in dlive •  7 years ago  (edited)

traditional art of this almost owned by each district in Aceh the South. this art is a combination of art, and religious science metaphysical (science immune). groups this art has players at least 10 led by a commonly referred to the Caliph. this art using musical instruments called rapa'i (drum leather goat). this art generally intone poetry-poetry and dhikr and praise God the creator and to the Prophet in accordance with the Islamic teachings. image

its origin: that said, according to a history of the Sufi (7th century H), rapa'i dabus this comes from the songs (poetry in the form of a prayer) read out by a mursyid (leader tarikat) in the teachings Sufism him. mursyid this read prayer and dhikr with sound melodic and gentle in a long time, to him and his followers unconscious (mortal Billah). mortal Billah this is so order to achieve the inner satisfaction and delights of the soul. image

sometimes in prayer and supplications they often heard the call to the Angel of God in order soon down from the Sky to guide them running towards the tomb makhrifatullah. rapa'i dhikr sign in to Aceh along with the inclusion of Islam by the end of 1 hijriyah or the beginning of 2 hijriyah. the time leaders Islam using drum (rapa'i) while remembrance or bersalawat to the Prophet Muhammad. not to berdebus. image

for poetry readings, salawat and prayer to be more excited, is used tool the form of drum that ditabuh rhythmic by the students Sufism to accompany poetry readings prayer by mursyid. usually group Sufism makes the position of circular. they stand circling the mursyid located in the middle. then move slowly from the right to left while follow prayer read by mursyid while hit the drum by some muridnya. image

sometimes drum hit quickly as the rhythm of poetry readings prayer and sometimes hit slow. their voices heard simultaneously and melodic according to the sound of drum, not rave, because understandably group Sufi (Saints) being mermunajat (mujahadah) to the Inter alia-creator of universe that will reduce Nur softness him to each his servant running towards makam-nya.
according to its history, the group Sufi this before activities mujahadah collectively, the first berwuduk and dressed polite and clean and usually done after prayer ASR in the room closed and not displayed to the public (to avoid the nature of Riya, arrogant and showing off obey).

then, in lately only (early 19th century ad by the next generation of abusing function dhikr with drum (rapa'i) to the things that show off the science of immune to the audience. even sangaja displayed or contested. in fact art dhikr drum (rapa'i) only as a tool / media Saints to run Tenet tarikat leading Fana Billah (fun and masyuk). if want also dhikr in song rapa'i dabus it used to immunization self, usually ancestors our prior utilizing Sciences it when they fight with the Netherlands or the Pagan colonize the country mereka.

the ancestral practice tarikat naqsyabandy, or tarikat other, most they never fear to the Pagan, though they should martyrdom when war in the battlefield, for the sake of struggling to maintain the country, the nation and religion. it's no wonder if the people at war against the Netherlands, always so pemimipin (Caliph / commander) consists of the scholars devout such as: teungku Chik in Tiro, my Lord priest bonjol, Prince diponegoro, Prince hidayatullah, Prince Antasari, and that lain-lain

narrated when Tengku Amir, teuku cut Ali and commander rajo lelo, Tengku Ali usuh and mat comb fight against the Dutch troops on the 19th century is five fighters from South Aceh who have the science of immune, but because of a little terbesit sense Riya to self-fighters of the nation (because cussing Netherlands when fighting) then finally some they killed in contact with bullets and sharp weapon. Tengku Amir of tapaktuan shot dead in the mountains meukek and burial in the sidelines ball the foot of the city of the Dragon tapaktuan, teuku cut Ali was killed in alue bebrang - lawesawah - kluet East, head cut and brought and ditanamam in suaq Lily - kluet selatan

designation Caliph in the whistle logically religion, use the term Caliph actually special to certain people are able to carry the legacy of the prophets and able to protect the welfare of the human with guidance Nur divine. that is he the Caliph actual or can also as it was borne by a Guardian God selected (aulia / waliyullah). but in traditional art rapa'i dabus, the Caliph is the leader - responsible for the group dabus case of the things that are not desirable. start popularized

rapa'i dabus (language Aceh - daboih), is a dance kesaktian which tune most Acehnese South since the Netherlands come to Acehnese. usually performed in the event the crowd, wedding, circumcision apostles and night reception folk art in the anniversary of the independence of the Republic of indonesia

first, in tapaktuan at the beginning of the nineteenth century ad, art rapa'i dabus began competed between regions (kewedanaan) by Dutch government on the day anniversary of the birth of Queen wihelmina. in fact during the Sultan Iskandar young (1607 - 1636) art rapa'i dabus this is prohibited displayed. since that time of Sheikh abdurrauf (Shia Kuala) being advisors sulthan Iskandar young proscribe game rapa'i dabus this reason, in art rapa'i dabus there are some things in violation of Islamic law that kaffah, among others are:


a. see-nampakkan attitude takabbur (essentially of the word of God Almighty in a letter Inter alia-believers verse 72 which reads: fabik samast Wal mutakabbiriiin, meaning that: "the hell jahannam that's as bad as-a bad place for people who boasted (takabbur ') . image

breakfast. invite hubris / boasts themselves to the human (due to accidentally on display in the audience). Islam is prohibited adherents boasted because an excess of belonging, whereas the right to arrogant should only God. arrogant it is a shawl God could not be used by humans. when used also God will be angry and the wrath of as a threat him in the qur'an image

C.. invite attitude want to compete, competing to beat the advantages and kesaktian opponents. then given the opportunity to cheat (treacherous) to the opponent in berdabus. so often participants rapa'i dabus wounded covered blood (be a victim of cheating opponents) . image

D. doubt member (participants) rapa'i dabus not able to be tawaduk and posts' (humble) in the Association of everyday and do not like see-nampakkan (make much of) miracle / immune anywhere. in fact the attitude of posts' and tawaduk and humble, patient, hide / conceal sanctity (if in rapa'i dabus called the Milky), and not Riya is the guidance of Islam kaffah. essentially is the word of God in a letter Inter alia ma'un paragraph 6 that reads:" alladziinahum yuraaa-UN ". means:" the people who do Riya ". the interpretation of this verse: Riya is to do something charity deeds not to find keridaan God but to find a compliment or Fame in the eyes of masyarakat.//// Hey. rapa'i dabus will finally invited hostility, because each party competing certainly would like more than his opponent; want more powerful, greater or want to be praised by the audience, which eventually if it is feel completely more will pinned sense ujub (admire the self), when is embedded in the heart of sense ujub, then arise sense degrading or underestimate the others. Islam never taught things like that. thus the basics of that's the Sheikh abdurrauf (Shia Kuala) proscribe game rapa'i dabus this on the Golden age of the Kingdom of sulthan Iskandar young image

way game rapa'i dabus in the game rapa'i dabus, in addition to use the musical instruments drum, it is also necessary tools sharp weapons, among others, namely:

a. fruit dabus
B reakfast. rencong sword
D. Cleaver Hey. dagger
F. cobblestone weighing 5 - 10 kg G. chain

H. iron per car I. saws chain-saw (tool loggers the base of the big tree). Arts rapa'i dabus played 20 -30 people with formation sitting circular, each holding a rapa'i (drums). this group led by a" the Caliph) the person who mastering the intricacies perdabusan, including the master of science immune / hold weapons tajam.
so sya'ir-sya'ir was sung, leader or one of the member dabus into the circle and greet (shake hands) with the Caliph as well as members of dabus being hit the drum one by one. then with sharp weapon in the hands, he did movements dance in the concentration of follow the rhythm of drum while listening prayers are believed to be in the heart. when the sound rapa'i has formations rumble, members holding sharp weapon began to jump while Bend-liukkan body while stabbed thighs, hand, stomach or kepalanya.

and even the player's very how dare shredding his tongue and slitting his neck own even gouging seeds his eyes with a knife edge or rencong in his hand. all that he did happen in the Milky; the thighs, stomach, hand ditikamnya it resistant stabbing or not injured at all. even machete sharp deliberately digorokkan neck other members, but also the immune and even looked rencong, knife or sharp weapon other it looked bent and broken when dihantamkan happiness body mereka. image

ithat's when interesting and he exclaimed game rapa'i dabus this. there is also the Caliph and a member dabus beratkrasi entwine chain hot iron was flushed neck, agency or to waist them. there is also the game beat yourself with chain straight to the head and danced in bloh apui (unggunan fire), or attributing cobblestone weighing 5- 10 kg to top of the head. or Bend the iron per to broken by hand. as well as sawing stomach them with chain-saw. in conclusion, all things to do they do not follow by sharp objects or immune of punch and waves heavy objects though.

among members rapa'i dabus, because this art is performances kesaktian, then each they are very emphasized that do not arrogant and proud to anyone and don't exist intention-intention certain (derogative). if this taboo violated, then on self-member rapa'i dabus will happen Mala disastrous, he could fell covered blood with cuts deep due to stab her own. or will hurt at certain times and all the science of immune who believes will siRNA instantly with things trivial. because that Akbar (large) is a God, nonhuman!

there are 2 (two) type of art rapa'i dabus known in Aceh South: the dabus rapai ngadap the art dabus only using musical instruments rapa'i without dhikr. event this art commonly performed on the night Friday in meunasah (Hall meeting of the village). the second dabus rapa'i ordinary the art dabus shown as entertainment the celebration, warning and events lainnya.
are people who are immune sharp weapon or bullets are everywhere because they are practicing the science of immune with reviewing the origin of iron or the origin of other things, even they know the origin of something objects in fact is believed to be something objects that have a life. well with expressed the origin of the object in the reading of prayer or spells, the object obedient and subject to the person, then that's the thing that could be bent, broken or broken - according to the willingness people memerintahkan.

logic is indeed the Prophet Adam Allah entrust mandate to master the names of objects in the world's not to Angel or the Devil, even the Devil himself told to bow to the Prophet Adam, but the Devil rebel until the last day. while Prophet Adam with his descendants entrusted by God to be the Caliph (leader) in the Earth with words his many encountered in Scripture Inter alia qur'anul Karim. ////// then to delve history that was born science immune and diamalkan by people with the aim as tangkal body in the face of beasts and sharp objects - of course everything that after the permission and fall of Allah. because all the science of origin is from Allah - including science berdebus. in the Colonial period science this simply be used as the ordnance face of the enemy in Meda laga. image

as to know the believers-mukminat the practice of science immune he always obey and humble, patient and suit hurt feelings fellow Muslim, each actions sincere and stanch / istiqamah establishment not proud, not arrogant, fun and takbur.

if any already RIA, they quickly please pardon to reproduce istighfar and dhikr. as for a practicing the science of immune is very scared to death in a state of the heart is assumptive and ujub! precisely each seconds they always pray please pardon to God Azza WhatsApp jalla controls all power! aamiiin! *** (Darul qutni ch Secretary komnas-Wi Aceh South)

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