DIE - (Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity)

in diversity •  4 years ago 


Sounds great. What could go wrong?

The idea is that differences, the more the better, and focusing our attention on those differences rather than focusing on our similarities, common humanity, will lead to increased harmony.

I'm not sure there is any evidence anywhere that this thesis is true. There are certainly 1000's of examples where the opposite it true.

The word "Equality" -

Suffers from false equivalence with "same". Everyone is the same. That is false, not true.

Everyone should be given equal opportunity is a value judgment, so it isn't about true/false, but it is a value judgement I agree with and support. This includes the opportunity to have different and unequal outcomes, by choice and actions.

Forced sameness and equality of outcome (Equity), to maintain the truth of an untrue proposition, necessarily requires tyranny. Since it will not happen naturally, it must be forced upon people.

Insisting everyone have equal outcome removes choice from the individual and denies the reality that people are different and will make different choices when they are free to do so.

I would amend the Solzhenitsyn quote to read "different preferences and capacities", but he knew that better than I do.

In my older age, I am most jealous of people who lead a simple life and are genuinely happy with good human relationships and not much stuff required.

Maybe I should get resentful and demand they give me their simplicity and contentment they stole from me via their power and privilege.

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