UK LGA recommends heavier fines for those breaching disposable vape bans

in disposable •  11 months ago 

The Local Government Association (LGA) said businesses breaching the ban on disposable vapes should face tougher fines to deter unscrupulous businesses. Under the government's plans, businesses caught selling disposable vapes could be slapped. It will be a £100 fixed penalty notice from local authorities once the ban is implemented.

UK LGA recommends heavier fines for those breaching disposable vape bans.png

The fines is too low

The LGA says the proposed fines is too low and might let businesses off the hook. And, it says a small number of businesses may consider the fine a price worth paying. Then they can continue selling the vape products.

Kaya Comer-Schwartz, leader of Islington Council and the LGA’s public health spokesperson, says:

“We’re delighted that the government is taking decisive action to ban disposable vapes. However, proposed penalties will be a drop in the ocean to a minority of unscrupulous businesses looking to make a quick buck after the ban comes into place.”

According to the LGA's analysis, local authorities can impose larger fines for other breaches. These include:

  • fines of up to £500 for littering.
  • £500 for excessive noise in licensed premises.
  • £200 for businesses failing to display "no smoking" signs.
  • Fines of up to £150 for distributing leaflets without authorization in a public place.

LGA is calling on government to amend the tobacco and vaping bill.

The LGA represents local authorities in England and Wales. It is calling on the government to amend the tobacco and vaping bill to allow local authorities to impose tougher fines. Besides, local governments are also calling for new taxes on e-liquids announced in the budget to be used to fund local environmental, public health and law enforcement services.

The LGA has been among the advocates calling for a ban on disposable vapes. It says the vaping products pollute streets as litter, pose a danger to council bin trucks. And, these vapes are expensive and difficult to dispose of at recycling centres. The assiciation says the vape colours, flavors and advertising appeal to children. What's more, disposable vaping products pose a growing risk to the health of young people.

Local governments believe a comprehensive ban is the most effective way to address the environmental and health problems that disposable vapes can cause. The association think that disposable vapes are inherently unsustainable products. The LGA says it urged the government to implement the ban "as soon as possible".

Comer-Schwartz says allowing local governments to issue larger fines would act as a strong deterrent. And, this can ensure a ban on disposable vapes is implemented. Also, this is necessary to create a "new smoke-free generation".
"We must do all we can to protect our children and our communities from the harm these single-use products can cause. And, ensuring e-cigarettes are available for those long-term smokers looking to quit." Comer-Schwartz says.

Vape Manufacturer reaction to the recommendation.

As a leading vape manufacturing company, VPFIT also has business in North Ireland. Since the UK government plans to ban disposable vaping, we have change our marketing plan. Now, our main focus in UK is pod vapes, e cigar vapes, and other reusable vape devices.

But we support fine heavier to those online and offline retailers who sell vapes to youth. The youth need to be protected.

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