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It really is hard to have a one way love, there must be aa proper communication between lovers or conflicts will arise in the relationship.

Am a relationship therapist i know i can help do i apply?


This is a common situation happening nowadays. We probably expect too much from something that might not be worth it. Self love is one thing everyone should posses.
Love rightly and live rightly.....

Am am emotional intelligence teacher, how do i apply?

Wow!! Love is not force

Love is the secret killer of heart. It comes with beauty and it easily end with odd result. Thanks for sharinh

sorry, I'm an artificial intelligence teacher, lol. Anyway, I'd say love is "wicked"

Let's chat on discord

love is good for health.

Love this and having a few family members that are diabetic, it is so true that foods make all the difference! They can keep their body very stable just by making sure they eat healthy whole foods! Their goal is to decrease the amount of insulin they put into their body and when they eat right they can decrease the number of shots a day from 3 to only 1!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really love is a big factor of life. And better understanding each to other is the part of the good love.

If it is not meant to be it is not meant to be - we have an expression - every pot has a lid that fits - so if he is not that into you, first of all his loss and secondly not your 'lid'

hahah that will happen always : )

Well we all do have different feelings and the way of understanding them !

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I am a love doctor

You? I haf faint 😂

Through me,in me any love story is the thing of the past

@ogoowinner I think 92.3fm will do.
The O.A.P's are awesome

Sin duda, la comunicación es vital en una relación, pero muchas veces el silencio dice mas, que mil palabras, de allí la necesidad de darnos la tarea de conocer a nuestra pareja y ponernos en su lugar, pues, es un ser autónomo que vive, piensa y siente, no es una extensión de nadie, aun ni de sus propios padres, pues si queremos que nuestros hijos sean personas independientes y capaces de tomar decisiones, los debemos enseñara a respetar la decisión del prójimo

Butterfly feelings are shortlived

My dear, unrequited love is deep-burning and painful , the best thing to do in this instance is to walk away before your heart is completely wrecked. For your own good, walk away!