The Mentor/Protege relationship has existed long before written history.

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It's an effective way to ensure the survival of the group, clan, tribe, etc.
Unique skill sets and valuable knowledge is passed on to the next generation via the consistent interaction between mentor and protege over time.
Just picture Mr. Myagee and Daniel-San in "The Karate Kid" movie.
Mentors are more than mere scribes or storytellers.
They've actually "practiced what they're preaching".
Unlike most teachers, counselors and advisors that are long on academic credentials, but short on real life experience, mentors are the 'Real Deal".
They've "Been There, Done That" and already accomplished whatever their proteges are striving for.
I've been fortunate to have three awesome mentors in my life.
All my greatest personal and professional achievements are because of the profound lessons I learned from them.
One time, I asked a mentor why he does what he does.
I mean, he was retired and living comfortably on his pension, real estate, stock dividends and other residual income.
He could easily avoid all the time and effort required to mentor a protege (aka me).
And there was no way I could ever pay him for what his time and knowledge was worth.
That's why I wanted to know what he got out of this mentor/protege thing.
As usual, he boiled the 'Why" down to its most simplest terms:
"The protege sees his future self in his mentor. And the mentor sees a younger version of himself in his protege. A compelling symbiosis, indeed."
Submitted FYI.
May you and yours be well and loving life today.
In Lak'ech, JaiChai
(JaiChai 30 May 2022. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)