Spook diary - New Year’s Eve

in dog •  7 years ago 

The question came up in our house... how much do you love the dog.


She’s a wonderful playful puppy of 6 months old and loves her toys to death, more often than not literally.
We bought her Christmas presents and to my husband’s dismay I insisted we wrap them up for her.
One of her Christmas presents was a chewy Chewbacca.

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I’ve called chewy chewie she loves this toy and often throws it at me while I’m busy crafting on the sofa. Sometimes she misses and throws it behind the sofa instead.

I see on New Year’s Eve, when we’re having a quiet night in because we’re rock and roll, that her new toy chewy chewie is having its stuffing removed by our loving dog.


I have to rescue this poor toy only days old and begin to sew its stuffing back in to give back to the dog, it’s wet, dripping wet when I grab it out of the mouth of Spook and she’s sat very patiently waiting for me to give her toy back. so I have no time to wait for it to dry, as she’d find where I would stash it and continue to love it to death.


So chewy chewie I’m sorry but you’ll have to last a little longer in the mouth of your loving owner.


So i have the answer to the question, I love our dog a lot and enough to sew a dripping wet chew toy back together in lightning speed so I don’t upset her any longer.

Photos uncredited are my own.

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I have done that for both kids and dogs! It's called unconditional love.

Dani knows this... I repaired her first ever teddybear more times than I can count... although, I don't recall ever repairing it while it was wet...

I remember my sons bring me things to be fixed that were wet with God knows what. Must be a boy thing...

I think you did when Nina chewed the nose off of it. I still have that teddy and it still looks like it had surgery.

Oh yes it is unconditional love but she gives it back too, just as much.

If not more...animals have an amazing capacity to love!

Nice dog🐶🐶🐶

Thank you

oh no Chewy!...kids will be kids .. I have been having trouble with my cats they destroy their toys, one even stole the dogs bed dragging it into the back room...visitors cringe when mow mow attacks the back of the couch like its some poor gazelle out on the African plains. Actually its my husband that cringes the most that cat scares the hell out of him and rightly so...lol

upvoted and resteemed

Ha that’s brilliant. My cat just ignores her toys so Spook gets them.

She really is an awesome puppy, and I can't imagine our family without her in it. Even though she kills toys, skirting boards, table legs, kids and kids' friends!

The kids friends are a bit of a problem but she tries to love them too.

She has a special licky, bouncy, kind of love for them :-D

We have the same problem with dog toys, they don't last so I cut the leg off old jeans and tie a knot in the middle for ours to play with a chew, a bit messy on bits of denim everywhere but lasts way longer than bought toys.

That sounds like a cracking idea I’ll have to try that thank you.

Your love for your puppy is amazing. Feeling sorry for chewy Chewbacca but its a playful thing:)

I’ll get more toys for her one day

Spook is absolutely adorable; and I laughed at the sewing a soaking wet chew toy with lightning speed ... I remember doing that years ago as well.

Thomas Cat doesn't play much (he's 14 years old), but he has a very bedraggled-looking hedgehog that you fill with catnip that he loves. He's loved it so much that the velcro no longer closes where you put the catnip in, the 'fur' looks like something that got buried and then dug up again, and the poor thing is now completely flat ... but don't ever try to take Thomas's hedgehog away from him! LOL.

i used to have a real hodgeheg Purdy our cat tried to play with him once but got spiked

LOL! I guess they only try that one once! I think hedgehogs are cute. :)

Hassle (Dani's African pygmy hedgehog) was cute. He effectively was the start of Dani and me living together as he moved in first. I used to love watching him run on his wheel. Sadly he passed away a couple of years ago, they don't live long. Quite heart breaking when we had to let him go.

Aww, poor thing, that would be heart-breaking. Our fur-babies are a part of our family, and I believe we depend on them as much as they depend on us. I'm so glad he was loved and had a good life with you two.

Your dog is very nice.

Thank you

I bet that toy smells lovely ;D

Yes .. I agree with @ opheliafu .. in addition to camistri between him and his master.

Oh yes it does

The favorite animal is longing when he is far out of sight