If the topic of diversity was a necessity in the previous two years, it will be mandatory by 2022. I spoke about this topic's importance in the labor market in one of my most recent articles, which you can read on my timeline.
As I have previously mentioned, as time goes on, customers are paying more attention to the values of our companies. Furthermore, they only purchase goods and services from businesses who support and uphold causes that are significant to them. And here, I'm referring to actual actions, not only the publication of content on days like the International Day for the Pride of the LGBTQIA+ Community, the International Day for Feminist Equality, the International Day for People with Disability, and many others.
While browsing through articles on the internet, I came across a McKinsey and LeanIn report that had the following details:
Approximately 96% of American organizations report the gender representation of their employees at all hierarchical levels;
About 90% only provide information to senior levels;
Only 54% of those surveyed for the study make a gender and ethnicity diagnosis of their coworkers. More specifically, black and Latina women in leadership positions.
Without a doubt, the businesses who succeed in overcoming this challenge will stand out in the upcoming year. Remember that around 50% of multicultural women are currently likely to quit their jobs in the next two years due to difficulties related to gender and etnia.
According to author Ella Bell Smith, who wrote a book about black and white women and the challenges they face when establishing their professional identities, "if all the women don't advance, no group will advance in the long run."