea. In many cases, you can use an over the counter medication or herbal remedies to help alleviate some of the symptoms and slow down your bowel movements. If you or a loved one is having frequent troubles with this health problem, it is always a good idea to seek the advice of a trained medical professional so that he or she may investigate whether here http://insanity-inc.net is a larger reason or cause for your bowel problems.

Viral Infections Could Be the Culprit

While there is still some discussion among experts on what the primary causes of diarrhoea are, most agree that a viral infection could be the culprit. Typically, a case of diarrhoea that is caused by a viral infection usually runs its course in a few hours or a couple days at the most. During this time, you will just want it to pass. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can also be quite inconvenient especially if you have to work a job where you do not have a free pass to go to the restroom whenever you need to.

Lactose Intolerance Causes Abdominal Issues

People who have frequent or chronic diarrhoea might be sensitive to lactose or have Crohn’s disease.

If you suspect that lactose might be behind your discomfort, the simple solution to your problem is avoiding any type of dairy food that contains lactose. If you happen to notice that your stomach and bowels seem to feel better after some time off of the lactose, this should serve as a sign to slow down or eliminate foods in your diet that contain lactose. Even if you are unable to give up completely dairy, you can now find a number of lactose-free and dairy-free products that can replace the products that are giving you trouble when you consume them. Depending on your sensitivity levels, you may still be able to consume some amount to foods that contain lactose without too many problems, but if you are highly sensitive, it is probably a good idea to avoid these food items as much as possible.

Check That Medications Are Not the Cause

Surprisingly, there are a number of medications that could cause diarrhoea. While you might think of antacids as being a solution to your abdominal troubles, they might actually be the reason that you are feeling under the weather. It has been discovered that some antacids that contain magnesium can be the reason some experience cases of diarrhoea. If you are in the habit of using an antacid, take a break from them for a while and see how you feel.

Other medications that could cause abdominal issues include antibiotics, antidepressants, and treatments associated with cancer. If you get diarrhoea and you feel that it is caused by a new medication, you should contact your prescribing physician immediately as this could indicate you are having a toxic reaction to the medication.

Consider Cleaning up Your Diet

When you are feeling low, it is a good time to start putting some thought into your dietary habits. Obviously, you are consuming foods that are not sitting well with you. The first thing you will want to do to restore some balance to your system is drinking lots of water or sports drinks that contain electrolytes to avoid becoming dehydrated. Avoid beverages that contain caffeine. If you must drink a fizzy drink, opt for ones that are clear and do not contain caffeine, like ginger ale. When your stomach starts feeling better and your appetite returns, do not overwhelm your digestive system with hot and spicy foods. Instead, opt for foods like saltine crackers, milk broths, and other foods that will not irritate your stomach and intestines.

When you are feeling better, you might consider adding fibre rich foods into your diet in an effort to get yourself regular again. Foods that fall into this category include green, leafy vegetables, whole grain foods like bread, rice and oatmeal.

Leave the Diarrhoea Behind

When you are suffering from a bad case of diarrhoea, the sooner you are able to get over it, the better. There is almost nothing worse than having to dash to the bathroom in an emergency over and over. Worse yet is when it does not seem to have an end in sight. This is no way to spend a day, or even an hour of your life. By taking the steps to identify what could be causing the discomfort and pinpointing it, you can avoid consuming the foods or beverages that put you in a bad position.

There is a way to live your life free from the pain and discomfort that diarrhoea brings. In the time you are running experiments to see how your body reacts to dietary changes you have made, be sure to keep a small journal notating what types of food you ate and whether they negatively affected you. This 4thecure.com gives you an idea of what foods you should avoid.

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