Boogytime Jamboree

in discoparty •  3 years ago 

This piece of work involving all of these anthropomorphic animals, specifically a poodle on roller skates, an elegantly dressed grizzly bear, a sheep playing on a bass guitar, and seven dancing cats, which is my submission for BeardedLuckDragon's Disco Cat Party 5000 contest is dedicated to BestieBosya, Antonio132, COTTONTAILQwQ, Miskeey, TanteTabata, 7ix, KingDeDeDevious, Abrigedfoamy, Agu-Fungus, HetterRos, Jazzcat00, TheStupidFox, BeeWinter55, sammychan816, eclipticlily, gtbao97, AdmiralPit, moonlyt143, MissEmmyJay, buumchubles, teeteealixo, Rasmussen891, Oeildechat, Sew3r-Gat0r, CHAOS-CHAOS-CHAOS, kyrtuck, jvhamhalo, Mimidorika, and Garabatoz who celebrated their birthdays ranging from a week ago all the way up to today. This is also dedicated to my younger sister, Thia, who celebrated her birthday a week ago. So, I hope you all had beautiful birthdays and I wish you a lot of love, joy, prosperity, happiness, strength, courage, and hope in your lives as artists and as people. This is also dedicated to the memory of my fencing coach, Coach Angelo Angel, and one of my family friends, Tio Jaime Picornell, who passed away this month. May you rest in peace, and may Our Heavenly Father welcome you into his realm where you can live in eternal joy.

I take you all back to the summer of 2006 in Oxford, England where a swinging party is occurring focusing on ten Oxford University-matriculated anthropomorphic animals. Take a three-woman band specializing in a mix of R&B, jazz, pop, and soul, seven cool cats consisting of three hip bachelors, a married couple, and an engaged couple, and one of the finest disco clubs Oxford has to offer for all of these fabulous young adults and you get a swinging great party occurring full of dancing, singing, and so much amusement to the point where your face remains in permanent smiles and ecstasy. At Remington's Boar, it is a place full of tradition mixed with modernity, and it is where you can express your creative side, thus leaving no room for any shame nor the need to hide. So, let us acquaint ourselves with these literal and figurative party animals. By the way, I am putting their ages in human years mostly for the sake of convenience. Let us commence, folks.

On stage we have the three-woman band 3GG short for Three Grand Graces. This sumptuous songstress band consists of singer and professional rollerblader, Philippa Preston Peters; singer and tambourine player, Victoria Verne Vaughn; and singer and bass guitar player, Shirley Staunton Smith.

Known for her impeccable skills as a rollerblader, a figure skater, a gymnast, and a dancer of ballet and tap, her sweet lyric soprano voice, and having a sense of cute, feminine charm dressed in pink, 24-year-old Yorkshire-born poodle Philippa Preston Peters has become very popular with her fans for her extraordinary stunts and skills, thus accomplishing the impossible task of combining skating and singing on stage. Her god-tier coordination is matched with how effectively she was able to pull off such lilting riffs and a tuneful voice that can soothe anybody's soul. Philippa is truly an absolute stage darling. Outside her career as a skater and a singer, she majors in sociology and minors in musicology, thus using her talents in order to help disadvantaged families to find their voices, nurture their skills in music and the arts, and reach for the stars in whatever they aspire to be. Philippa has absolutely no plans of being married nor having children. She just loves to live the single life on her roller skates, and she would rather continue to polish her craft as an artist.

Big momma bear is going to bring the house down when 25-year-old Birmingham-born Victoria Verne Vaughn struts her stuff with her chesty, explosive, commanding mezzo-soprano voice, which can reach the depths of a baritone and the heights of a dramatic soprano, her fine timing with the tambourine, and her penchant for designing extravagant costumes for every single performance she and her friends find themselves in. Victoria's greatest influences are Elton John, Boy George, Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin, Patti LaBelle, Whitney Houston, and Edith Piaf. Her motto has always been to dress like a queen and ensure that you demand as much respect and courtesy from the audience. Her signature color ranges from blue to indigo to purple, as she believes these colors are what queens and empresses love to wear on a daily basis. As the oldest member of 3GG, she functions as the caring team mom, the responsible older sister, and the cement who keeps the band, let alone, the family together. Therefore, this proud Brummy mummy is always willing to stand by her friends and help the band give off outstanding performances be in they in formal concert venues or in gatherings such as this. Victoria always had an eye for style ever since she was a little girl and has made it her goal to specialize in fashion design, home economics, and gender studies because she knows that she can always keep on singing, but it always helps to have something to fall back on. She has even used her singing talents to support women's rights and to fight against racial discrimination because she has witnessed far too many hate crimes impale not only Mother England but the whole darn world. Not only is Victoria a mother figure to her bandmates, but she is also a happily married mother of four. With her 27-year-old husband, Thomas, they are the proud parents of 4-year-old twin sons, Robert and Richard, 3-year-old daughter, Simone, and 2-year-old daughter, Sheryl. Aside from her singing career, Victoria is also an accomplished cook who loves specializing in Caribbean and West Indian food. From rice and peas to Ackee and saltfish, Victoria can whip up a nice meal for her family with great aplomb.

Bring on the riffs, strums, chords, and the occasional dramatic soprano belts from such a lithe, lovely, little lamb, for 23-year-old Bristol-born Shirley Staunton Smith is going to keep you all enthralled from sunup to sundown. Her trademark look is her penchant for the Christmas colors of red and green. A talented artist, Shirley loves how red and green are complementary colors and uses these colors to produce some really eclectic outfits with Victoria's help. There are occasions where Shirley tends to be mistaken for a Christmas elf, not helped by her usual choice of clothing colors. However, she would defend herself by using her bass guitar to blow her literally blow her detractors away. Shirley is, therefore, a clear example of never underestimating the nice ones. Just because she is a nurturing lass of a lamb does not mean that her buttons cannot be easily pushed. When it comes to Shirley's signature colors of red and green, her favorite month to perform is December because this gives her and her bandmates chances to perform in charities, mega toy stores, and huge concert venues from Christmas Eve all the way up to New Year's Eve. Shirley is an out and proud lesbian and expresses boundless confidence in her sexuality, her love for gorgeous women, and how strongly she fights for gender equality. Outside her skills as a bass guitarist, Shirley is currently pursuing her Bachelor's degree in gender studies and fine art. Just like Philippa, Shirley does not plan on getting married nor having children and would rather live her life as lesbian singleton.

Now that we have become acquainted with the fine ladies of 3GG, let us turn our attention to these seven hip cats who love boogying on the dance floor and who do not skimp on their academic passions whatsoever. Spoiler alert, these cats are inspired by seven of my most favorite yokai characters from an anime I have a passionate love-hate relationship with and I have chosen to incorporate these seven as a close-knit family. If you know who these characters are based on the descriptions I have for them, please write them in the comments below. Without further ado, from left to right, we have Michael, Oscar, and Nathan being the proud dancing bachelors that they are, Matthew and Carey dancing the night away, and Kenneth and Quinn being sweetly romantic with each other.

25-year-old Michael Hamilton Williamson is the first-born son of Royal Air Force veteran and duke of Oxford, Sir Walter Williamson, and women's right's advocate and duchess of Oxford, Lady Susan Hamilton Williamson. Around other animals, he is known for being aloof, rather prideful, and an elitist, considering the many occasions he carries his duke title like a huge badge of honor. Nevertheless, Michael does bear some positive qualities, such as his noble bearing, his fierce sense of honor, and his surprising sense of loyalty and duty. Michael aspires to be as staunch and steadfast as his father and is very close to him. A dedicated politician, he is extremely active in Parliament and is a staunch supporter of the Labour party. Before matriculating Oxford University majoring in politics and minoring in law, Michael trained intensely in Battoujutsu, Karate, Kendo, Judo, Kung Fu, and Yoga to the point where he became a dedicated yoga practitioner and an expert martial artist, competing in various international tournaments. He believes that the martial arts assist him in defending himself against unscrupulous candidates, muggers, and aspiring murderers, thus keeping him mentally and physically fit. As a proud student of Oxford University, he is also the top of his class thanks to his thorough assessment of cases regarding parliamentary issues and his sheer determination as a politician. When he is not owning his colleagues' behinds in politics and law, Michael is also a proud single father to 7-year-old Edmond, 5-year-old Louise, and 3-year-old Milton. Out of his three children, Louise displays the most affection towards her father, writes songs and poems about him, and is always excited to be brought to work with him whenever she is on holiday.

24-year-old Oscar Pembleton is the second-born son of the Royal Air Force army general, Sir Oswald Pembleton, with his eldest sister being 25-year-old Priscilla Pembleton, an accomplished markswoman known for her icy cold stare. Oscar is quite infamous for being the biggest, strongest, and most brutish member of not only his family but also his group of friends. His skills as a sumo wrestler, rugby player, and weightlifter make him a formidable opponent to anybody who dares cross swords with him. Oscar even aspires to be as fierce and determined as his father because these are the qualities he considers to make a brave warrior. Despite his beastly brutishness, Oscar does display kindness and kinship to his friends and family when they need him the most. Prior to attending Oxford University, Oscar has been competing in sumo wrestling and rugby after doing his A-Levels. He became Britain's most valuable player in these sports to the point where he was in high demand. Knowing that he had to have something to fall back on, he currently attends Oxford University majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in mechanics. He is always well-known for his willingness to do handiwork and for concocting practical product designs from robots to bridges. He still competes as a sumo wrestler and a rugby player, thus balancing academics with athletics. He is also a jolly single dad to 8-year-old twin sons Garrett and Gordon, 7-year-old twin sons Harold and Hermann, 6-year-old son Eric, and 5-year-old daughter Maureen. Louise even has a friendly crush on Garrett, considering that they are playmates, and she enjoys visiting him every Sunday lunch.

23-year-old Nathan Wood is the first-born grandson of Viceroy Archimedes Wood. Nathan is the high-strung, energetic, and hyperactive member of this group of seven cats. He does go through every situation with his head up high, despite some hesitation, and never gives up on his friends or his family. He is a shrewd craftsman, an active hiker, and a highly involved nature writer. Faring well in his A-Levels, Nathan worked as a camp counsellor to children and teenagers to live out his passion for the wilderness and to teach them the importance of preserving nature for future generations. While Nathan still works as a camp counsellor, he is in Oxford University's Bachelor's program majoring in English literature and minoring in horticulture. Learning about both romantic and contemporary nature writing from William Wordsworth to Robert Macfarlane has motivated him to pursue activism for climate change and have a go at writing his own poetry and novels. Nature writing endeavors, camp counseling career, and academics aside, Nathan is also a loving father to 7-year-old daughter Emily, 6-year-old son Quentin, 5-year-old daughter Jacqueline, 4-year-old twin daughters Kathleen and Kelly, and 3-year-old son Maxwell. Interestingly enough, Jacqueline is also playmates with Harold, and they enjoy hiking as much as their dad did.

24-year-old Matthew Hamilton Williamson is the second-born and the youngest son of Sir Walter Williamson and Lady Susan Hamilton Williamson. He is quite infamous for his brashness, short temper, letting his fists fly at the slightest provocation, and, most of all, his epic scuffles with his "favorite" older brother, Michael, complete with punch-outs, kicking and screaming, and sleeper holds galore. Despite their perennial roughhousing, they at least do it because they love to challenge each other and it is their way of showing tough brotherly love. Even with Matthew's rough outer shell coming into play on multiple occasions, he still displays a lot of loyalty to his friends and even a lovingly caring relationship with his wife, Carey, with whom he has formed a loving bond with ever since they were young teenagers. Furthermore, Matthew has a deep and meaningful filial relationship with his mother who always made sure that he should never surrender even when times get tough and to never let what anybody says about him get him down. Matthew is also the most physical of the seven cats, as he has a penchant for rugby, football, cricket, weightlifting, track-and-field, boxing, kickboxing, wrestling, and javelin-throwing. In fact, Matthew has been a prized competitor in Pankration and track-and-field, winning multiple gold medals for his outstanding athletic achievements. At Oxford University, Matthew majors in sport sciences and minors in Greek, considering his fascination for Greek mythology when he was a child, especially when it came to Odysseus, Heracles, Theseus, Perseus, Achilles, and Jason. While Matthew still competes in Pankration and track-and-field even throughout the course of his studies, he also serves a coach for boxing and wrestling down at the Oxford local gym.

21-year-old Carey Wood Williamson is the third-born as well as the youngest and most favorite granddaughter of Viceroy Archimedes Wood and Matthew Hamilton Williamson's loving wife. Determined, fierce, unwavering, and ambitious are the four lexemes to best describe Carey because she will not hold back in the slightest even when the odds are completely against her favor. She looks up to her grandfather because of how staunch and authoritative he is as a leader. While there is no doubt that Carey maintained a loving and warm relationship with Matthew throughout the years, even with Viceroy Wood and Lord Williamson agreeing to this holy matrimony, she also had a crush on Michael when she was a young teenager of thirteen. Sure, Michael found Carey really charming and outspoken, but he felt that there was no unconditional love between them. Lord Williamson initially thought that Michael and Carey were to be engaged by the time Michael reached nineteen and Carey reached fifteen. However, Carey voiced her honest opinion regarding how she really felt and believed that Matthew was the right man for her, to which Lord Williamson, Lady Hamilton Williamson, and even Michael fully consented, with the latter continuing to show courteousness, decorum, and gentility to Carey every step of the way. Despite being Matthew's loving wife, Carey is still her own person who loves competing in marathons, triathlons, go-karting, Muay Thai, volleyball, basketball, football, and rollerblading. She even studies at Oxford University majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology because she wants to use her people skills to help those in need, give people more direction in their lives, and help out the disadvantaged. Juggling academics and athletics aside as well as her marriage to Matthew, she is also the happy mother of 7-year-old twin sons James and Lawrence and 5-year-old daughter Melanie. Because Michael, Matthew, and Carey live in one roof, all of their children have a very tight, sibling-like bond with each other to the point where Louise and Melanie could pass off as sisters. Louise even goes out of her way to proclaim that Carey is the strong, powerful woman she aspires to be and even calls her "mother" and she even has an equally loving filial relationship with Matthew, feeling like she is in a happy household where she has two dads and one mom.

23-year-old Kenneth Wood is the younger twin grandson of Viceroy Archimedes Wood. He considers his older twin brother, Nathan, and his younger sister, Carey, as really great friends, even though he and Nathan tend to get on Carey's nerves. A gentle and charming soul, Kenneth enjoys solitude and the finer things in life. However, one should never underestimate Kenneth, as he is also agile, strong, and really fast on the race tracks. Kenneth's Adonis-like charm and lovely dimples make him quite a ladies man. Nevertheless, he is utterly devoted to his one and only, Quinn. Kenneth is an accomplished triathlete, tennis player, baseball player, basketball player, cricket player, guitarist, and singer-songwriter. He may love keeping fit in sports, but his main passion has always been in playing his guitar and singing to the point where he has been releasing albums ever since he was sixteen years old. As a student of Oxford University, he majors in musicology and minors in media studies, thus desiring to polish his craft as a musician and fully knowing the ins and outs of the music business. To financially support himself, Kenneth even teaches at a music school specializing in guitar and voice.

19-year-old Quinn Pembleton is the youngest daughter of Sir Oswald Pembleton as well as the youngest sister of Priscilla, Oscar, and 20-year-old Ingrid, who the latter not only has a close sisterhood with Priscilla but has a tight friendship with 21-year-old Claire Cormack, a psychology student. Quinn's bubbly, feisty, cheeky, and sweet personality is absolutely infectious to the point where she is the target of various suitors' attention. Despite her suitors' charming words, she will always find her way back to her sweetheart Kenneth. Quinn is passionate about painting, flower arrangements, horticulture, gymnastics, interpretive dancing, theater, and playing the harp. As a gymnast, she has won several gold medals for her agility. Straight after doing her A-Levels, she got herself enrolled in the Bachelor's of Arts program majoring in theater and minoring in creative writing. When she is not in school, she enjoys teaching in a theater school for children and teenagers. Kenneth and Quinn are happily engaged and have six daughters, 5-year-old twin daughters Olivia and Ophelia, 4-year-old triplet daughters Georgina, Gloria, and Ganymede, and 3-year-old Charlotte. They are set to marry in spring next year.

Whether you are jamming to 3GG's single or dancing alongside Michael, Oscar, Nathan, Matthew, Carey, Kenneth, and Quinn, I speak for these anthropomorphic animals when I say that the party has just begun and it is time to get down and boogie.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and celebrate responsibly, everybody.

Philippa, Victoria, Shirley, Michael, Oscar, Nathan, Matthew, Carey, Kenneth, and Quinn belong to me.
Boogytime Jamboree.jpg

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