Force in Nature

in dna •  8 years ago  (edited)

I have this notion that many people misconceive they’re own natural instincts. There are little clicks and tweaks, alerted feelings that go off in the body and mind and are usually what we call “red flags,” where you suddenly feel like there is something important to consider.

We are a large society grouped in, and forced to live by law and rule (America is only 300 years old), we create this natural suppression against the "red flags." We force our minds onto a narrow path and let these bad feelings live with us. I’m talking about when you see someone struggling, poor, or homeless, and you feel like it's the norm. "Dog eat dog world". Somewhere deep down in your gut, you're telling yourself that there is something "wrong" with that.

Nature knows what it is doing, or you could also say, it’s been doing it for trillions of years since life developed on this planet. The way our bodies are in-tuned with nature, we have this sense of the world, natural law.

Deep down everyone should know that we are not citizens who live in a country, and handle money as some kind of power. We are highly intellectual animals on a planet of other animals. Just for a moment, take yourself out of the perspective of the 9-5 world, and just think of people as animals.

All animals (including humans) have built in "memory" through our DNA. This is what helps each animal understand what it needs (body and mind), in order to keep the body of cells working. Because that’s all we are, just body of cells instinctively held together by some self-understanding of DNA. You can witness how this body of cells can goes wrong, when DNA gets mutated and people grow tumors or experience other genetic disorders such as elephantiasis. Our DNA memory is in complete control of our growth. However, I do believe, with good evidence, that at some point in our lives, we become CEO of our own biological cell building. You become actively in control of your body, in control of re-writing your DNA.

As CEO of your cell-body, you are responsible to influence muscle growth, tendon strength, nutrient intake, motor functions, and several straight forward mental functions, and above all are responsible for the emotional state in which the body functions. You are also in charge of writing your experiences into your DNA replicas, i.e. egg or sperm. So imagine that you are sitting in your office (the brain), constantly sending faxes, files, and, emails throughout your body. Everything is being processed and recorded into your DNA, slowly over time (epigenetics).

So to get to the point, humans have been doing this for over a million years of basic evolution. What we have written into us, from the start, are the Laws of Life! The basic principles of understanding, for what it takes each creature to understand up from down, left from right, colors, sounds, smells. All these things that you take for granted everyday are instinctively designed from our built in memory, so that from your first breath, we can interact with this world around us, using your ever present, cell-body.

As you've probably heard, evolution works in such a way, that only traits that allowed for better living are passed on through to the offspring. However, I must argue that I believe evolution is by design, by the controller of the cell-body (you). The body through out it's life-span is experiencing several emotions during each cellular division (mitosis). Each time a strand of DNA is divided, small changes occur given the mood and state of health, that the creature is experiencing during the mitosis.

Now, you should know that mitosis happens everyday, faster or slower depending on the cell type, and that it is recording everything you’re going through as it replicates it's nucleus (where the DNA sits in the cell). From this, you must realize that you are in complete control of your body, complete control of your mood, and in complete control of your evolution.

One life-span is evolution in real-time.

Not only will your offspring be healthier if YOU live a better life, but in the mean time, you can create a structure that experiences the most happiness and health for the benefit of the mind. This is completely possible, and all it starts with is thought.
Just simple, power of thought.
Just by thinking "good thoughts."

If this has interested you, please check out: Thomas Troward and his writings, the "Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science. 1904"

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