in diet •  9 years ago  (edited)


I personally believe that since people became more aware about their own appearance, and later after social media explosion subject of #DIET  and loosing weight is not even any more a temporary issue seems to be like encoded in human DNA. I think everybody at certain stage at life they were facing the issue of too much, or too little weight on. However people become extremely sensitive now as people seems like they lost the control over the healthy weight. The subject related to weight is more complicated and dynamic than people think, as time goes on, people are facing more challenges, Our grannies didn't have genetically modified food, they didn't buy extremely high processed food which I would not even call food any more, because more than less it is mixture of unknown and most of the time dangerous ingredients which should never be part of human #diet. But if We are talking about the food industry this is more complicated. Sugar seems to be everywhere, We know that sugar is bad for Us so what they did? They designed sweeteners which are as bad or even worse than sugar due to carcinogenic compounds. So when you start thinking as loosing weight as an easy process think twice. However it is possible because lots of people did it, however I am interested in healthy way of loosing weight and making sure you keep this without yo yo effect. 

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I really want you to watch to Marisa Peer who really change my way at looking at #diet and #loosing weight. She is world class specialist and helped so many people to loose weight and start to live your life in the way you deserve because you are worthy. 

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This is interesting concept, because #diet it is something temporary, this is not intended to be permanent so this is the real problem of the #diet from the definition itself, people really need to understand that in order to loose weight they need to implement significant life changes, because sometimes it is about realizing that eating is a compensation system which unfortunately does make the whole loosing weight experience as a lost case!!! Personally I will recommend to read most of the books which are written by Marisa Peer as she is phenomenal in her way of doing therapy and creating life lasting results, and this is what diet will not give you. I had my little food addiction and I did struggled big time because I was eating to compensate, to deal with stressful day, I was eating everything what I had on the plate because I was teach from home to do it. However the food changed as well as the level of the activity. I know I am going to repeat myself over and over again but Marisa Peer genius came from looking at the roots of the problem, as by understanding the issue you can help yourself. I know so simple but so powerful. In one way they are design to fail. I do talk from my personal experience, because every time when I gained some weight I did increased my physical activity level so I was able to get myself back on the track. Before you start any #diet please listen to this great video which completely transformed my life on #diet topic :)

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I hope that this approach at looking at the #diet gave you more inspiration and hope that you can be happy with your beautiful and healthy body because you will believe that you are enough and you are worthy to have it. 

Here is the video from the show about loosing weight and I hope it will be helpful to you.

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All your videos are showing as broken code. o.o

I know :( And I can't edit this somehow...I was researching the materials for the article and I love videos in the blog they give so much more insight. I am really sorry but I how can I fix this?

I did create new blog with absolutely the same content but with working videos :) So chuffed. I don't know why this one is so resistant for editing. I hope you will enjoy the content and the videos as they are really very interesting and helpful.