CONTEST! My 2018: My first @DLive video - 100 SBD in Prizes!

in dlive •  7 years ago  (edited)

You don´t have to be a professional editor nor an amazing camera man, you don´t even need to be an adept vlogger to join this contest. All you need is to be creative and have the drive to make a video.

One of the coolest parts of the Steem ecosystem is all the different decentralized platforms we as Steemians can use to post our content. Steemit is not only about written posts, but also about making videos and the platform I´ve been using - and will be using - for the past weeks is @dlive.

The drill is pretty simple: Make your first video and post it on the Steem Blockchain using DLive.

But Nomad, I am camera shy, I can´t even appear on family pics!

Relax! It doesn´t have to be a vlog and if you are not comfortable with it, you don´t have to appear on the video! It can be a video about whatever, the intention of this contest is for you to put on your creative hat and to experiment with this awesome video platform.

It can be a video about your hobby, it can be a tour around your hometown, it can be about your last family trip or maybe about your dogs, you can make a vlog about what do you think of horses, you can record your brother making funny faces, there is a whole world of posibilites... it literally can be about anything and everything, you just have to choose the subject.

But be aware, the prizes will be given to the most creative videos, we don´t want to reward a 20 second video of your grandma watching TV, do we? The winners will be selected using a very strict criteria. I will take into account the lenght of the video, the quality of the recording (you don´t have to be a pro but the video can´t look as if it was taken by a crocodile, put some effort into it!), the creativity of the subject among other criteria, but most importantly, you have follow the rules.

Oh yeah, of course there are rules! :(

But if you want to know them, you have to watch the video. My very first vlog style video. You know, those videos where you talk to the camera as if it was your friend. Well, it is my first time, so if I can do it, you can do it too! (also, this way I make sure that you actually watch my video :D )

Click the image, it´s the rules video!


One rule i forget to mention, it has to be original content and exclusive for DLive, you can´t reupload an old video! This means that the video you upload has to be made specifically for this contest

Obviously, if you are joining this contest, you have no idea how to use @dlive or how to upload a video, so here is a very simple tutorial to upload on, click here to read it!.

Important info

  • If you have already uploaded videos using DLive you can still join this contest because its fun, but I will be giving preference to newbies when deciding who wins.

  • I will be manually curating some of the videos I like but a vote from me is not guaranteed.

  • @dlive will have their curator team watching the videos and they will be manually curating some of them, but their vote is not guaranteed.

  • If you want, you can use the tag #ocd-resteem to increase the chances of your post being voted and resteemed by @ocd.

  • You can use your cellphone to record the video as long as the phone has a good camera :)

  • The video can be in your local language, but you need to include subtitles in english to be able to win :D

Remember that Resteeming this post is a great way to support this contest!


You have until May the 6th at 21:00 PST (Pacific Time) to post your entry, posts after the deadline won´t be eligible to win the contest.

Special Thanks

Remember, making this contest and giving this prizes is only possible due to the delegation I got from @blocktrades. Don´t forget to vote for them as witness here to show them your support!


I am not voting on this post myself because yesterday I misclicked on my crappy phone and upvoted one of my comments with 100%. I dropped my phone, the screen broke and now its acting weird, it scrolls by herself, clicks on tihngs without me even touching the screen and i´ve almost flagged a post more than once. I´m glad I wasn´t on that blue social media and liked a photo of my crush from 2013, that would have been awkard right? Also, that is the reason why I´m not answering on discord as much as before, because I literally can´t write properly, I´m sorry if you are one of the people I take too long to respond :( Anyway, that is the reason I´m not voting on this post.

My video is at DLive

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I have my videos that I'm uploading and Dlive, so I leave it to you to see it, they are the most boring

I commented before but I would like to encourage everyone to join the contest. It takes guts putting yourself out there for everyone to see. Even harder when you are holding a massive camera in front of you talking to it in public. But once you get over that, it's still not easy. Ahahaha.. But conquer your fear by facing it and slapping it in the face silly.

But like the post said, you don't have to be on camera. Just be creative. Be the director and direct a great story. I really should work on my own stuff.. Looking forward to wathing great entries.

Awesome çontest. It will bring out the creativity in the participant and get the natural feel.

This really cracked me..hahahaha

you don´t have to be a pro but the video can´t look as if it was taken by a crocodile, put some effort into it.

Sorry about your phone, guess it now have it own mind or skynet has gone live....
More than ackward and one can't even explain

I´m glad I wasn´t on that blue social media and liked a photo of my crush from 2013, that would have been awkard right?


This is a wonderful opportunity for me to contest and at the same time try something. I have never done dlive so it gonna be fun

This is an amazing idea and agreat way to start on dlive. Thank you @anomadsoul for this ontest and here is my entry:

Holy Molly ! That explains it!

I just got a $7.5 upvote from you on my The Holy Blockchain post. I had never got such a huge upvote on any of my previous articles from anyone. EVER.

Heck, NONE of my 50+ posts ever got $7.5 in TOTAL organic rewards (before my promoting them with bidbots)!

Now I understand how that happened! It probably was your broken-screen phone acting weird ... :-)

Thank you and please do stroke and console that poor phone some more, it suffered when breaking its screen and I'm sure it needs to be shown some love!

Hahahahahaha no man! There are still some manual curators out there! Stick to keep making good content and we´ll find it. Remember to use the tag #ocd-resteem for your best posts!

Her is my video guys! please watch it. Its a music video. I'm a recording artist and i put this together myself. Thanks!

wooooahhh!!! I freaking love it! Such a soulful voice ^_^

Here are the rules, you can still edit your post to fit the rules xx

Hello brova!
I guess it's time to do one of those shirtless videos where I will be running on the beach and shouting halleleya! Lol!
Just kidding!
Will give it a shot! Literally...

Hey man! I recently just joined steemit and have just posted my first video on dlive. its a music video. How do i enter it into this comp?

Just upload it following the rules my friend.

Amazing and fantastic!! we will enjoy some nice videos for sure!!

Fantastic way to attrac people to the Dlive platform

I will be joining this contest!! i have an idea, you know i'm running a give away project right now, so i can fit it with this, talking to you and others <3 this gonna be funn!! hahaha

That is a great idea! Combine both, that way you can do the contest and at the same time let everyone know about what you are doing to help others!

Yeahh for sure! this will be awesome!

I’m in. Wait for the link in the reply to this comment. Upvoted and ReSteemed!

I made a video for your contest Mexicanito!! It is a song about Steemit. , am i supposed to post it here? i am not sure, but here it is, just in case.


Thanks a lot for the opportunity!! I hope you like it! <3

I'm glad I caught this post. I haven't uploaded any live video anywhere. Is it possible to upload o. Dlive a pre-recorded vid? The video I want to upload was shot just 2 hours ago.

Yes, actually you can upload pre-recorded videos to DLive, but make sure that for this contest you upload one that is exclusive and original for DLive!

hello very good morning ... I did not know in time of the contest but nevertheless I did it and published it even though I did not enter the contest, this will serve as an introduction to me. same thanks for the opportunity @anomadsoul

My goodness this is amazing, well it's been a while I dared to be shooting a video and obviously I've not used DLIVE I don't know why, but well I think this would be amazing for people who really needs to create content but are suffering from bloggers block you know, for the fun of it I'd hop in, I'd really hope to enjoy myself on this one Eric

I'm sorry about your phone I guess it was the shock of the 100% UPVOTE

Hahaha it was the shock! But it´s ok, I can now be free from the shackles that is our phones! I´m looking forward to watch your video, I know it will be as awesome as your written posts, I´m glad it comes at a good time for you to join :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for AWESOMEEE contest @anomadsoul this is the right moment for me to show off my work. I hope my first video on @dlive is eligible to join this contest. Here is my the link to my video.


Wao, no he usado dlive y soy muy amateur con la tecnología, ja ja pero voy a revisar para participar, que divertidos tus concursos.

Hello here I leave my entry to the contest ... success to all

Temptation by Dlive from every angle. I just told someone will be doing my first dlive video soon. I think the soon is here. Hahaha

HAahaha the tomorrow is today man! Get it going, only one week to submit it! Thanks for commenting, I hope to see your video soon :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think it's time to dry clean my best shirt and get ready for some video shooting!!!

And sorry about your phone, thank goodness it wasn't my comment that was almost flagged

Haha I can handle the the ironing for you.

Lolzzz maybe we could shoot some videos together while you do that😁

A video collaboration! Hell yeah, you can make Cameos in each other´s video lol.

How about going shirtless? Hahaha
Oh no, it was a whales post once and one of my posts the other, I even got the message to confirm the flag and panicked haha.


I wish I have some biceps 💪 and triceps. Shirtless would have been my pick. Lolzzzz

Whale account? 😱
I would have panicked too.
Thank goodness for the confirmation page


@dlive Hello! Friends! This is my first video in Dlive. Steemit advertising

My video is at DLive

wao nice beach.

Cool I am new to steemit and I did not know DLive, here is my first video.

is Amazing the video.

what a good contest ... I will try to participate ... it seems super chimbo what your phone ...

Wow this is so nice,am on it!!! Although am not use to putting my face out there,anyways its all part of the fun. Thanks guys

Amazing!... Definitely going to be part of this beautiful contest!

That is great to hear! I remember you from previous contests!

Videos no please lol I'm so bad at making videos hahaha

I´m sure you will love it! I know you are not fan of pics or videos but hey, this can be a nice new experience!

This is the perfect opportunity to make my first dlive video. I've been experimenting with filming and dtubelately so this fits perfect to creat some very great first dL post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Should I comment the link of the video here or I should make a post about it? Is it ok if I enter with the first video I uploaded months ago?

P.S. Your video in DLive isn't loading. So I can't watch it.

I specify this on the post, only new videos specifically made for this contest man!

sorry i missed that part.

Great promotion ... Dlive is very cool

Excellent, just today I register on the Dlive platform and this is the opportunity to start, congratulations @anomadsoul, for this great initiative

Damn it! I"m on my 15th video oredi but reblogging coz I love this platform.

Thanks for the Resteem :D

Excelente video amigo, estare participando en este concurso, esta plataforma Dlive es muy buena, asi que es una buena iniciativa para que ampliemos nuestros Blogs a travez de esta. saludos.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Very handsome Grr... :$ Good english! xD

Scenic fear is terrible and I have it. Success for the participants

Hahaha you're so funny. Awesome contest idea...I love how it coincides with your first video. Good first vlog... Feels like the camera is your friend!

My grandma is kind of sad that I won't be filming her watching TV, though

:( Tell the granny I´m sorry, but I´ve just watched her too many times already...

I really look forward to see what you post about! Thanks for joining :)

I know haha I kinda, kinda, planned it this way, the first vlog part. You think so? I felt a bit weird, I think talking to the camera is something you reaaally have to learn step by step, this first time was hard to get myself going, it took a lot of shots to get that small minute of recording, and I still think I could´ve been better!

jajaja what about a video of my granny talking in a man voice pretending to be a cow farmer, with the tv on in the background?? My granny is crazy, in a good/weird kind of way haha.

I WISH I could enter your contest, but unfortunately I did my first and only dlive video a couple of weeks ago in Bali. I was SO excited to share it, too, but I'm not sure if a lot of people saw it. Wish I'd have known, I would've saved it for this challenge!

It's okay though...I will make more videos in the meantime (have to figure out a new editing program though...I was using flipagram on my phone which was working perfectly for me, but it got bought out and I'm pretty bad at editing with the others. Sorry for the TMI rant).

Haha I figured you kinda planned it this way, you smartie haha. And YES I think so. I think you're right, you get better with time, but I honestly can't tell it's your first time.

You even did a good job with editing and putting text on the screen! I think you're a natural. You're always going to be your biggest critic, so don't be too hard on yourself. From my perspective, your video is perfect. If you're not fully being yourself on camera, I can't tell.

Asi que, bien hecho!!

I use humble movie maker and it works just fine, i used to do final cut but meh, it is overkill for non pro videos.

Where in the world are you now?

Fantastic. Will give this a shot.

Not sure what sort of video I’ll make but I have some ideas. :)

I´m sure you´ll come up with something :Dq

I will make a try for this huge Dlive just to learn it hihihihihi

Yes! That´s the idea, to try out new steem powered platforms!

Can you help me how to start with Dtube can we post any type of videos be it dance , classical music, bikini fashion shows etc

This post has been shown by @wishmir to 30+ followers. Please check the @wishmir page

Hmmm... i was planning to upload a video on @dlive for the first time and so this contest is a perfectly timed one! 😉

Perfect timing! You have no excuse to not join!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yup! I just uploaded mine. In fairness, i thought @dlive would be intimidating but apparently not. I took longer to edit the video (like a day! Lol)
I hope it is ok to add other tags apart from your mandatory ones.

I'm so excited @anomadsoul. What a way to start the day...

Hi, the videos can be in Spanish?

Yeah just include subtitles :)

Hi im @rohanmore I just follow u and like ur post pls resteem my post like plsssssss

You want him to flag you down? Come let me teach you how steem operates. Stop this thing you are doing

Kk sir

Well I have made a dTube video of myself talking about why I want to be in sndbox during your summer camp challenge so let's try this!

Looking forward to it man!

Hahaha no excuse now man"

Thank you very much. I will let some people know.

First, sorry to hear about your cellphone.

This is kind of interesting contest, but making a vidoe and vlogging is my weakness. My first son loves to vlog, maybe I can learn a bit from him. 😁😀

My video is now uploaded! Here's my entry:

Nice post

This is truly an awesome opportunity to get my first D-live video. I am super excited! Thanks @anomadsoul

Oh darn I kind of not qualified for it

:( you can still do it for the fun :D
But like, you are a pro! It wouldn´t be fair for every other newbie! hahaha

Nunca creí sentirme tan emocionado por subir un vídeo y mucho menos el primero nunca creí haberlo pero gracias a usted me e entusiasmado, estupendo concurso amigo sera un total exito :D

Gracias por la oportunidad @anomadsoul saludos fraternales!Ajz naka logo post final - copia.jpg

i will join again.^^

Congratulations @anomadsoul!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 495,52

This is going to be an interesting contest and also offer chances to timid people who sees camera as a gun ready to pull its trigger.

Sorry about your phone and liking an old picture of your crush is embarassing. Trust me, I've been there😁😁

Exactly, this contest is for everyone! :D

Thanks for your support, I'm trying to sign-up @Dlive site for network is not helping matters, I hope to do that later again so that I can be a part of this contest. Thanks @anomadsoul

nice post beautiful images

I’ll create a video today with the dogs!

Ahhh awesome man!|


oh, nice post! Hi, I'm "nota"
I thank you but I just self-introduction!!

Amazing initiative , Dlive is a great project , i will try to participate :)
thanks followed

yes. I wil try ....

wao this contest sounds great, I've never tried the platform Dlive.

Woooohhh I remember my entry last year. :) I will try again!

I actually remember it too! You were one of the 50ish people that joined! I hope you can join again this time!

I never get a chance to win a slot for the sndbox challenges. Those challenges has brought as out from our comfort zone and effort made is absolutely to the max. Nevertheless, I want to thank you @anomadsoul for making us challenge our status quo.

And still here I am, sharing my another first and out of my comfort zone.

Again, Thank you so much. 😊

I am doing a concert onceca week through dlive broadcast, I have not yet uploaded videos to dlive exceot the "live" ones but technically it would not be my first. Still I think this will encourage many to try. We need more music, art, crafts... I really like dlive. I enjoy enormously mybweekly time with tea and fellow friends

Yes beginners should be encouraged to stay away from the site due to low profits

Loving the contest! Great way to bring new users! I'll be looking out for some new users. Will you be doing an update post with some contestants?

Yes! I think I will! Or perhaps you can help me out with it :) Hit me up on discord!

thank you @alphasteem you just make me to do first personal introduction vlog ever...damn.....

just 2 days huh?

Woo hoo! Let me know when you post it so I don't miss it.

Great article, you deserve an invite. On the best crypt wallet with 25% discount CryptoPay.

1 -gB_2M6S7nQdP1w_Wl5sqQ.gif

Good luck and prosperity!

Bueno, no importa yo voto por ti.
Este concurso pone a prueba al mas valiente, yo no he participado en dlive precisamente por el miedo escénico, pero bueno, quizás me lo piense.

Suerte a los participantes.

I don't think I read if the video can be in Spanish? If so, I think I already have an idea for my first dlive! This is gonna be fun.

It can! Just make sure to include subtitles so other people understand it :D

That's great.....but I regret not having a camera 😑😢

Do you have a cellphone? That is enough!

This is my entry to this amazing contest.

I hope you enjoy it.

Can not wait to see all the new creators make videos.

I am going to try ... just for the FUN of making my video.

I have problems with dlive, so difficult to upload... really need high speed internet...

I will try to make dlive for a generous man @anomadsoulI hope i can have a time to do it..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei! I will go to record something. i'm exited. mmm Parkour? or.. singing? or personal life? or... no no.. yes.. wait.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I'm in!!! I've re-steemed this post. The video will be posted at time. Thanks for the initiative!

Nice initiative, i hope i'll see many new, cool videos. i'll keep my fingers crossed for everyone, who gonna participate in this :)

Thanks for sharing This kind of contest . Hope I can jo

Most likely, I'll participate, I'll make a comic video with a Latin flavor ..

Latin flavor for the win man! Haha

Hey! esta es mi participación por primera vez en esta nueva plataforma :D

Hey! This is my participation for the first time in this new platform :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hello again :) here is my entry , Stop Motion With Clay

"this way I can make sure that you actually see my videos"
I see what you did there!
I'll join in, with my first video :)

Is it necessairly in english ?

hola eric. no por favor no te cortes el pelo, te vez muy guapo asi como estas, por que mejor no te inventas otra cosa, jejejje. Diosss no puedo ver eso

This contest seems pretty cool, so i decided to join it. Here is my video
hope u like it guys !

hola, el concurso es solo en ingles, o tambien lo puedo acer en castellano, he observado que hay pocos trabajos en español. espero que poco a poco vayan abriendose mas los caminos para nuesta comunidad. gracias

This is beautiful initiative @anomadsoul, I'll definitely send in my entry. And sorry about your phone malfunctioning, I hope it gets fixed soonest.

Thanks @anomadsoul
Not a pro but going to make it count

Here goes mine. Thanks @anomadsoul for this awesome opportunity.