The tragedy on the 28th RAMADHAN 1439, also mourned the sinking of the ship

in disaster •  7 years ago 

Also grieving, on the tragedy of passenger ship crash to the port of Paotere and to Barrang Lompo Island, Sangkarrang Sub-district, Makassar city, South Sulawesi province. Wednesday.13 / 06/2018.

The tragedy occured on the 28th of Ramadan 1439. Spending for the preparation of Idzul Fitri, but ALLAH berkehandak Lain, the ship that was ridden by the people of Sanggkarang Sub-district experienced the misfortune of the Paotere people harbor journey to Barrang Lompo island and suddenly had an accident.





And there are some victims have been found both in the state of survival and death.

And hopefully the victim died received by GOD side, and survivors may be healthy always and the family left behind given the fortitude .. Aamiin Ya Robbal'alamin.

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