Bush's doctor has died

in doctor •  7 years ago 

Marks-wikeness.jpgThe United States shot a young man who died in Texas Former President George HW Bush's physician and cardiologist Mark W. hausaneka (65). The incident took place near the Texas Medical Center in Houston on Friday local time. At that time the doctor was driving the bike. Police arrested the killer youth.

Houston Assistant Police Chief Troy Finner said Mark Hausanne was cycling in the northern part of Texas Medical Center on Saturday. At that time a young man from the opposite direction shot him. Immediately after taking Mark to a local hospital, duty doctors declared him dead.

Eyewitnesses said the accused youth wearing light brown (tan color) colored basketball hat, jacket and khaki-colored pants. He was driving a bike.

In a statement, the next Bush spokesman Jim Magre said in a statement that the former President Shokhata, he expressed his sympathy to the family of the dead.

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