The Libertarian Party is as ineffectual as it's ever been

in discussion •  7 years ago 

and has even managed to regress some.

They can't be thinking about running a candidate for ANYTHING again...can they?

I'd say they jumped the shark big time.

They SERIOUSLY screwed the pooch. Why would they think that they have ANY credibility after that little episode?

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I think they mignt want to replace ' road to the wihte house' @everittd

That one guy sure provided plenty of fodder for anyone to denigrate the Libertarian party, as if there was not enough already. Frankly though they did very well in the last election. It took the whole media lying in unison AND a CIA agent candidate siphoning off his base to keep him under the threshold for their debates. The powers that be were clearly terrified.

clearly terrified...shuddering in their boots.
who was their candidate again?

what is a lepo anyhow? I think his biggest tactical error was his decision to quit smoking pot during the race. I forgot the name of the spook in Utah, the shadow candidate.

yeah..that's the point.
the libertarians are easily forgettable..
and annoying..
have you ever tried to work with a pothead?
(emphasis on's rilly, rilly hard to get their attention..much less get them to work)

It would be like a functional alcoholic deciding that was the best time to quit drinking. I was a public school teacher so obviously the answer to your question is "yes".

nuff said.

I think they might want to replace "Road to the White House" with Road to the Nut House!

looked to me like they were already the nuthouse.

I see you've been reading American Thinker

for many years..yup

Road to the White Room

Funny: they used to use stunts like that as publicity stunts back in the 1970s. When he ran for Governor of New York State, the late Jerome Tuccille used a Lady-Godiva lookalike, complete with horse.

I find it difficult both libertarians to form a party, and the existing one is small and the weird is both more frequent and more visible than in larger parties.

A good and very useful post is very excited to read the post @everittdmickey