People think identity politics is about humans attacking humans.
Its kinda not.
Its aliens in society wanting society to bend to their identity.
Vril are A-sexual, other aliens who bodysnatch humans see humans more like the sims where biology is optional because how many examples In videogames have you seen where a man might choose to play as a woman or a woman choosing to play as a man?
Scale that up to a cosmic scale where humans are the simple sims and aliens are involved, the BS around this new arch of "feminist" shows is what you get.
Its That and the fact that china and russia (Both leaderships both down with aliens) are destabilizing the west and attacking the children of tomorrow with Bs propaganda today.
Cuz imagine, if youre a kid just starting out and all you see are these female driven shows that endorse not just usual homosexuality but that Sex itself is defined by what you have in your head rather than whats between your legs and there's 57 different "Genders" as they call em now, what are you supposed to think?
You think YOU had it bad growing up in the schools that tacitly indocrinated you into their way of thinking.. Just wait til' you see the adults over decades from now.
They're gonna be wayyyyyyyyyyyy more "Tolerant" of this crap and way more accepting of the new wave of crap thats gonna be pulled after that.
To the point where the whole South Park Mr garrison Mr slave teaching thing in front of 5th graders is gonna be seen as problematic and issue of the kids not being tolerant enough and the bdsm pervert teachers seen as the victimized class of brave and prideful people.
All this stuff in society is just to make it so that in future they can make the world reflect what goes on at the CC as if it were the same thing. To make it normal.
Cuz thats what perverts want because perverts rule the world.
And perverts are trying to introduce sexual content to children under the banner of tolerance and education.
I got off lucky being raised in the 90s and 2000s, growing up as a kid today must be fkin shite.
I was born the year Terminator 2 came out,
Kids today will be like "I was born when female ghostbusters and Batwoman were coming out"
Ew... just.. Ew.
And how long will it be after this that the Mr Slave will be Just above the then legal age of 11 age of consent
After, as a six year old he comes out and idenifties as a just past 11year old?
Thats Literally the kind of retardation you are only beginning to see be discussed in whispers and the voices arent getting quieter in fact they are being increasingly endorsed.
Don't give this shit an inch cuz im telling ya they are forcing it by miles.
to the point where even the batwoman show, one of the most propagandized things and the most disliked youtube trailer in history is STILL getting fucking backlash!
Did you see that fkin trailer!? My god.
Hysterical laughter
383,133 dislikes.
World is just a giant shitshow full of ideologies that seem to just wanna increase the fuckedupedness of humanity. Watch this to about the 2:20 mark, I guarantee you that last clip will jive with what i am trying to fuckin say....