The Wam | 'Seeing Allred' | your Netflix documentary for tonight

in documentary •  7 years ago  (edited)

Warning: this documentary contains strong language...against the unequal treatment of women, especially pertaining to sexual abuse in the media and business industries.

'Seeing Allred' is a documentary that consolidates and clarifies some of the scandals which have come to light in the media, through the powerful and personal story of the woman who brought it to the fore, Gloria Allred.

For those who feel uncomfortable watching a strong woman shamelessly stick it to the (metaphorical and literal) man - whilst kicking arse left, right and centre - this documentary won't interest you, but it probably means you need to watch it the most.


In defence of a 'celebrity scandal chaser'

"Wherever and whenever something bizarre or perverse or just plain gossipy hits America's front pages, Allred is never far behind, snapping up clients and holding news conferences." Source

Now a famous lawyer who's clients include the family of Nicole Simpson during O.J. Simpson's murder case and the women who came forward against Bill Cosby for sexual assault, her high profile lawsuits against very rich and powerful men have come at a price.

She has often been lambasted as a feminist crusader who loves the spotlight, and descriptions such as: "famed feminist attorney and celebrity scandal chaser" Source have followed her throughout her career.

This is in part due to the cases she is known for, the very public press conferences she holds, as well as her practice of inviting the media to demonstrations. But this documentary delves deeper into her motivations.

The women who spoke about sexual assault at the hands of Bill Cosby. Source

Having survived a rape and a backstreet abortion, she became an activist and a lawyer who carved a niche for herself simply by helping the people who she thought needed it most - women who had been wronged but didn't have a voice.

Thus, what the media often misrepresent as a need for attention is actually a well-known activist tactic: spread the message as far as possible, to the biggest audience possible. And why not use the media? Most people in this day and age have become disillusioned by the media. Just look up the term 'hypernormalisation' (originally coined in 2006 by Alexei Yurchak), or watch the documentary by Adam Curtis of the same name.

As for the criticism that she hunts for scandals surrounding powerful men, ending with very large payouts for her? First, bear in mind the great power imbalance between the women she represents and the men in question. Who else is going to fight these fights? Second, Allred states at the beginning of the documentary, power only understands power, and if that means she has to build a law firm from the ground up and become one of the most recognisable faces in law, then so be it.

Feminist: still a dirty word

A baseline definition* of feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. Thus, '[i]t is the theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes'Source and '[t]he advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.'Source**

Although a discussion on feminism is beyond the ambit of this post, its important to point out that despite being - or arguably due to being - in the fourth wave of feminism, many people still refuse to call themselves a feminist. And that's long as you've taken the time to be well informed and have a well-defined reason as to why you're not.

Or as Allred has stated in an interview, she knows younger or other powerful women do not necessarily identify themselves as feminists, '[b]ut my job isn’t to criticise them. You often find that something happens to a woman, and then she discovers she is a feminist. Younger women are socialised into thinking the prince will come, not realising he may not, or he may turn out to be a frog.'Source

Until next time,

*See the works of Nancy Fraser and Iris Marion Young for a more in-depth conceptualisation of feminism relating to fighting against 'structural injustice' in all forms of oppression and domination.

**Landon Montgomery provides a valuable caveat in this dictionary definition of feminism: 'The goal of the feminist movement, gender equality, could be more accurately defined as a movement of egalitarianism.'

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You didn't bring Fraser or Young into the debate? :p They define feminism as the fight against all forms of domination and oppression - like anarchism! But then that's how I define political ecology as well...that's why I prefer talking about gender equity when only discussing gender matters (and to talk about green politics when discussing only environmental matters). First it brings forth the distinction between equality and equity. Second, it prevents stupid groups like meninists from depicting gender as a zero-sum game.

Yes, Adam Curtis! Brings back memories hehe ;)

Yeah! Good point, thank you! I'm ashamed to say that its been too long since I read any of their work, or any academic work for that matter, hence the lack of referencing. I also refrained from getting into the intricacies of equality vs equity, intersectionality and domination for the sake of brevity/audience. But I shall do a quick edit to add your very valuable comment :D
Adam Curtis is da bomb haha xx

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'll have to get my wife on to this documentary. I don't think she's aware of it.

By the way, I've been assigned to you as your mentor - take a look at this post. So if you need any help, simply shoot me or @tubcat a message via discord or reply to one of our posts here on Steemit.

I'm sure we'll get to meet at the meet-up on the 25th of Feb as well which will be excellent.

Yeah as soon as I finished watching it, I knew more people needed to know about it.

Thank you for being one of my mentors! Feeling very lucky to be incorporated into the team officially and get expertise from you and @tubcat!

Can't wait to meet you! Love Lali xx

Team Australia is a very fun group to be a part of. Make sure you jump on discord when you have time. :)