Move Over John Mcafee, The Dollar Vigilante Injects Stem Cells Into His IckD - OMG!! [life] [blog]

in dollarvigilante •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Junk Full of Stem Cells?

If you have been in the cryptocurrency World for more than a few months, you will have undoubtedly heard of John Mcafee and his foray in the cryptocurrency world. Once upon a time, Mcafee was the owner/founder of the company that owned the Mcafee Antivirus software that many computers had pre-installed back in the early days of the Internet, making him a very rich person. John Mcafee eventually sold his business and moved to Central America. It seemed that John had ridden off into the sunset to live his dreams, never to be heard from again.

Wrong, oh so wrong.

After years under the radar and out of the news, Mcafee could not or would no go quietly. He was accused rape and murder, eventually faking a heart attack in order to escape or flee the country of Belize. He eventually made his way back to the United States of America.

While at first he was not a cryptocurrency fan, he eventually came around, and even became a somewhat Crypto-Celebrity to many crypto-enthusiasts around the World. Mcafee's outrageousness on Twitter gained him many fans as well as haters. Nonetheless, he continued in his support of Bitcoin, eventually predicting a price of $1 Million US Dollars by the end of 2020 or he will eat his own ICKD. His Words Exactly.

He has since kind of wavered on his statement, because with the current price of Bitcoin at around $10,000 US, he is far shy of $1 Million. As crazy and far out as John Mcafee can be, I am sure a mouthful of his own stuff would probably be difficult unless he is some sort of Yoga master, and would undoubtedly be an unpleasant experience even if he were flexible enough. Of course there is no one to hold him to his promise other than himself, and yet I surely do hope for a $1 Million Dollar Bitcoin only because Mcafee is crazy enough where he might surprise everyone and follow through with his promise of stuffing his junk into his mouth.

And now here is where Steem's very own @dollarvigilante 's Jeff Berwick comes in and pushes Mcafee over to the side with his latest video and shall I say, exploit?

I, like many older Steemians I am sure, where pretty excited to see Jeff join the Steem Community. I bet he was too with all the massive payouts he was getting back then. Unfortunately the honey moon didn't last too long, for Jeff is an investor, and Steem was just another money maker for him. He cashed out big time, as many others did too, and then slowly meandered away from the platform. He still maintains a small Steem presence posting occasionally here and there on the Steem Blockchain.

One thing about Jeff is that he has been a very savvy investor. Whether making moves into an investment vehicle or out of one, he has done so with an uncanny knack for timing it correctly. That is why when I occasionally run across one of his videos, I try to see and listen to what he has to say. This last video being no exception.

The title of his last video, "Bank of England Governor Admits the Dollar System is Dying and Wants a Global Currency" will surely grab the attention of many Bitcoin and cryptocurrency fans the World over. It grabbed my attention enough for me to watch the whole video, even after hearing the first few opening lines of the video where he explains why he is in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. He kind of smirked and laughed after saying this, then immediately proceeded to talk about the central banks and the Federal Reserve.

I dismissed the opening lines until maybe three quarters of the way into the video he then talks about why he is in Puerto Vallarta, and repeats what he said in his opening statement. He then cuts to a short clip where he is on a gurney, arms behind his head, and a blurred squared where his junk would be.
At this point it appears a doctors picks up his unit, sticks a needle into it, Jeff jerks a little and with that, Jeff usurps John Mcafee with a stiffy full of Stem Cells.

It is a strange World we live in my friends.

Here is a link to the video if you care or dare (it is safe for work).....

The Stem Cell Shot in the IckD

+++ @streetstyle

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Oye que increíble, me pregunto hasta dónde llegará el ser humano? , saludos mi estimado, @streetstyle y gracias por compartir.

Used to follow his vids! I never imagine he could be so crazy! LoL

I never miss a @dollarvigilante video

Posted using Partiko iOS

I stopped following after his departure (some might call it rape) from the Steem platform with only the occasional glance at his videos. I did notice that he was more physically fit, and in his recent video he does mention steroid use, which would account for his new found bulkiness ( a la Dave Chapelle?).
His face also looks weird, and it isn't the beard. When he talks his facial features seem stiff or plastic like.... botox??
Anyhow, now his latest foray is Stem Cell therapy in his junk.... He is going to keep us posted on its efficacy.

Lol. He is going through another midlife crises. Been playing with hair dye as well. He doesn’t look as healthy lately. He has the bloated steroid look and his face almost looks like he has had plastic surgery, but it’s probably Botox.

I’m worried about that ass as well with all that ass play with daily coffee enemas.

I don’t think I could ever remove my @dollarvigilante alerts. Jeff and John are on my meet and have a drink with Bucket List

Posted using Partiko iOS

The Mayans used to get drunk with Alcohol enemas supposedly in order to hallucinate without the Jeff is into Coffee enemas?

And yeah, those two would make for some interesting conversation should you ever meet them. Take care @runridefly Glad to see things chugging along.

Aqui mi visita @streestyle,que tenga un buen inicio de semana,la imaden me sorprendio,! Espero y confio en el exito de spud5,gracias por todo,

No se si leyo el articulo, pero este hombre famoso en el mundo de cryptomonedas puso un video hablando de la economia y entre todo eso platico de su experiencia en Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Hasta puso una breve parte de su experiencia en el video....menosmal que esta alterado para que no se viera su parte privadad.... pero le inyectaron Celulas Madres en su miembro masculino!! Increible las cosas que la gente hace en este mundo! Disculpe si se ofendio.

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