Eating a banana every day is beneficial for health. In the colon, there is a type of protein named Triphofan which helps in reducing human depression. It contains plenty of potassium and very low salt which can help keep blood pressure under control. There is also a large amount of iron in the banana which increases the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Along with hair care, banana is equally beneficial.
If the hair becomes fragile or hair growth increases, you can use the banana and olive oil packs. Blend a ripe banana and two table spoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil Blender and make smooth paste. Then put the pack on the whole head and take a shower cap. After 20 minutes, wash the hair with cold water and shampoo. Coconut oil can be used instead of olive oil. The use of this pack will strengthen the hair and relax.
Take half a ripe banana to remove the dandruff. Mix three table spoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of potato juice. Put the mixture on the haircut and head skin. Do not cover the whole hair. After 20-25 wash hair shampoo. The tip helps the hair to be dry and smooth.
Make two packs of bananas, an egg yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice, mix them well. Keep this pack well on your skin and hair. Fold the head with a plastic. Sprinkle a towel over him. Keep it like 1 hour. Then wash it thoroughly with water. It will not extend the hair, but it will make it soft and soft.