The branch of art based on its form is divided into 2 dimensional art and 3 dimensional art. 2-dimensional art is a fine art that is written only on the dimension of length and width. In this article, we will discuss the example of the 2-dimensional artwork and its explanation so that you will further understand the subject of Fine Arts which is shared in the blog of Acts of Origin. Please be listened! Examples of 2 Dimensional Artwork Examples of 2-dimensional works of art can be found in some products or objects, among others, paintings, photographs, posters, banners, product designs, caricatures, calligraphy, mosaics and logos
.1. Painting Painting is an example of two-dimensional artwork that we often encounter. Looking further, it turns out the painting has a variety of flow. The flow of painting include the flow of naturalism, abstractionism, dudaisme, impersionalisme, and others. If you want to know about the type of flow of painting, you can visit this article.
Photos Art photography today is growing along with the advancement of camera technology. The art of photography produces photographs. Photos made with attention to the elements of art can also be an example of 2-dimensional artwork.
Poster Advances in computerized technology have brought new branches of art. Graphic design art is regarded as a representation of modern art that has affected the world of our youth. This branch of art produces a variety of 2-dimensional artwork, such as posters. Posters are examples of applied artwork that are commonly used to convey information and communication.
Banner Besides posters, other digital works created using graphic design art are banners or banners. Banners are made using printing techniques. In addition to having aesthetic value, the example of 2-dimensional artwork also has a practical side. It is usually used as a medium of information delivery.
5.Product Design Product designs are made using ideas and inspirations that are directed to consumers visually attracted to the product. Product design has a promising development as one of the new 2 dimensional pieces of applied art, especially in the era of globalization and high levels of community consumption as it is today.
Logo Do not take for granted a logo. Logo is the identity of a company or corporation that is most easily remembered. The logo is created by combining a high artistic spirit and philosophical reasoning abilities. The logo is also an example of 2-dimensional artwork created using a digital computerized system.
Calligraphy Calligraphy is a series of meaningful letters arranged so that the shape and shape resemble a particular object. Most often we find this 2-dimensional work of art in the house of worship or the residence of the Muslims, considering this art object is indeed one of the heritage of Islamic history in Indonesia.
8.small objects arranged with a certain pattern so that the shape resembles a particular object or image. Small object crumbs used as raw materials of this work are generally in the form of waste, such as eggshells, glass flakes, wood, and ceramics.
Batik Batik is a non indigenous cultural heritage of Indonesia that has been recognized by Unesco. Created using canting and printing techniques, 2-dimensional works of art are commonly used as a clothing attraction that we usually wear. Batik has been known to the corner of the world. Batik now has been detached from the old and stodgy impression thanks to socialization by all elements of society.
Caricature Caricature is a painting made with a pattern of oddity. The object drawn is usually a living thing. 2-dimensional works of art in addition to providing aesthetic value also has a humorous value. Today, caricatures can not only be created manually. The advancement of computerization has also given birth to a new type of caricature that is now increasingly beloved. Digital caricatures. Well, that's some examples of 2-dimensional artwork and explanations and illustrations. There are many examples of other works that you can find in everyday life. Please explore yourself so that you understand more about this branch of fine art. May be useful