Seumirah, Gampong (Village) Base of Free Aceh Movement (GAM) Forgotten

in dilimunanzar •  8 years ago  (edited)


Gampong Seumirah is located in Nisam Antara Sub-district, North Aceh, consisting of 8 (eight) sub-villages each headed by one head of the village, ie Keude Village, Lhok Drien, Balee Gajah, Bate Leusong, Simpang Rambong, Simpang Paya, Drien Kuneng, Geudong Ringet According to the story presented by the elders of the gampong seumirah, the gampong seumirah was around 1948. During the armed conflict between GAM and the Republican Army, Gampong Seumirah was known as one of the hideouts of GAM members (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) from the pursuit of the Republican Army, The location of Gampong Seumirah which lies between the hills of Nisam Antara (formerly Dewantara) and Sawang make it a strategic location for the guerrillas of Free Aceh to defend themselves from the attacks of the soldiers of the Republic, to be known also his former Gampong Seumirah is also one of the headquarters (Camp) of GAM in The Pasee Ocean region.


Pinang, Kakao, Nutmeg and Banana make it the Seumirah community plantation center, but despite having the Natural Resources that occupy in the field of Gampong plantation is still left behind from the other gampongs in North Aceh, all alternative roads in this village are not as hotmix asphalt, There are only concrete rebates at some points that are difficult to pass by local people like in Geudong Ringget and Keude Seumirah taken from the ADG (Alokasi Dana Gampong) or villages money bank program. 72 Years of Indonesia's independence plus its upbeat 12 Years of peace between GAM-Indonesian republic that blossomed in Aceh Province has not been able to improve the condition of roads in Gampong in almost all of Aceh, One of them streets in Gampong Seumirah.


This is certainly very contrast with the condition of Aceh which incidentally earn Rp. 120 Trillions of funds went to Aceh for 5 years reconstruction of Aceh post Tsunami (2005 to 2009), then added 10 years (2008 to 2017) Aceh received Special Autonomy Fund of Rp 59.87 Trillion with Total Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBA) reached Rp. 13-14 trillion per year (APBA Year 2017 reached Rp 14.7 trillion) and especially APBK North Aceh is so big reaches Rp. 2.3 trillion per year.


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