[Acid Streams] Playing CS:GO with @steemgc members tonight!

in dlive •  7 years ago 


Hey everyone! It's been a long time since I've played CS:GO with @steemgc members! If you wanna check out the project, take a look at the account and join their discord server here where you can connect and play with other Steemian gamers!

Come join us as we do some CS:GO matchmaking!

My live stream is at DLive

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bye bye guys

Good night and sleep tight

@mumin007 guess you wont need any scary game now...this was more than scary

See ya guys

This game was really awesome acidyo gave his best

soo bye take care...see you tomorrow guys ....sayonara

blast it was

Was up dude

Hey nice shooting man.

CS games back on track

Still in the game? Dammit! Late again :D



I'm wrong or you became better? A New mouse maybe?
Probably I'm just seeing things :D

i will kill with my sword....my little sword

ha ha we are live ..well played @acidyo

Really great article, my friend. You are a wonderful and successful person

CS again


Hey man

I like the game, just do not understand its play

Hi nice gaming,you are a true game lover.

Thats cool man.

I love these fancy Guns

Hey @acidyo i am going to play for sure.

Nice dlive game

You are a superb gamer man.Go ahead.

That's superb playing man.Kill them all.

Nice game steem

guide me, and help me in steemit, I follow you, I hope you also follow me, your post is very good.

get going

this is realy great post.good job.

Succes.jpg FOLLOW zulfahrizal89 yes

great job done.

wow there is a enemy killed them officer 👮

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @acidyo ..I hope that you will announce the curators very soon...

Good post @cidyo

oo coblestone nice map :D

Curators for what ?

Best point and click game

I noticed, its really weird



Weird as in

Is this a different map, this looks vibrant

Sky is up @muhasib

Something else is up. Let me check my pants

So are you @wa2qr

heyyya... let the gaming session start

@acidyo my friend , the live broadcast is freezing. :(

I can't see video, u guys?

Sure @mumin

Hello @acidyo and everyone
Hope you'd a good day

By CS he means counter strike

can't see anything

hey @acidyo is there room for one ? :D

Ok working now

Keep killing

yea.... mine is yet to upload

Bullets here and there, this sound annoys me

back on track

It's freezing again and again

Thr is some kinda problem with stream or its just me

mine is freeezin

No you are not gonna die, you gonna have a victory

Really great FPS game and best for multiplayer and compitions from my point of view

I don't understand. the live broadcast is freezing. :(

It is. I had relaod the page twice already

Use a sniper instead AK47

That's why I do not know what you're saying.

Yea win

sniper is good

y dont u all join my streaminghuh

Multiplayer thing is awesome but I think it gets Dlive heavy

i had just 3 or 4 viewerss

Haha sure

One of my all-time favorite online FPS comes back to consoles.

Is there some problem with your computer @acidyo

Hey friends is live broadcasting freezing?

may I play the game with you.

Shahaan I told you to text me first. I wanted to watch you live

Yes shanks it is for me

It's hanging a lot today, A RESTART may help

Hey acidyo

ahhh... ur fingers must be tired bro lol

@shahaan I didn't know


move it move iit

Muhasib were?


@rjunaid12 u must next time... dont dissapoint me nexttime

Were you live @shahaan


@waq2r FO

This stream ain't cool with me

Text me first, I'll gladly join the stream bro

don't have that much taste

its freeezin a lot

Only if he wins it

I will too love to join it

Baekil aaye