DIY, Always a Way to Save Money, and In This Case Man Hours!

in diy •  5 years ago 

I know that I did a DIY post on installing a floating floor system, not too long ago.
This post is along the same line, but not as detailed as the last, and will include just a couple reminders of some very important instillation tips.
The main topic of this DIY is all about saving both money and time, by thinking out of the box.


Remember, one on the most important things to do while installing the floor boards is to leave at least a 3/8th in. space from the edge of the board to the wall.
All floating floors will grow and shrink, how much depends on the temperature and the humidity.


After a good section of the floor has been laid, the spacers can be removed. Once the spacers are removed, you should have a straight line between the wall and the floor.


The molding at the wall/floor transition is made up of two pieces.
If you need moldings, and want to save a lot of money, making them out of White pine is the way to go.
Making your own molding does require having a couple power tools. If you have a router and a palm sander, they're rather simple to make.


The beauty of installing two different pieces of trim at the floor, is that it allows you to completly cover the transition at the floor/wall. If you happen to make a cut that is off a little, the second piece of floor trim will usually cover minor mistakes.
When installing this piece, lay it gently on the floor and nail.
Don't push down on the trim, remember the needs to be able to move. If it can't move it will buckle.


It was not my intention what so ever to show off my collection of Louis Vuitton footwear, while leaving the doors to my closet open for this pic.

With the closet doors open, you can see how the flooring system was carried through the closet.
The threshold between rooms and doors are done differently, depending on the situation.
When a different flooring is used from one room to the next, a saddle may be required to make a smooth transition.

Floating floor systems give you many options in design and color.
The price can range from 0.34 cents to $8.00 per sq. ft.
If you are handy, this is a great way to go.

Well, here's the part where I saved some money and time, always a good thing.
Knowing that I was going to repaint the room after the floor was installed, I was dreading all of the cutting in that the job would require. By cutting in, I mean painting right alongside of all of the molding.
Still liking the brightness of the yellow, I came up with the idea of just painting the walls wherever some wear and tear had taken place. Most of what was up high looked as though it was painted yesterday, no sense painting that.

By taking a straight edge, and outlining where paint was needed, I came up with some rather unique walls.


Taping the outlines I had created took some time.


Yup, a little tape and spackle needed here. I hate spackling, but not nearly as much as I hate working on automobiles @jlsplatts.


What do you think of the finished product, kind of cool I think.


With all but the dinning room ceiling of our home being either cathedral, or vaulted, a considerable amount of time was saved by not having to work off of a ladder.


Just from this one picture you can see all of the trim that didn't need to be cut in.


All in all I would estimate that I saved around 16 man hours and around $45.00 is supplies.
The sections of the walls that were painted, only required one gallon of paint.

$45.00 to the good
16 hrs. saved
a finish product that I really like = winner


Sometimes it pays to think out of the box! 👍

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Wow! Impressive! And here I thought after you had the garden in you would put your feet up and relax!

Hey floor looks great see ya soon!!

I'm a handy bloke...But not like you it seems. Wanna have a feee holiday and come down to Australia to do odd-jobs around my place? I'll supply meals.

Warning: All meals may consist of Vegemite. The most awesome food in the world.

Great job as always, I just love the floor @thebigsweed, you the man.

Now where's that to do list, I may have a few additions, I don't want you to get bored. hehe❤