Grab Some Wine and Wacth With Us! LIVE Reaction | The Bachelor

in dlive •  7 years ago 


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He's so done with her

Starting soon gifs are hilarious

Sounds good so far

Volume is good overall

Whatshisface was chewing on your head a second ago

Series host dude

Sound got a bit scratchy on the laughing high notes

The stars will have aligned...

That's what she said

Yeah but you're 10000x more cool and substantive than cardboard dudebro

"I scaled back a little bit.. but it happened to be when it was really busy for me"

She's so gone

She's not saying anything

Dull kisser

He's going to take back that rose

She is NOT too cute 😆

Yeah but Jacqui is friends with Kendall – she wasn't excited because her friend has to deal with Crystal

Maybe Kendall will taxidermy the beast?

Yeah, but usually you stuff a dead thing

Producers gave her the last chance, probably

Nice timing on the start – right after Crystal did her nonsense glitter bomb thing

But are the producers?

Yay, she's doing it again. Making it easy for him

Throw more shade, please

Ooooo I like Kendall now

Hell yes. Master move. Awesome!

Emotional evisceration with a friendly, warm, sincere smile

Stream is like 1 minute delayed from real time, btw

That peacock was eating cheetos???

Did she just slurp her wine, in Paris??

She also has a giant glass of wine

Hope it makes her more sloppy


They didn't show the convo with Kendall

Yep, Crystal is gone. She's got to be

You want ice cream?

I can send a snoring heavy down with it?

She's going for a psych doctorate

He wants to be the bachelorette, maybe?

They should really have a poly bachelor

Heavy incoming