Polemic Around The Aceh Tag, Personal Opinion

in discussion •  8 years ago 

Very small-minded if some of the Acehnese think if using #aceh tag must write in the English, Indonesian or Aceh. Aceh is not Exclusive but Inclusive, for the peoples of the world.

#aceh tag, leaning on something touched or connected with Aceh. Whether he is an Acehnese, or an outsider Aceh speaks something about Aceh, may be in whatever language he uses.


Let's follow the standard usage of keywords in scientific journal writing or search on google.

Personal opinion, no need to follow.
I always make post in English to learn and train English self-taught through the help of google translate. Since joining in steemit in september 2016, I started to be familiar with English that previously hated it.

We must be self-conscious, nothing special about Aceh today! It's just a mere egosentrisme. We are just a consumptive society.

Unlike Korea, China, Japan and others in Asia, they are competing with the latest breakthroughs related to science on the international scene. They have the power of investors on steemit, and has modern technology today.

I let all this go naturally to find the ideal format.


Photos illustrations of my collection.
Taken with Canon EOS 7D camera.


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Betoi bg... lon setia ke tag aceh. Tapi pakon tanyo hana saleng bantu dalam tabangun jaringan nyo? Hana pih saboh postingan lon yang nekalen lee awak droneh yang ka level rayek. Lon terpaksa mita perhatian bak awak belanda, indonesia, spanyol dll. Padahal nyan jelas kon bik tanyo. Meah atas komentar lon adun.

Tamita perhatian beurang kapat jeut tetapi kon dengon meulake, deungon postingan yang got dan berkualitas beu galak gob. Kamoe awai meunan chit bahkan lebeh sulet lom karna galom na rakan teuh sino hana pat meu peugah hai. Lon sarankan beu kayem neujak komen2 bak awak lua yang le blanja jadi deungon aktif tanyoe rame awak lua ji meungon neuh dan jitem vote yg penteng beu banbut insya allah na raseuki, perjuangan kamoe awai brat that peudeh lom. Tp berkat kesabaran alhamdulillah jino ka tatume cok raseuki..

Trims adun....


Yang karu-karu mantong

hi @vannour, I really appreciate your argument, a bit of a view from me. What are our goals in steemit....?

In your post mentions,

"there is nothing special about Aceh today! It's just egocentricism, we're just a consumptive society."

This should be a new window for us to rise up, make it special, and introduce to the world that we are not what they see now.

"Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up".

And here I remain committed, that #aceh tag still exists in english, not in other languages.

Only for those who are lazy and do not want to think, which only uses the mother tongue in the international community.

I agree with @vannour's opinion. The #Aceh tag should not only be used by the Acehnese. All things related to Aceh should have used the Aceh tag. Like we use #photography tagging for a photo gallery on every blog, or #food when we write about something related to food.

In my opinion, this is a common thing in article writing in mainstream online-based media, including on blogs. I think it's too exclusive and extreme if we limit the rights of others to use Aceh tagging, especially about requiring them to use English.

Sorry, the comment I wrote is not to judge a particular party, whether the pros and cons of using #Aceh tag should be English or free to speak (non-English). This is only my professional opinion as an Acehnese. Greetings to all. Hopefully we can take advantage of this steemit platform as a social media, as planned by the founders from the beginning.

Yes, that's a sensitive issue. It seems MUST be taken immediately solution. Or, the polemic will expand.

Problem tag aceh, I think all parties already understand. And the aceh tag is not today contained in steemit, but the aceh tag since I joined in steemit already contained aceh tag.
Actually today, there are some people who feel proud of themselves have the ability and feel there is support, then it is people who provoke about the abuse of aceh tags, even they equate the aceh tag with others.

Lon ureung paleng seutia dalam bo tag aceh, lon that meuheut Aceh magat tha maju ukeu lagee awak laen yang tag nan nangroe, contoh yang tag kr (korea) atau indonesia dan laen - laen. Jadi awak tanyoe pih ta tag Aceh bak awai tag adak jet saran lom?

Providing opportunities for everyone to use #Aceh tagging also optimizes the Aceh campaign in the world. Thus, Aceh is often discussed by all users in steemit, whoever he is and whatever the color of his skin.

Very wonderful post and pictures. @naz722

Interesting post brother


Nice one

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