The Truth About Alex Jones And InfoWars Being Banned

in dlive •  6 years ago 


In this video, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on Alex Jones and Infowars being banned on social media.

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I was really hoping for Youtube to make a stupid move like this, and they did not disappoint. Now I know the future of Steemit is very bright. Just imagine how crazy things will get into the next election! ;-)



about time

This is very scary stuff. Pretty much all social media sites, even if some of them have stake holders (publicly traded), are private companies or corporations. Therefore; they can do what they like, but it is scary that these companies/corporations are censoring folks.

I am no fan of Alex Jones or InfoWars, yet I still believe he should not be censored.

I love Alex for so many reasons. I do not know how or why anybody would not be a fan. Alex promotes free markets. Are you against free markets?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well I am glad you do. Personally I think he is either an entertainer or a nut. Some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is about as crazy as what comes of of President Trump's mouth.

I am glad, for Alex's sake, that he has loyal fans like yourself. I just would watch his shows if I needed a laugh.

You hate Tommy Robinson?

For one, I don't know who Tommy Robinson is and for another; I don't hate anyone.

That google/China partnership for gaming search results is very interesting...stay tuned.


People say that it was unjustified for Alex to be kicked off but they are totally ignoring Alex's past on all those sites... He has been warned, not once... Not three times... But over 5 times throughout the course of his career on YouTube and Facebook. He deliberately broke the rules and is now claiming censorship... Thats really disingenous. There is plenty wrong with businesses unjustly supressing free speech but likewise there is plenty wrong when someone plays victim even though they have been warned for years.

What did Alex do? Whatever you say he did, he did not do or say. Some people believe in the lies about Alex Jones by the same people who lie about Trump and Tommy Robinson and Assange and Drudge and others.

Ive seen Alex Jones, i watched his shows and have been subscribred to his network. In all honesty, other than the entertaining whacked out conspiracies that may or may not be true, the man is vile and slanders people and smears their reputations. Dont say he has never done this.. Cuz bullshit.

You hate Tommy Robinson and @Cernovich and @Stefan.Molyneux and Joy Villa and Drudge and Wikileaks and you want government to get bigger and bigger?

Why is it I wonder, whenever someone disagrees with another they are accused of hating them?

I have never made the statement that, I hate someone. I have stated that I hate an action or an opinion. On the other hand I have heard Alex Jones say that he hated particular people. Not once, not twice, but many times.** Additionally, he has suggested violence towards groups of people.

I have many family members who are pro-Trump and very conservative in their world view to include being xenophobic, racist, and almost fascist in their ideology. I love them dearly, but despise their views.

Read up a little on American History and you will find that our founding fathers did not agree on many things. Shoot they were not perfect, just men. They did find ways to work together to form our Nation.

Hate of others is a product of ignorance. There is nothing wrong with having differences of opinion, but this constant talk of hating this one and that one is counter-productive and a large part of the problem in our world.

You are hateful even if you say you are not. You seem to be against Souza and Death of a Nation and Dummycrats. It seems that you want America to fall apart the same way Rome fell apart, like Europe is right now.

I am sorry that is your perception. Just because I do not agree with the policies of either the far-left or far-right you call me hateful. I guess you feel it necessary to place labels on folks and place them into your little political boxes. If you must, you may label me a Centrist, i.e., one who believes the only way to progress is to make compromises and hear out each side.

Yes, I can be hateful. Evidently you can be as well as your comments towards me I perceive as hateful and argumentative. That is fine. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Dan is not even talking to me right now. I try to tell Dan about certain people and things. Dan ignores over ten different points and things that I bring up. Dan pretends not to be hateful but is pretending to listen. Dan is not listening. Dan is either a bad person or a dumb person. Dan might be bad if he knows that I'm right in regards to Tommy and Gavin who was banned from Twitter for example. Dan might be dumb if he has no idea what I'm talking about in regards to Fair Use and Safe Harbor and other laws.

Those are all irrelevant, I'm talking about Alex Jones. Jones wants the government to get bigger on the border, in airport security, on vetting and immigration..

You want America to fall like Rome and you want to live in Venezuela?

What almost everyone is forgetting and nobody is addressing though is the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.

I've just made a post explaining what it is and what we can do about it:

Mass Censorship: The Real Root of the Problem...(and what to do about it)


The video is very telling in the fact that Luke starts out by introducing the fact that he and Alex had worked together and apparently had a falling out so deep that they have not spoken in 7-8 years. Yet Luke is standing up for (Jones') right to free speech as we all must! It reminds me of the famous but variously attributed quote: “I wholly disapprove of what you say and will defend to the death your right to say it” (see for attribution to Voltaire or Evelyn Beatrice Hall).

Yes, they're going after all of us.

Censorship of speech inevitably leads to violence. Have they finally devised/implemented a plan to tear the country apart? Is this just the beginning?

That is why we must continue to do all we can to counter the left more and more before it is too late because we are all Alex and Tommy Robinson and Assange and others.

love Alex Jones

Time for Jones and crew to get on steemit/dTube/dLive.

I have already sent Alex Jones and invite via Twitter.

#benshapiro #falseflag doesn't mean fake. It just means that the hygaleun dialectic was used to control the narrative in order to push an agenda.

Thanks for sharing this information @lukewearechange. The Steem blockchain should be a safe place to share content with no risk of deletion.

There is a lot of stuff about InfoWars I don't like but this ban is ridiculous and I am sure this will be used as precedent to ban other content. Alex Jones is welcome to join Steem.

Unfortunately dTube and dLive are terrible video hosts compared to YouTube. It just took me over 20 minutes to watch the first 1 minute of your video. They really need to improve their sites. That's the only way to get the masses off YT and onto the blockchain. I don't watch videos on STEEM because I can't.

yeah i dont get why it doesnt just play the video at a super low quality so that we can get the audio information.. videos are all HD and take up too much space

Why is pork bologna so much cheaper than beef bologns?

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for doing this video Luke! Wish I could have driven up to Portland to meet you, Dan Dicks and Tim Pool. :) Keep up the great work!


@lukewearechange are doing a great job. You are wise to support this content.

Thanks for this video of free speech.

I can't stand Alex Nutty Jones

And that means what exactly? Other than you "can't stand the "nutty" Alex Jones".

I love Alex.

is Alex Jones so upsetting that 2 million of his subscribers should be denied access to his content overnight? Honestly... What really is the harm...

hatespeech is compelled speech dressed up as compassion - people who are offended by sounds dictate you not to use these sounds, because you might prove they are incorrect and they want to always win their "argument" by being a righteous victim. Why have a discussion? Why have freedom of speech or expression if you can decide to be offended, never raise above your limits and stay a dumb bigot in your mediocre comfort zone. Why would anyone decide for me what I want to hear?

"I order you to not use words because I don't like when you prove with words that I am incorrect and I don't have an argument to prove you wrong with words, so I start swinging and sending political mercenaries to threaten you death and initiate violence.
You shall never speak again, because I choose to get offended by everything, because it is my moral victory and I am smarter and more civilized than you and win every argument.
I will never face my limits now, so I will never learn and continue being useless and dependent on my masters deciding for me. You are oppressing me with truth, so truth becomes hate speech."

You have to give credit to the masters, right? How well designed it is. How ingeniously they manipulate idiots with emotions. Still after at least 10K years of rabid ape circus, there are enough retards to fall for this shit of dividing the sheeple over and over again...

Why would anyone get offended by sounds? Buy earplugs FFS and crawl back to your mediocre comfort zone! :D

I was a subject of mainstream media abuse a week ago. They motivated the hell out of me to sacrifice my life to fight for justice and freedom... not that I wasn't before...

I want to make it as public as I can. Otherwise I will be silenced. Please help me spread it. I don't want a penny for it. Just trying to help this paradigm shift. I just want to help freedom.

didnt know you had beef with jones

thx for the fair assessment of the case