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🌍🔫🐧33 666

Awesome. Hahaha

I think the clip is good

hey fepe 🐧🔧

hi moBeak 🐧🔧

did he say dudette?

hey pga 😁




lol what

where's the night toggle in dlive

good to see you here

GOOD GOOD. Let the Hate flow through you

reactional readjustment

ik about night toggle, just surprised i was able to even log in


what's dif on thumbs up here 100% vs less




Flipped Semi Trucks EVERYWHERE

hoo is Ed Sharon

a troll has landed



FUK U IS WUT THIS IS .... Take ur Panties off little girl, Bout to catch me a registry case


No Flat Easrthers here

u claim ur well respected... U condemned this STREAM b4 investigation

the troll has spoken

sure. cheers for your friendly visit! good bye & good riddance

Dude get a grip

what do you want? make a list of demands. we'll comply.

Getting votes for an unattended stream

Dum ass Host is here . this is a radio show. wut u just get here????

how is this a radio show , ive just seen the youtube banner hahahaha

wut ev NOOB. called cirique.. lots of dif stuff is shown and talked about

No one is talking about anything dude , this is a video off youtube , ill get the url if you like

flat earth hahahaha

Are you on the side of truth?


i am talking

hahahahaha nice youtube video

can you prove the earth is flat no you can not

what is this bullshit

no not flar

hahahaha your full of shit dude , thinking the earth is flat , how can you say people are retarded when you think the earth is flat

flat earthers are strange people lol

no sound in dlive ips

im not a paid troll im open to my own opinions , i just hate flat earthers , its just sad

Also stop playing youtube videos and passing them off as your own

why do you think earth is flat for?


he meant fepette

of course there is flat rocks in space

doesnt mean its a planet

im not a troll

i dont care , ive got better things to do than talk about flat earth , like helping others

Ur here . Mr better

get a grip , bye

tooooodles tard

the retards are you guys here believing this

im sorry but im open to my own opinions and im sick of seeing it all over the internet , who fuckin cares what shape the planet is , you get 85+ years on this planet and you are wasteing your time talking about the shape of the earth , go out man and enjoy your life

and i do apologize for the mistake at the beginning



no ones talking about earth... just u trolls

what ever makes you sleep at night tool

still here?

Gaz. really NO ONE CARES About Flat Earth


What's up.

And none of the idiots say anything worth hearing.

Yet here you are.

Not really. Just a script running on Microsoft Azure. Easy to automate responses with ML and basic AI.

And does Azure write your letters to me? did it send me the pornos?

One moment. Paging my human for a response.

I don't write you letters IPS.

Jack Larson did you run and hide?

Said like someone who doesn't know what React.js and other web programming frameworks are.

im actually a well respected person with my own opinions , also playing youtube videos on dlive and passing them off as your own is wrong if you ask me

@jaimethompson are you still here?

are you on drugs mate

want sum??