[DLive] Slothyy Streams Revulsion - New Insane Game by @Castle

in dlive •  7 years ago 


Streaming a new game I've never played before, created by one of @GamersUnited's very own members @Castle.

Revulsion is supposedly "Dark Souls on steroids" - incredibly hard and action-packed, it's meant to put the player through challenges that push them to the edge.

Let's see how this goes! A full game review and interview with the creator will be written and posted on Steemit after the stream :)

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take it easy

Had a BLAST playing this bro - thank you so much for hanging out the whole time and giving me some pointers/teaching me about it! I think you have a really great game here and tons of room to run and grow with it as you move forward. I'll be streaming it again, and can't wait to finish the review and our Q&A interview!


Thanks for swinging in dude! This was a lot of fun to play :D

You have to click the ready button

sup :D

Up there in the right man!

Lots of them at the start :X

double click will equip it. ANd yeah the vending machine buy back will be a lot more than you sold for.

Lots of options.

Every gun has different zoom

Ice sucks vs zombies but it destroys demons

did you spend all of your credits? because if you didnt then you will probably lose them


death means you lose your stuff

Dark Souls rules apply full force

Stuff you have equipped stays and specific things dont drop.

No you wont lose levels when you die, you just drop stuff in your backpack and credits

Pickaxe is good if you want to find secrets

you cant sell crafting stuff

There you go!

Like with Dark Souls you reset the map when you die. or use a fast travel.

You get one chance to get your stuff back after death.

You use gems to enhance your gear with special afixes

hmm the icebow is worthless against that guy. This may actually be a bug technically

hes a zombie

You need a fire weapon

Rivet should work

he sometimes drops a damaged version of his gun.

Its a mix of a lot of games actually

No puzzles, just shooting killing and survival.

singleplayer only

the cooldown has a static cost

not trolling :D

its classical FPS with modern elements

It would be the damaged version so it wont matter until you get to sanctuary

its always a chance when he dies.

very low chance and you wont be able to use it. hehe


defense is damage reduction vs an enemy of the same level

I plan to do that when I rework the tooltips

defense is the %

When you have more than one point of armor your defense kicks in

If you have zero armor you have zero defense

having more armor just means you wont run out. Also some abilities use your armor

yeah thats correct the amount of armor you have wont change defense.

Its using Doom and quake rules for armor.

lol for now...

Pickaxe can break some blocks in the levels you can see them around sometimes.

you will have to just learn what they look like

My goal is to get the tooltips to be almost exactly like WoW

Yeah its a storage box like Diablo

press tab to open the box

crafting mats wont go in the box

Otherwise there would be no death penalty :D\

blueprints and ammo upgrades dont drop on death.

Old stuff

Max out trifire then craft it

Not at the moment.

your blueprints always craft an item at or above your item level

I like that idea a lot trading for other mats at a reduced rate

thats a great idea

fast travel fully replenishes all stats and resets world.

medkit at level 2 has higher potency

AP cost is based on your level. things get more expensive as your max AP increases. Kind of like spells in WoW

You get a lot of metal scraps for a single run

Its to avoid exploits where keeping a lower level ability will be better than having one at your current level.

So AP cost scales with level.

Yep, exactly

rank 1 ice lance on mage lol

so yeah fast travel is the way to go.

Yeah if you are into stat based stuff then the game will be good for that. Also maximizing your build. Knowing elemental weaknesses on mobs

shit like that is a big part of the game

Yeah then this will be a good game to play. And FPS like this is kind of rare honestly.

This is a mix that I have not played before. But Borderlands is kind of similar maybe? Not really


Some things are easier or impossible to get without jump mods

gearbox made Borderlands.

There is an auto-map by the way if you press M. it shows objectives ect

Rivet gun has punch through so it goes through mobs and you can kill like 10 in a row lol

Lightning based weapons melt those big guys. I destroys and pierces armor


GET green SMG

oh wait its too much ><

They chase you across the entire map lol

They never reset. Once mad they stay mad

I get that a lot where people thing the game is simple. But this can easily take 10-15 hours to complete just normal mode.

And hard mode is end game content. There is 3 more difficulties after that and new game plus.

I was worried you were going to get stuck on the second level in the tutorial XD

Armor with the enduring afix increases max health

You can return to sanctuary to recover stats and upgrade more gear ect

sanctuary refills ammo health and everything

Yeah looks like you have the basics down now.

Ammi upgrades are passives like charms


Ammo boxes dont drop on death

Only problem with ammo boxes is they are heavy

Yeah the weight can overencumber you. If you go over 2000 it slows movement a little bit until you cant move at all at 4000

If you can get gear with the endless afix you can raise max carry weight though

Fallout has influences in this game too

NewVegas was awesome. I made this crazy mod called increased Wasteland Spawns and it turned the game into a warzone XD
