Y'all know that I'm not a fan of anything Disney anymore; but, the wording here is misleading.

in disney •  7 months ago 


Don't get me wrong, Disney is doubling down on the evil. Still, they're not trying to get the lawsuit "thrown out" in its entirety. If you subscribed to Disney+, you didn't accidentally sign a waiver saying that you can't sue Disney.

The dispute here is that the plaintiff wants a jury trial. Disney+ has a stipulation in its terms of service that disputes shall be handled in arbitration.

I don't know if it's normal to put something like that in terms of service agreements; but, pretty much every company has some kind of general policy of paying the lawsuit even if it's frivolous. That's something I've had to bring up way too many times when people accuse Koch Industries of wrongdoing by pointing to how many lawsuits they've settled. Koch has a policy of not fighting lawsuits, even though they are hit with frivolous lawsuits all the time. The cost of lawyers is usually higher than the price of the lawsuit, and companies usually generally want to stay out of a public courtroom. It's always possible that, even if the company did nothing wrong, they'll draw a jury that simply doesn't like the company, or always wants to support the little guy.

Especially if NPR's reporting is correct, and the plaintiff is only asking for $50k, Disney is probably looking at spending several times that on legal fees.

I'm sure that Disney's reasoning behind this was to keep lawsuits out of the public eye. Of course, that's not what's happening here.

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