Recent Developments - Week 50

in domains •  6 years ago 


Week 50 (August 2019)

Welcome to Recent Developments. In this series I post about domain names that sold recently and have since become developed into an actual website. In other words, this is a focus on end user sales and what they are doing with their recent domain purchase!

End user info in the domain name industry can be extremely valuable. You can learn a lot from this type of data, because it shows you what an end user price was for a particular domain name. Hopefully you can apply that knowledge to your own domain investing both on the buy as well as the sale side. If you know what people are willing to pay for a domain it can help you price your domains right to sell.

On top of all that, it's fun to see what's new on the web!

Domains Recently Developed

Three more sites today to highlight on recent developments. Today all 3 sites sold last month (July) and all of them sold in the 4 figures range.

Anyway, let's get to this post...

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The first domain is This domain sold for $7,099 at NameJet on July 4th, 2019. According to their site,

eXtropia is an open source resource for web application development.

It's definitely a brandable name. I like it, but not enough to pay 4 figures for it.

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Next we have This domain sold for $2,062 dollars at DropCatch on July 4th, 2019. It looks like the site is selling car and vehicle GPS tracking devices.

I like this domain. It's a good keyword phrase, the two words go together well. Solid name and is probably worth about what they paid for it, if not a bit more.

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Finally, we have This domain sold for $4,512 dollars at Sedo on July 1st, 2019. Currently, the domain forwards to which is a digital marketing agency in Germany.

This purchase makes sense and is a solid global brand upgrade for this company. It's a good domain. It's short, only 4 letters long and it's pronounceable. These LLLL.coms are worth money right now. Nice upgrade for the buyer.

Well, that concludes this edition of Recent Developments.

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