Many restaurants work very hard for years and spend thousands of Dollars on marketing all in an effort to grab that coveted number one rated spot on sites like TripAdvisor and/or Yelp.
This story is about some average British dude who turned his cluttered backyard into TripAdisors #1 rated restaurant through sheer trickery and persistance.
The guy featured in this documentary used to write reviews for restaurants and businesses as a profession. He decided to take on the challenge to run a prank to get his backyard listed as TripAdvisors number one ranked restaurant.
This guy was surely committed to this prank as it took him over six months to pull this off and claim the #1 spot, the funniest thing about this whole story is the restaurant never even existed, it was all fake. He initially enlisted friends to write fake reviews, that got more people wanting to attend the restaurant, however since it didn't actually exist he had to turn everyone down. This wound up driving the demand through the roof because nobody could get a table. Celebrities, movie producers, and TV executives were all clammering to get in.
Then one day he decided to actually open up his backyard and serve his customers microwave meals and to his and everyone else's surprise, they loved it.