Food and Health, Sonamoni
The food list according to the trimester during pregnancy
September 29, 2013 Food and Health, Sonnet Off
The food list during pregnancy should be such that it can meet the following requirements.
A) Protecting mother's good health
B) The right growth of the child
C) Provide adequate energy during delivery
D) and provide adequate breast milk after delivery
During pregnancy, extra calories are needed because the mother cells, fats, placenta or amara are formed at this time. So during this time there is a need to eat some extra food as well as other foods. If the mother's weight is correct, they are asked to increase the weight of 11 kg after being pregnant, and those who are overweight or BMI 26-29 have to increase their weight by 7 kg. The thicker weight or weight is said to increase the weight. If there is excessive weight of the mother, there are many problems with the child and those who are underweight are asked to increase the weight. Because this causes the child to lose weight and suffer from nausea. Today, we will discuss the food list during pregnancy or share the trimester about what will be the problem if not in the food list.
What is a trimester?
Pregnancy usually lasts more than 9 months. This 9 months is divided into 3 parts. First trimester for the first 3 months, the second trimester for the second 3 months i.e. 4-6 months second trimester and the baby trimester from 6 months to the time of birth. The importance of the Trimester is very much. There is a different kind of growth in the child's trimester. So according to the Trimester, the food should be selected.
First trimester or first 3 months after pregnancy
In the early part of pregnancy, many women are worried about their physical changes. Especially those who are going to be the first mother think they will have to eat extra food at the time. As a result, eating plenty of food increases your weight. Later, there is a lot of damage to both mother and child. At this time you can eat extra glass of 1 glass of milk and 2 extra meals with your daily meals. Besides, eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not stop smoking at all. The reason is that it is more likely to be born of less weight and loss of baby. Eat plenty of water. 8 to 10 glasses Eat less caffeine-rich food. Because it is more likely to get less sleep and loss of water. So if you want to drink drink lots of fruit juice, curd, lip khana and of course eat these at home. Eat as much as you can outside the food. The first trimester does not need to eat extra food if you have the right weight. Some things are necessary during this time, there is one among them, folate or folic acid. Folate is found in some natural foods. For example- Karkala, Capsicum, Broccoli, Fenugreek, Mint, Coriander, Nuts and Kismis. But not just eating food, its needs are not met. So supplementary food or medicine is to eat folic acid, according to the doctor's advice. Usually, doctors give Folic Acid 400 micrograms daily. If the lack of acid acids, the child is spina bifida or there is a problem with the neural tube. Because at the time the head and spinal cord formation begins, and folic acid is needed for this formation. Therefore, you must eat folic acid, talk to the doctor.
Second trimester or 4th to 6th month
More than 200-300 calories should be eaten at this time. Generally an adult girl or woman needs 2200 calories a day. So you need to eat 2500 calories a day if you are pregnant. Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids during this time are plenty to eat. Because at the time the brain or eye is formed and this nutrition is very much needed for this structure to be properly formed. Vitamin D will get sunlight, milk, curd, brown rice and wheat. Omega 3 will have to eat marine fish and food. Tiaseera oil contains Omega 3. Salad mixed with 2 tablespoons of Tissi oil will eat salad. Eat lots of fish At this time iodine will eat enough. Because, at this time the thyroid gland starts working and the iodine is a very useful component for thyroid. Only iodine salt can not be eaten, according to the doctor's advice iodine may be eaten in the form of medicines. At this time calcium khana is very abundant. Because it helps in making the baby's bones, meat etc. Calcium is available in milk, yogurt, ice cream, cheese etc. Realize