Cats in apartments: Give them the Higher grounds.

in diy •  7 years ago 


"Hi my name is Esh, it means fire and I am a male cat. Try and guess my breed, if you get it right, Eric here will reward you with 1 steem dollar.

People call me red but I am mostly orange. I hunt anything moving, or not. I act mainly on instinct. I live with my "bastard" sister Mel and my human. He gives me food and sometimes really good food. I wish he could give me really good food more often, but I am still trying to vocalize it, sometime eventually he will figure it out. Until now nothing, very disappointed."


"And I am Mel, female cat. I don't know my breed. My mother was kind of Siamese, so all i know i am probably 25% Siamese and 75% other. Nonetheless I am a cat. I live with my human and my "bastard" brother Esh. I am sensitive and prefer to hide and feel safe next to my human, on the top of a furniture or under the blanket of my human's bed."


Living in an apartment especially in higher levels requires us to install nets on all windows and the whole world from now on for your cat is the inside of your apartment.


So it’s up to you provide a rich environment for your companion.


Apart from the basics (food, water, love and sand), any feline needs a few places where they can hide and fell safe.
It can be a hole under the sofa, a chair or a table.


But most of the time all they want is to be able to see it all at a safe and comfortable spot.


They have this instinct of climbing things and finding places to stay where they can be close to you but mostly on higher grounds than you.


It seems like they live in the wilds acting for survival even inside an apartment. When friends visit I often see them looking for places in the environment where they can have an advantage to flee if necessary, considering where people are.


Cats can be very agile and find ways to reach probably every top of furniture. So with no further due, “higher grounds” means install some shelves and drill some holes for hooks to create a few places for your cat using indoor spaces you would never use for yourself.


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HAHA... Lovely!! Cats and their humans: a love affair!

Hey you! Good to see you here. ;)

Researchers believe the word “tabby” comes from Attabiyah, a neighborhood in Baghdad, Iraq. Tabbies got their name because their striped coats resembled the famous wavy patterns in the silk produced in this city.

Cool bot. Interesting fact. They call Esh a Red Tabby indeed. @catfacts

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