Man Diet: week 4

in diet •  7 years ago 


Quick photo of last nights dinner; Sus Vide NY strip steak topped with jalapeños and gravy made from the juices and butter the steak cooked in, along with baked brussel sprouts.

Christmas was a tough one, I definitey did endulge in some things not within the diet, such as homemade fudge and pizza. That said, all in all, a successful holiday from the diet’s POV. Weighed in ar 234.6 this morning. I’m solidly below 240 and on my way to sub 230.

I've started incorporating push ups and will hopefully soon start incorporating pull ups as well.

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Hey there! Looks good! Is your "man diet" a ketogenic diet? I ask because the meal you posted just now looks like it might be more or less keto-friendly, depending on how you made the gravy.

I follow a ketogenic diet and I have lost over 50 lbs and put my type 2 diabetes in remission, simply by cutting out almost all carbs and using fat as my main fuel source.

So it more or less follows keto principles - high fat and protein, little no no carbs. I dont want to call it a keto diet because Im not a dietitian and I don't want to misname it. That all being said, that gravy is most certanly not within my diet parameters, I mean the butter and steak drippings, sure, thats fine.... But the spoonfull of flour? 😱

But it was freaking delicious so screw it.

I think beyond the changing macronutrient ratios, the added self control to not eat all the free snacks around the office and just being more mindful generally of my food choices.