Inquiring Minds Want To Know More: My Three Questions To Donald Marshall

in donaldmarshall •  7 years ago  (edited)

Image Source- Pexels

Right now in the quest to find out the truth about Donald Marshall, the Illuminati, human cloning and Vril has more unanswered questions than real answers. I've been reading almost all the daily posts about DM and the topics @fulltimegeek has asked for more information on and more exposure of on steemit this week and have found quite a few people stating clearly until they can speak with DM, get some new updates on his experience and/or clarify some potential holes in his claim of being cloned, tortured and abused that they (the steemians) are taking a break from writing about the topic(s).

Now me being me... I am like a dog with a bone. I just won't let go.

I have had numerous visits to my previous blogs about DM; from both sides of the aisle (so to speak) and all have been pleasant conversations. And I thank you all for that

Today I want to put it out there to DM. What are the three questions I would ask you if I had the opportunity to talk to you personally for an interview. So let's get to it.

The Three Questions

Number One

This is a two-fold question regarding the members and the facility where you were.

Aside from the obvious famous people, politicians and other mentioned members of the Illuminati (ones that have already been mentioned online and suspected of connection to the secret society), who did you see during your stay at the facility that would shock the general public the most?

Obviously in your Facebook confession posts from December 2, 2011, you mentioned the following:

  • Queen Elizabeth
  • Philip- Duke of Edinburgh
  • Prince Charles
  • Bernie Mac
  • Troy Landry (Swamp People)
  • Kurt Russell
  • Mila Kunitz

Just to name a few... but what other famous elites were there? That you heard whispered about?

I'm not saying we want the shock factor, but give us a name of someone we would NEVER, EVER in a million years suspect. Let us into this world.

So many people, whether concerned people or researchers, are wondering why there have been no solid or concrete posts lately. They are trying to connect the dots, attempting to figure out connections of human cloning to the Illuminati as well as possibly wanting to help you in this situation. But they are unable to further their investigation because with your silence, they have nothing.

Where was the facility located? Which continent? Country? Did you happen to see any specific landmark, structure that would give away a location? What about non-famous people, did they have an accent that would give a hint?

There has to be something you remember from your stay at the facility that can be a clue. Any sound that takes you back to that place. You know how song recognition can mentally transport a person back to a specific time in their life. (ie. Every time I hear the theme song from The Breakfast Club - Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds - I am taken back to my senior year of high school and driving down a stretch of highway in my VW Beetle singing with my best friend Debbie)

There has to be something, no matter how minuscule it may seem, that can give you an idea of where you were.

Number Two

Also in your Facebook confession, you mentioned this...

My EMAIL ADDRESS IS - [email protected] Message me please and I will tell you where I am and will tell everything in person on camera, will take lie detector tests myself and I have proof this is real... I will be tortured there badly for sending you this, I might die for blanketing the world with this message THIS IS NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORY,... it's simply what is happening. What you are looking at right now is the most important document that has ever been put on the internet

So my next question is this... back in December of 2011, you were more than willing to talk, share your story (on camera even) and swear to be telling the truth; even to go as far as taking a lie detector test. So why is there nothing new online from you? Why has the trail of your confession gone cold? What has changed to stop or prevent you from speaking out more?

There has to be a Part 3 you can share. Two notes/messages/confessions, seem a little too... little. With this horrific tale of torture, abuse and possibly exposing the bad guys, you must have more to share. Right?

To appease those wanting to help you or trying to investigate this situation, will we be reading a part three some day?

Why have you gone silent about this?

Number Three

I do cloning of cannabis and know the basics of cloning these plants. When you propagate from the mother plant you are getting an identical genetic or mirror image of characteristics transferred to the clone

Image Source- Pexels
So, my final question is this...
When did the cloning process take place? Do you remember it? Are you and your clone, a mirror image of each other? Personality traits? Are they similar? Share who you are... share the differences.

Now, I am not sure if human cloning versus plant cloning (propagation) is the same or not as I am not a scientist or of any science background. Any one who does know the difference, please feel free to share in the comments section.

Disclaimer- this post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged. All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.


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I decided to read Donald's original letter to the public. I sure didn't sleep well last night as it got my mind wondering about it all.

It's one thing to read about one terrible act in the news but to see so many of the stories you have heard mention of or followed over the years documented like this and put into a whole new context ... It makes me glad I am hidden away on a homestead.

We don't watch television (and haven't for 15 years) because we feel it is "programmed messaging" and brain washing. Donald said: " they made the movie "The Island" and "Inception" about this subject. They think they're very sly and untouchable." I have felt this way about a lot of movies.

Also makes you think about the "me too" movement. With all these celebrities and politicians being required to sell or compromise themselves for fame and position... and those doing it are seemingly powerful/untouchable enough to get away with it for DECADES!Make you wonder why they aren't getting away with it anymore? Why all of a sudden it's out in the open. Maybe there is a reason for this?

I remember years ago reading that Princess Diana said "they're not human" when talking about the Royal Family. I never doubted that she was murdered. It's such a haunting story.

Pickton. That story gives me nightmares. Murdering vulnerable women and feeding them to the pigs - such a horror factory. Did you know that there are well over 1200 missing/murdered aboriginal women in Canada over the past 30 years? There is a massive human trafficking ring ...not something that people associate Canada with ... but it's true.

Man, I really should not have read that document. It really got my mind thinking about events that bother me. I'm going to go cuddle some puppies and dig in the garden to shake this off.

Reading it or even watching some of the videos I watched all day yesterday had the same effect on me. It's worse than any horror movie in my mind.

Also makes you think about the "me too" movement. With all these celebrities and politicians being required to sell or compromise themselves for fame and position... and those doing it are seemingly powerful/untouchable enough to get away with it for DECADES!Make you wonder why they aren't getting away with it anymore? Why all of a sudden it's out in the open. Maybe there is a reason for this?

THIS (above) has really become quite a thing as of late in the media- especially since yesterday Bill Cosby was found guilty on three counts of sexual assault. Next up Harvey Weinstein... then who... will Roman Polansky be extradited back to the US for his indiscretions from decades ago? The Me-Too movement is great for women (and men) who were sexually assaulted (that in itself needs to end) but why all of a sudden have more and more stars been coming out decades later and pointing the finger? I understand it can be VERY difficult to talk about and you have mixed emotions about opening that old wound, but you are right... why now is coming forefront? What has happened behind the scenes?

I am waiting for the pizza-gate (child pedo ring) to come out finally. Is it real? I have the gut quivers it sadly is very real. We hear about more and more child pedo and huan trafficking rings being broken up and exposed- sad thing is.. you won't hear about it on MSM... you have to go deeper into the news media to find the stories.

Donald has seen EVERYONE at the cloning centers. If they are famous, powerful or ceo of some big corporation ... they are there. I doubt he's "shocked" by any of it.

Regarding cloning centers or D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases) locations ... The only person that I am aware of that was giving exact locations was whistle-blower Phil Schneider. His story does seem to corroborate with Donald's ...

Let's try to get people engaging on these blogs first before we try to get Donald on here. He's going through some difficult times right now and I'm guessing he needs his space. Let's just try to prove to him that we can get people discussing these topics in a civilized manner first. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to jump in the chat once he sees a lot of chatter.

Oh I agree with you 100% about getting more involvement for him to come speak. I wanted to let him know what people (that I have come across) are asking and questioning. More or less he would be getting some questions from me so he has the chance to preview what would be asked. Almost like a pre-interview questionnaire. And knowing that there is no way an ambush of harsh questions or antics that would discredit his story for others to hear.

As for friendly chat, conversation and interaction, I have had some great comments and back-and-forth with people coming to my previous posts and sharing his or her views, concerns (whether accepting DMs confession or not). Which I appreciate the maturity and engaging rebuttals.

I can appreciate needing space. I have decided to not contact DM via twitter for now as I know he knows I am here when and if he wants to speak.

Thanks for dropping this link... I'll be watching it over my lunch break.

there are many more who have been underground with empathic testing at the MC, for instance under denver. Cory and many others has spoken openly. what is the specific answers you are looking for? many of those who of thsoe who won or applied for your contest do not believe or follow these stories from the first leaks. There are many like myself who do believe, are empaths and have psychic abilities that know this info to be true. we see you are upvoting regurgitated questions and possible info, if you know DM is okay, then what is the true question?

There are many like myself who do believe, are empaths and have psychic abilities that know this info to be true


If that is true. This guy is a clone confirmed.

interesting thing, is that i had that feeling after i saw some recent posts he made on a different platform. that could be my instinct. so i did more research to get a better sense of things all day yesterday. there is so much hype about the witchery, spirt cooking , celebrity clones, half clone, spirit takers, half vril, part vril, etc., this all just started to get jumbled up in the messages being sent to me. overall my take is that there is a bit of truth in all of it but bits and pieces only. a lot is exaggerated, but a lot is true. that leaves us with no proof from anyone, most people who talk or want to talk killed/die or are cloned.

Ok... I am taking your post with an open-minded view. I have read it twice already and will be watching the D.U.M.B.- A.S.S. video next. This is quite a chuck to digest, but as I said... I am keeping an open mind.

The stories are certainly fascinating! I'm on the fence still on what all I believe. I definitely put nothing past our government and happy that more people are "waking up" though!

I still doubt it's authenticity but like I'vesaid before, it is very possible that human cloning has been going on for sometime now and we don't know anything about it

True things can be maneuvered, technologically enhanced, Photoshopped, etc to discredit authenticity but... even if someone has a slight doubt about something, you either tend to veer as complete opposition with full-fledged skepticism (due to fear, personal beliefs or being told something is not what it is) or you have to start questioning more aspects of what is real versus not.

I’m new to this conversation, but this post has definitely intrigued my curiosity. I always thought cloning was a myth or urban legend I’m definitely going to do some digging into this topic.

Ahhh, urban legends. Yes... what to believe and what not to believe.

For me this also is very intriguing. I have always read about the Illuminati, Freemasons, etc and the DM topic has me raising eyebrows in regards to... how can things like this, or even other topics, go on literally right in front of our faces and we are clueless.

If this is the truth... cloning is happening and has been... why don't the people who are behind the discovery share their scientific findings.
Maybe human cloning can help in an indirect way of battling or even curing cancer some way. Again, keep in mind I am not a scientific person- but if you can take healthy cells from a body and develop them to conquer the bad cancer cells... wouldn't that be worth sharing with the world?

Technology can be used for good or bad it depends on who’s using it and for what purpose. I personally feel that technology this powerful isn’t ready to be put out in the public because it’ll be abused.

Fear of death keeps you alive in a weird way. If people knew they could live recklessly an be cured it might lead to bad things.

It is a myth. For the sake of science fiction, if there are any human clones they are not older than 5 to 10 years old if that and likely suffer from many mental health risks due to the technology available at the time they were "made".

This guy must be in his late 30s, that would mean were talking about perfected cloning technology in 1989 when we cant clone a healthy damn sheep by 2000.