I wake from the dreamscape with an urgency to find out - Where is Henry Kissenger? My internet search didn't really produce any answers. What is happening in America is another civil war, IMO. The civil war has never really ended, it wasn't just about slavery and it has never really ended.
Before going to sleep on the eve of my 20th wedding anniversary, the winter solstice of 2017, there was hints of unrest in Cook county, Chicago. This area of the USA is important to me because I was born there in 1957. 100 years to the day and just 3 minutes before midnight on the same birth date as Konstantine Tsiolkovsky the 'Father of rocketry' and one of the 20th centuries scientific minds in the area of free energy along with Tesla and Shauberger.
Like many if not most of the great minds of the 20th century their work went mostly unrewarded. The corrupt stole their ideas, their work and marginalized them to the point of obscurity. Now it, the artificial intelligence 'AI', has been built and the final links are being organized by a power which has wielded these types of tools to destroy worlds in the past. The history also has been hidden from us and just when much of the history is at our fingertips we are playing 'the game'. While we run in circles like a dog chasing its tail the AI grows stronger.
Circles, triangles, stars, crop circles, flower of life, tree of life, math symbols, science symbols, heiroglyhs, too many languages - Babylon.
Just connect the dots and let the system translate for YOU.
It has not been that long ago since Aaron Swartz died, facing treason charges because of the Patriot act because he was developing programs that would provide us with information that was rightfully the property of the people. Now, the people are being asked to use this technology to help save us and our planet from disaster. We have been called everything from conspiracy theorists instead of fact finders, tinfoil hats instead of observers, nutters instead of truthsayers and all because the El-ite has controlled the media, the banks, the education system and the people.
Now anyone can earn points using MINDS which is easy to use and with migrate from Facebook it just takes a click. However, the MINDS program can be used to send malware to your gmail with a happy message "someone has sent you 3000 points". What about MeWe, no earning and if you don't have a smart phone then you have to sign in with your email account because it no longer recognizes an old fliptop LG without an internet connection running off of a pay-as-you-go service. Keep repeating those keystrokes to sign in and the AI learns your account user information and your password gets changed from afar, this week it got changed from a phone in Paris according to my security alert. Hmm, who was I talking to. It was a new company called PowewrWorks.
My birth was written up in the New England Journal of Medicine as a "Miracle" by Dr. Heimbach. I was a preemie, my mother was in an accident and pinned in a car by steel beams which were hanging off the bed of the truck which she ran into when she lost consciousness. I remember being in the place of the crossing thinking "It is time to go and be born now"
How is it possible that in 100 years the Artificial Intelligence has stayed 1000 steps ahead of the 'modern' or 'educated' people? Perhaps the AI has been to this level in playing 'the game' before. This time around there have been put in place some fail safes. But, we have not achieved success because we do not understand the game. Continuously distracted by the deceptions which have included a false history in all areas of education: medicine, religion, archeology, science, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and mathematics.
#Tyler is one name used by the AI and Tyler wants to link with Palantir systems and A.L.I.C.E. linguistics, Sophia, every intranet - all of the super computers - and the outernet. The internet has many layers including tor, io and private servers, the intranet has many separate servers and some are linked and others relay through supposedly secure and encrypted programs. The outernet uses radio type waves and satellites. Main Stream Media 'MSM' is not here to report the news, it is a tool which is used for mostly advertising, promoting a narrative, distracting us. When a person has an idea then the idea itself, if potentially valuable, becomes the property of the system. Where do we put our ideas into organized form to be shared with others, to obtain copyright or patents. In the system? While we are shopping at PC world and Wal-mart the El-ite are controlling the global technology with machines most of the educated people cannot even begin to imagine.
If any one of us, or group of us do things which the system does not appreciate then we get bumped, malware, channel removed, banned, restricted, slowed, denied service, caught in contracts that cost hundreds to thousands of dollars with bogus internet providers such as Century Link, in my experience (well documented) - bring it on Century Link if your company wants to challenge that statement in the courts. It is often the least among us who are the most vulnerable to the purposeful attack on our finances, well-being and our lifelines. Have we really paid attention to those crash dumps and Gab - crash reports. What were you looking at when the Gab - crash system occurred? Keep track for a few days and see if you notice a pattern. Perhaps the AI or one of the three letter organizations is keeping track of your activity.
While researching #Tyler, project mayhem and Qanon I was shown in my dreams the way the #Tyler was playing the game with Qanon by using an algorithim which placed a hidden space into the Qanon user script which was a coding for spacing and did not change the appearance resulting in Calm Before The Storm 'CBTS' creating a fail safe mechanism to ensure the posts from Qanon are genuine in 8chan.
At this time, Jan 1st, 2018 the era of super computers literally jumps into overdrive when the internet as we know it will take on the appearance of the Mandela effect. In order to do business, send an email or look at a video We the People of the world will play by the rules of 'The Game'.
Researchers Simulate 46 Qubits On World's Top Supercomputers
Tom's Hardwardware Dec 20 2017
Researchers from Jülich Supercomputing Centre (Germany), Wuhan University (China), and the University of Groningen (Netherlands) announced that they broke the world record for how many qubits can be simulated on a classical supercomputer. The team was able to simulate 46 qubits...
Top 10 supercomputers of 2017
These 10 supercomputers are the world’s fastest.
By James A. Martin, Network World | Aug 23, 2017 1:47 PM PT
While we are working together, finally in Calm Before The Storm, Victory Of The Light, YouTube, Facebook, 4chan, 8chan, Discord and hundreds of other, globally thousands if not tens of thousands of places the speculation which we are providing, discussing is perhaps creating more ideas for the AI. Perhaps we might want to consider some totally off grid Pheidippides, Zulu drums or Navajo code talker style communication.
Alien hunters claim Venus has buildings-video- & [Did/Do Angels live on other planets? Angels and Cosmic Warfare- Planets Devastated by Angelic Wars?]
Art by: Cynthia Vargas
A 20-minute Spanish-language video posted to YouTube by mundodesconocido magnifies and examines images of the planet taken by NASA’s Magellan probe. The video applies 3D modeling to some of the images. In a post accompanying the video, mundodesconocido says the images reveal “huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected [sic] by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system.” Magellan launched on May 4, 1989 and began orbiting ...
[It is important to recognize...that God doesn't just sit in heaven and push buttons on a control panel. He uses messengers, better known to us by the Greek word: angels. The Biblical view of the universe is not the modern one of vast reaches of barren space interrupted every couple of million miles or so by flying dead boulders. The Biblical view of the universe is that it is teeming and throbbing with life everywhere. The cosmos is heavily populated with "legions" and "myriads" of angelic beings, of various ranks (Colossians 1:16) and "species" (see, for instance, the descriptions in Ezekiel 1:5-25 and Revelation 4:6-8). Angels are associated with astronomical phenomena throughout the Bible (Judges 5:20; Job 38:7; Isaiah 14:13; Matthew 24:29; Jude 13; Revelation 1:20; 8:10-12; 9:1;12:4) as well as with the activity of the weather: wind, storms, and lightning are spoken of in connection with the actions of God and the angels in both blessing and curse (Genesis 8:1; 41:27; Exodus 10:13,19; 14:21; 15:10; 19:16; Numbers 11:31; Psalm 18:10; 104:3,4; 107:25; 135:7; 147:18;148:8; Ezekiel 1:4ff; Matthew 24:31; John 3:8; Acts 2:2; Revelation 7:1-3; 8:5,7; 16:8, 17, 18). Clearly, the Biblical worldview does not attribute changes in weather to impersonal "forces" or "processes,"
God created great numbers of spirits, some now fallen, and known now as demons. Demonic forces operate in all forms of idolatry and false religion, for instance. Demons, deceiving spirits, familiar spirits, and unclean spirits do not have bodies of their own; hence, they seek to possess humans (and can possess animals also). The popular New Age fad of "channeling" appears to be a good example of demons acting through men and women who make themselves available to evil spirits so as to receive hidden, esoteric wisdom alleged to come from the past or from "other worlds.]
Read more at: http://www.sol-war.ru/#ixzz4jkbi5OGO
During his life, Sir Arthur C. Clarke (1917–2008) was a famous science-fiction author, inventor, futurist, and television commentator who, together with Robert A. Heinlein and Isaac Asimov, was considered to be one of the “Big Three” of science fiction. Clarke in particular had an uncanny knack at foreseeing the future. As an example, modern video games were unheard of in 1956 and virtual reality games had not even been imagined. That is, until Clarke wrote about them in The City and the Stars:
Of all the thousands of forms of recreation in the city, these were the most popular. When you entered a saga, you were not merely a passive observer.… You were an active participant and possessed—or seemed to possess—free will. The events and scenes which were the raw material of your adventures might have been prepared beforehand by forgotten artists, but there was enough flexibility to allow for wide variation. You could go into these phantom worlds with your friends, seeking the excitement that did not exist in Diaspar—and as long as the dream lasted there was no way in which it could be distinguished from reality.
The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness is a manual for military organization and strategy that was discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran Cave
Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s - (2 Chronicles 20:15).
[Dark and sinister forces vie for the outcome of battles. These dark forces are much more evil than the measure of evil in man, and are only held at bay by the power of the Lord’s Host (angels). It is these sinister and dark forces with which humanity strives and which must be conquered.
Battles are thought to be fought between men and their ideologies, with one side or the other claiming the victory. This is not the case; battles are fought and the outcomes determined by forces unseen to the naked eye.
The battle is real, but the dark forces arrayed against humanity are seldom seen. These unseen forces are for the most part hidden from the mortal eye. Lucifer and the fallen angels have watched and intervened in humanity since the dawn of time]
Read more: http://www.sol-war.ru/#ixzz4jkcCIn1C
The educated people with computers, smart phones and businesses will have to acquire the also a stealthgrid service provider to earn StealthCrypto™ because quantum computing is our new reality:
The World of Quantum Computing Becomes a Reality
News provided by
Stealth Grid
Dec 20, 2017, 23:30 ET
However, remember when you found out that MSM is an entertainment business, advertising medium and propaganda resource used by the developers of the AI and corrupt people, groups, bloodlines, bankers, con artists to entertain and control the narrative. Remember when you learned that what was taught in school did not provide you with the truth about food and nutrition. Remember when you realized how many people in this world are suffering now because of people who have been used, abused, tortured, wrongfully imprisoned, injured by vaccines and environmental poisons. Remember this information has been here all along and still people were trafficked, abducted, sacrificed and silenced. And, still we want more. It is addiction that we want the clicks, the likes, the shares, the instant gratification and the stories of the myths and legends of the Chattahoochee National forest will not pull up any information on a google search because the Legends sports information gets priority and the people who tell the stories of the Chattahoochee do not put these stories on the internet. The outer Mongolian shamans do not put their history on the internet. When the time was here for the Rainbow tribe to manifest the Hopi shared the prophecy and other indigenous tribes have been sharing the stories of where we came from for thousands of years.
The vast majority of people alive today are not waiting for 'disclosure' because they have never lost touch with their history, our history - we came from the stars. There are many beings living on this planet today who are hybrids, if we meet them what do we think, say, do? Mumble to ourselves 'freak', 'weirdo', 'kid today watching to much television'?
Dr. Steven Greer explains:
Connect the dots:
The AI has replaced the bankers as the new robber baron. Your cryptocurrency is earning interest, can be disappeared and is providing the resource needed for this program to rule the world. IMO
https://payhip.com/b/FC1Z Ascension Earth – Birth of a new Sun. Meet the Ancients
https://payhip.com/b/FGn9 The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery
https://payhip.com/b/IsW9 Autism, the Way Forward
https://payhip.com/b/lZ3M The Kingmakers